𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟰

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. . . ~ 🍋🍋🍋Lemon 🍋🍋🍋~ . . .

I unbuttoned his tailcoat, vest, and undershirt and threw them to the ground. He slipped off the straps of my nightgown and it slipped off my body, pooling at my feet. He broke the kiss to see me in only [color] lacy underwear. "Mmm you look beautiful," he said with a smirk while taking his gloves off. I blushed and smiled at what he said.

He picked me up off the floor. I kissed him and our tongues swirled against one another. He sat me down on the couch at the foot of my bed. His kisses traveled from my lips to my cheek, to my neck. I whimpered when he kissed my neck adoring it with hickeys. When I moaned at a certain spot Sebastian didn't hesitate and sucked on it hard.

He groped my boobs, pinching and twisting my hard nipples. As I kept moaning from the pleasure he was giving me, my legs were spreading open. Sebastian kneeled on the floor, getting in between my legs, as his kisses traveled down to my chest.

He enveloped one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking, licking, and biting at it while still pinching my other. His other hand traveled to my clothed pussy, as his fingers felt how soaked they got. "You're this wet already and all I did was lay kisses," he teased.

He kissed down the bridge of my chest, down my stomach to the waistband of my underwear leaving hickeys along the way. He took the waistband in between his teeth and slid them off to the floor not breaking eye contact. He kissed up my thigh, littering them with hickeys and bite marks.  

I bit my lips and moaned the closer he got to my wet pussy. He put my legs on his shoulders, now face in front of my pussy. He spread my pussy lips with his fingers and slowly licked from my entrance to my clit with his warm tongue. "You taste so exquisite [Name]," he said and continued eating me out.

He closed his lips around my clit, licking it in small circles, abusing it until it was swollen. I moaned from the pleasure and pinched my nipple adding to the pleasure. My hand racked through his raven hair tugging at it gently, causing him to groan around my clit. Those vibrations sent shivers through my body.

He stopped licking my clit and licked the entrance of my pussy darting his tongue inside it. I moaned louder as he swirled and rolled his long tongue inside me. I could feel him smirk against my cunt seeing and hearing what he is doing to me.

"Fuck, Sebastian~ I'm close~" I moaned out getting closer and closer to release. I gripped his hair tighter and the hand that I was pinching my nipple was gripping the edge of the couch. Sebastian wrapped his arms around my thighs pulling me closer to him and reaching his tongue deeper inside me as his tongue was moving faster. "Fuckk~" I moaned out my eyes turning fuchsia, as I came into Sebastian's mouth, squeezing my thighs around his head. He didn't seem to mind that more like he enjoyed being squeezed by my thighs.

Sebastian didn't stop his tongue and lapped up my juices making my legs tremble slightly. He planted soft kisses on my sensitive pussy, making me whimper. "Mmhmm," he hummed in satisfaction and licked his lips. He picked me up, carrying me on his shoulders to the bed, sitting me down gently.

He stepped back and unbuckled his pants but that gave me a chance to look at his body. Though he was slim he had toned, six-pack. His pants fell to the floor along with his boxers, making his hard cock spring up. My eyes went wide. It wasn't too girthy but it was long, at least 8 inches, and had a slight curve to it.

"Like what you see?" he said seductively. I just nervously laughed staring at it thinking, 'How the hell is that thing going to fit me?' He walked up to me and put a finger under my chin. Shifting my gaze to him, he kissed me, easing my nerves. He climbed on top of me pushing me gently to lay down on the bed. "Don't be so nervous," he said and kissed my neck. He lined his tip at my entrance. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded my head. With that slowly pushes himself inside me.

"Ahh!" I moaned loudly from the pain and pleasure and tensed up like it was my first time again. "Relax, your so tight~" he whispered grunting. He kissed me on my lips and I melted, relishing it. Sebastian felt me relax around him and continued to push deeper inside. We groaned into the kiss until he was fully in me.

Not long after the pain dissipated and pleasure was all I could feel, I slowly moved my hips around and moaned, letting him know he can move. He pulls out till the very tip was still inside me then thrust back in at a slow and gentle pace.

"Mhm~Faster~" I moaned. "As you wish.~" He increased his speed and I was moaning louder. "Ahh~!" I moaned out loudly as he hit a certain spot. "Mmhmm~ looks like I found someone's special spot," he teased and kept the same fast pace hitting that one spot. I was a moaning mess and could feel tears weld up in my eyes.

His pace got faster as our moans filled the room. I could feel his cock twitching inside me knowing he was close but so was I with how hard I was clamping down on him. With his pace getting faster and hitting my g-spot I was reaching my release. "Fuck~ S~ Sebastian... Mmm~ I'm.. I'm gonna cum~!" I moaned. "Me too~" Sebastian moaned as he thrust faster. As we both came at the same time, Sebastian kissed me hard to muffle our loud moans so the other servants wouldn't hear.

He slowed his pace down to a halt when and broke from the passionate kiss. "Shit that was amazing~," I said in a daze. "Oh we're not done~," he said, thrusting in and out slowly. I softly moaned, with my sensitive walls fluttering around his cock. "We're just getting started~."

📌Author's note📌

Y'all don't know how embarrassed I feel. This was my first lemon EVER! Like after I published this I flung my phone away from me and screaming. But anyway I want you guys to comment y'all's opinion in this, because there are definitely more to come. I hope you liked it 😅


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