𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟳

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I finished getting ready for the morning and putting on my maid uniform, I weirdly kind of missed it, and headed to the kitchen to see that it was seeing Finny, Bard, and Mey-Rin already in the kitchen huddled up at the island where I put the photo last night.

"Good morning guys," I said and their heads quickly turned to me. "[NAME]! You're back yes you are!" Mey-rin said and ran hugging me tightly. "Yes I'm back," I said hugging her back. I saw Finny with his big bright smile and went to hug him but he didn't hug back, for obvious reasons. When looking at Bard, his eyes were already on me staring at me, lost.

"Barddd," I said waving my hands in his face, bringing him back down to Earth from where ever he went. "Oh yes, um, sorry but good to see that you're back," he said, blushing madly. "Good to be back," I chuckled. I noticed there was a note on the counter with what will be for breakfast. French toast with berry jam, fruit salad, sausages, basically the works.

"Ok enough dili daling let's get to work," I said looking at what will be for breakfast. "Yes ma'am!" they said very determined which made me chuckle. I really did miss them. I gave each of them their tasks and they were off doing whatever while I started prepping. That's when Sebastian came in.

"Ah, I see that you got everybody started, and welcome back [Name]," Sebastian said. "Good to be back." After that, I got started with making the French toast and making sure Bard wasn't burning anything, but I noticed, Sebastian couldn't take his eyes off of me but mainly on my chest. Of course, I noticed all of this and tried hiding my smirk.

"[Name] may I speak with you for a moment?" he said. I looked at him to see his eyes boring into mine like he looking into my soul. "Certainly," I smiled. I followed Sebastian down the hall, pretty far away from the kitchen. That's when he gripped my waist turning me towards him.

"What do you think you're doing?" he questioned me. "Whatever do you mean?" I questioned, with innocent doe eyes like I didn't know what he was talking about. "You know what I'm talking about," he said glancing at my chest and back at me.

"No you are going to have to elaborate," I said fighting back a smirk. He sighed before looking back down at my chest. "You're not wearing a bra." I looked down at my chest like I just realized it myself. "Hmm, I guess I'm not." "Why?" "Because.." I grabbed his hand from my waist and brought them up on my breast. "..I have a better one right here."

He licked his lips as his thumbs caressed both my nipples. I bit my bottom lips as soft breathy moans slipped through. "See it's a perfect fit~" I said. He quickly pressed his lips down to mine. He squeezed my breast pushing me against the wall and slipped his tongue through my lips. My arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer.

When I moaned in the kiss was when Sebastian broke the kiss and dropped his hands off of me. "Why did you stop," I panted out. "Because we have our tasks to do," he said but I didn't care at the moment. "True, we will just have to be quick then," I said my finger going up and down my chest, and looked up at him with the same doe eyes.

His jaw tighten as he exhaled slowly, fighting back a groan. "Not right now I still have to make tea and wake the young lord up, and you have to make sure breakfast is ready and not burned," he said. I grimaced a bit but put my finger down. "Fine," I said. "Oh, but I forgot to mention." I rose on my tippy toes so my lips were right next to his ear.

"I'm also not wearing any underwear~" I whispered. I slowly brought my lips away from his ear to see his face. His eyes glowed flashing the demonic fuchsia color with lust. I smirked and walked back down the hallway, swaying my hips, knowing that Sebastian's eyes were still on me.

. . .

Sebastian POV

I stared at her, watching her hips sway as she went back to the kitchen. Just knowing that she's not wearing a bra has me excited, but knowing she's not wearing any underwear to. . . I cant think straight. Scratch that, I can only think of the things I could do to her. I could just unbutton her dress and her plump breast would be there for me to do whatever or just hike her skirt up a little and slip right inside her.

I sighed looking up at the ceiling, the thoughts making my dick twitch in my pants. But there was nothing I could do since I had to wake the brat I call, lord, up. I haven't even made his morning tea, I got distracted by [Name]. I chuckled walking down the hall, heading back to the kitchen.

As usual it's hectic with the three buffoons in here but not as hectic since [Name] is back. I looked at [Name] seeing her mixing the batter for the french toast. She smirked, I'm guessing noticing my eyes on her. She looked up at me with a mischievous look but went back to cooking.

I went to the cabinet to get a tea kettle and filled it with water to boil for the tea. "Oh I can do that for you since I'm about to cook anyway," [Name] said, smiling at me. "Thank you." "Only if you help Bard cut up the fruit, I think he is going to cut his finger," she said looking towards Bard. And sure enough, he was cutting the fruit the wrong way about to slice his finger off. It was sad to watch honestly.

"Deal," I said. I handed her the kettle and she walked in front of me to get to the oven. She brushed her ass up right against my cock. I bit my bottom lip fighting back a moan. I looked at her knowing that she did it on purpose. She didn't even look at me, but a smirk was plastered on her lips.

I chuckled and helped Bard with cutting the fruit and trying to teach him a thing or two but I don't think it got through his tiny brain. Then I heard a crash and I knew it was Mey-rin who broke a stake of plates, and surely not the last stake of the day.

"Oh no, I did it again, yes I did. I'm sorry ma'am," Mey-rin said to [Name]. "It's fine Mey-rin, just remember like I said one at a time," [Name] sighed. "Yes ma'am." She went to get the broom which was near me and went back to help Mey-rin clean up.

While chopping up the fruit I glanced up in their direction but did a double take. [Name] was bent down sweeping up the broken plates with her pussy out towards me. I couldn't help but stare seeing her folds and my cock twitching like crazy in my pants. Then I remembered Bard was next to me but he was occupied with still cutting the same apple for the past 10 minutes so I sighed relieved but looked back.

"Now remember what I said," [Name] said. "One plate at a time," Mey-rin said. "Good." [Name] then glanced at me seeing that I was already looking at her. She smirked at me and threw away the broken glass and got back to work. "Cheeky kitten," I mumbled, smirking. "What you say?" Bard asked. "Nothing."

When the water was done boiling I made a pot of tea and headed up to the young lord's bedroom. On the way there I couldn't help but chuckle at [Names] actions. I can't believe she's teasing me like this. It's frustrating but exciting. 'She is acting like a bad kitten today and if she keeps acting like this I just might have to punish her,' I thought, smirking.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now