𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟬

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I woke up the next morning feeling awake for once. I also noticed that I was wearing nothing but one of Sebastian's sleep shirts and my panties, assuming that Sebastian came in a changed me. The morning was a slow start. Since this wasn't our manor there wasn't much to do, plus I was still technically on leave until my powers came back so when I woke up, I stayed laying in bed reading a book and eating a couple of souls that I packed for the trip. It was a really relaxing morning. 'I guess I can count this as a vacation after all.'

Sometime later I heard a knock at the door. "Come in," I said reading the last bit of the chapter I was on until the person came into my room. When I looked up I see it was Sebastian. "Good morning," I said, bookmarking the page before closing the book. "Afternoon," he corrected. "What, really?" I said looking at the small clock on the wall. It was almost 2 in the afternoon. "Must be a good book," he said laying in bed next to me. "It is." Then we lay in bed, side by side, him looking at the ceiling and me just looking at him. It was hard reading his face since he had a blank look on his face which got me a little worried about what he was thinking.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. "No, just thinking," he said still looking at the ceiling. "About..." I said circling my hand in the air wanting him to elaborate. "About last night." I sit up on one of my elbows to look down at him with a confused look. "What happened last night?"

He then told me that before putting Ciel to bed, that Angila came into their room warning them that we should leave because of the demon hound. Outside their window, they saw a dog that was glowing green running into the village and killed someone. That the 'demon hound' punishes anyone that defies Henery's rules at night.

"Why didn't you wake me!" I exclaimed, hitting him with a pillow but he caught it with ease. "Because you needed your rest," he said setting the pillow down. "Well," I smiled. "As much as I adore you caring about my well-being, that sounded awesomeeee... I wish I was there even if it wasn't a real demon hound," I said folding my arms towards the end with a pout. He chuckled, raising his hand up to my cheek and caressing it with his thumb. I couldn't help but nuzzle more into his hand. "There will be other things happening," he said. "True."

"What are the others doing?" I asked. "There outside, moping around," he said and I chuckled. "No wonder, y'all lied to them about there being a resort and an amazing holiday vacation," I chuckled. "That was the young master, he said he wanted them out of the manor so they wouldn't destroy it while we were away. After coming back from Jack the Ripper the manor was a wreck," he said shaking his head. "I could imagine," I chuckled.

"But it's technically not a total loss," I said, my finger gravitating to his hair, brushing through it. "Hmm?" he hummed, closing his eyes and relaxing under my fingers. I smirked but continued talking. "That it's still a vacation, that huge creek by the village if you really look at it it's like a beach," I said. "You have a point maybe the others will like that idea," he said. He got up from the bed and looked back at me.

"I will go tell the others, why don't you get ready," he said, gently grabbing my chin with his cooled gloved hand, tilting my head up to him. "Ok," I said, smiling and looking at his lips. He closed the gap and we shared a quick kiss. "I will be back," he said breaking from the kiss. "Hmm," I hummed waiting to kiss him more. He quickly pecked my lips before leaving the room. I then got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

. . .

Since I wasn't going in the water I decide to wear a dress. It was a black dress with long bishop sleeves made of sheer and lacy fabric. The skirt part came to about my ankles and was also made of the same sheer and lace fabric of the sleeves. The hem of the skirt had a flowery lace as well as the chest area of the dress. I finished the look with some black flats. I put my hair up in a bun and did very minimal makeup. I packed a small bag with a book and my journal, a pencil, and some pieces of charcoal.

I opened the door of my room to see Sebastian there

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I opened the door of my room to see Sebastian there. "I was just about to knock to get you looking as beautiful as always," he said smirking, his eyes gazing me up a down. "Why thank you handsome." "Ready," he said having his arm out to me. I wrapped my arm around his and we walked down the halls of the manor to head to the creek. "I'm guessing they loved the idea," I asked. "Indeed, they jumped for joy at the idea," he said.

Once we arrived at the creek the other servants went to the changing rooms to get in their swimwear while me and Ciel found a spot to relax at. Sebastian set up a blanket and some chairs for us to sit and relax in.

The weather was a perfect day for a beach day. It was sunny but not too hot since there were a few clouds that would cover the sun every now and again. There was a breeze that was cool since we were near a body of water, which was refreshing.

The others changed and ran, splashed, and had a good time in the water. I looked to my side to see Ciel reading a book. I honestly thought he would at least put his toes in the water but no he was reading a book, much like me. "Don't you want to bathe with them, Ciel?" I quizzed. He didn't say nor moved unless it was to turn the page of his book. "Unless, can the young lord not-" "I don't see why they're making such a fuss about this little pound. Just because you can bathe doesn't make it a resort," he said interrupting me, making me chuckle.

"Such a dampener at your age," I said. From the corner of my eye, I could see Sebastian fighting to smile but miserably failing and turning his head away to laugh at my comment. "Call me what you want but you know I'm right, it's not a resort." "Okay... dampener," I teased and he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "You still intend to make this a resort then?" Sebastian questioned, now looking at us. "Naturally."

"What about 'The Great Demon Hound'?" I questioned, emphasizing the last part. "Surely you know as well as I do now, this Demon Hound is no dog," he said. "I know, I've had my fair share of demon hounds annoying and dumb creatures." "What about Kuro." "He is not a disgusting demon hound, Kuro is sweet and loving and adorable, not like a dumb demon hound who doesn't know their left from their right," I said in a matter-of-fact tone. After I said that, I saw Sebastian give an amusing smirk and silently chuckle.

After that, Ciel ordered Sebastian to go and find some evidence that this demon hound doesn't exist which sounded like fun, but I couldn't go along because I'm still recuperating from 'surgery'. "Have fun without me Sebby~" I teased, and tried a new nickname. He kind of glared at me but I didn't care cause his reaction was amusing. 'Oh, this nickname is going to stick.' "We will talk about this later," Sebastian said and I evilly smiled while waving my fingers for him to leave, which he did.

I couldn't help but chuckle, thinking of Sebastian's reaction, while opening my book. "You know he's going to hate that nickname," Ciel said reading his book. "I know." "Hmm," he hummed, a small amusing smile adorned his lips. I think Ciel likes the new nickname too.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now