𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟮

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I woke up the next morning at around 8, in bed by myself, which is normal since Sebastian has to help Ciel wake up, but I felt awake. I took a quick shower and put on a red button-up blouse, a long black flowy skirt, and some cute black ankle heels. I undid my braid and fluffed my hair out for a braid out, did some simple eyeliner and put some lipgloss on, and headed down to the kitchen where the others were.

"Good morning everyone," I said cheerily seeing everyone sitting at the table. "Good morning, [Name] don't you look lovely today, yes you do," Mey-rin said, smiling. "Yeah you do look pretty today... not that you don't look pretty every day I-" Brad said blushing like a madman, but I cut him off knowing what he meant. "Thank you for the compliment guys," I said smiling.

"Oh, are you all right? You look so pale," Angila said looking at Finny. I didn't even realize he was in the room, I'm so used to him being loud and bright like the sun he is, but he looked off like he was in a different gloomy world.

"Oh I'm sick, it's a tiny little touch of the cold nothing more, but you shouldn't get too close or you might catch it! Sorry bye!" Finny screamed and ran away outside the door like Angila was the plague herself. We stared out the door seeing Finny kicking the dirt while running into the woods. "For a sick bloke, he sure can run quickly," Bard commented. "Hmm. Um, Mey-rin can you go and check on him," I asked. "Yes ma'am," she said and got up jogging after him.

Sebastian then came into the kitchen saying that breakfast was ready and we went to the dining hall where Ciel was eating at. Angila didn't join us, said that she wanted to get some herbs to help Finny with whatever sickness he had. Then Mey-rin and Finny came running into the room. "Sebastian Hurry!" Mey-rin shouted. "What's the matter this time? Do calm down, please," he sighed.

"We've looked all over, but we can't find Angila!," Finny said. "Oh, is that all it? Yeah, don't worry about it. She said there were some medicinal herbs growing down by the fen, she went there to go pick some up, that's all," Bard informed them

"Right now? Why would she?" Finny questioned. "She went all alone when there might be a demon hound out there?" Mey-rin screamed worried. "Oh hell!" Bard stammered. "What was she thinking..."

"Of you. She was worried about you being sick and all," I said, knowing he would be happy. I noticed how much he was swooning over Angila, ever since we got to the manor. He started blushing but ran in the other direction and out the door, to find where Angila went. Bard went to follow Finny but not without going off on Sebastian not following them to find Angila, but the four went off to find Angila. Then it was just me, Sebastian, and Ciel.

"You know, I'm quite interested, what color is your blood?" Ciel asked. 'Red almost black but taste quite good,' I thought, feeling chills up my body and smirking at Sebastian. Sebastian noticed and looked at me weirdly but didn't question it.

"At any rate, it looks as if we do need to hurry now," Ciel said. "Go out there and put on a good show for me. Am I clear?" "Perfectly, my young lord," Sebastian said.

. . .

After the fight or training session, if you can call it that, happened with the actual demon hound and in the midst of finding a hot spring, Ciel got the town folks to start building a resort around the hot spring creating a bathhouse. Angila did explain that she took Pluto, the demon hound, in but my thing is that she didn't think enough to tell us. Maybe if she did we would have finished this case quicker. Anyway, everyone was safe and the towns folk weren't under a curse, though they were never under a curse to begin with.

The rest of the day consisted of helping the townsfolk with building the bathhouse l. Though I didn't help with the construction part, I made, and ate, many refreshments for the people which they were grateful for.

𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now