𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟳

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"No, but maybe I should," he said in a seductive tone, putting a finger under my chin, and lifting my gaze back to him. He was looking me in the eye, with his gaze flicking to my lips. "Yeah maybe you should," I whispered as he pulled me in by the waist. We leaned into each other closing the gap more and more until...

"*Yawn* Good morning Sebastian," a voice said, coming into the kitchen. We quickly backed away from each other and looked at where the voice came from. It was that maid from earlier. If I remember correctly from Sebastian her name is Mey-rin.

"Oh I didn't know you had a guess, my apologies," she said, bowing and about to leave but Sebastian stopped her. "*Sigh* no it's fine, actually this is our new maid," Sebastian said with some frustration, getting up from his chair. "Oh well hello my name is Mey-rin, glad to have another woman in this manor," she said with a sweet smile making me chuckle. "Well hello my name is [Name], and I heard a lot about you from Sebastian," I said, returning the smile and getting up shaking her hand. "Oh.. I hope good things," she said blushing. "Mmm in his own way and I'm excited to be working with you," I said.

"By the way did you say morning," I asked. "Yes." she said pointing to the window, "It's about 7 in the morning. "Oh I guess we lost track of time," I said looking back to Sebastian. "Yes, I guess we did," he said, smirking at me. "Well, I should get ready for the day," I said looking away from him, trying to cool down the blush that was appearing on my cheeks. "Mey-rin could you get a maid's uniform for [Name]?" Sebastian asked.

"Of course, yes sir," she said. She started walking out of the kitchen and I followed behind. I looked back toward Sebastian seeing him cleaning up the table. "Are you coming," Mey-rin said. "Uhh yes, sorry," I said. I looked back at Sebastian to see him looking at me with his devilish smirk and winked at me. I blushed lightly and quickly followed Mey-rin down the hall.

. . .

The maid outfit that Mey-rin wears was a little too tight at the top so she had to give me a different design, which I like more. It was a black dress that was long sleeve with white buttons going down the middle of the top. The skirt went a little above my knees and had black lace at the hem and at the hems of the sleeves. A white apron came with it that had ruffles on the arm straps and a big bow to tie it on the back. I had black stockings on and black-heeled boots.

[Maid outfit]

After getting dressed with a little help from Mey-rin I followed behind Mey-rin back to the kitchen to see the other two servants

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After getting dressed with a little help from Mey-rin I followed behind Mey-rin back to the kitchen to see the other two servants. "Goodmoring Mey-rin!," the blond boy,... Finny if I remember correctly. "Morning Mey-rin," I heard a deeper voice which I'm guessing was Brad.

"Oh, and you must be [Name], a pleasure to meet you," Finny said beaming a bright smile. "Nice to meet you Finny?" I said, questioning if that was his name. He nodded his head with the same bright smile. I looked towards Bard to catch him looking at me with a pink tint on his cheeks. "Uh the names Baldroy but you can just call me Bard, nice to meet you," he said blushing redder, gazing anywhere but at me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Bard," I said.

"Has Mey-rin and [Name] gotten back yet," Sebastian said, entering the kitchen. He saw Mey-rin and flicked his gaze to me and his gaze was locked on me. "Yes sir, we're back," Mey-rin said but I think they fell on death ears because Sebastian still had his eyes lingering on me, eyeing me up and down.

"Well don't you look lovely [Name]," he complimented. A smile grew on my lips from the compliment. "Why thank you, Sebastian," I said as I could feel my cheeks heat up. "Now that everyone is here, let's get started on breakfast. Brad, get started with preparing breakfast, and don't touch the flame thrower." "Yeah, yeah," Brad said before getting the ingredients and cookbook. "Mey-rin get the plate and silverware and set the table, and try not to break any," Sebastian ordered. "Y-yes sir," Mey-rin said and went off to do her task.

"What about me," Finny asked. "...Go sit at the table wait for any orders," he said. Finny pouted but abided by his orders and sat at the table sulking cause he wasn't doing anything. 'Poor Finny' I thought. "Now for you," Sebastian said, putting a finger under my chin and directing my gaze back to him. "Can you please oversee the servants? Make sure nothing terrible happens while I wake the master," he asked. "Of course," I said. "Thank you, kitten," Sebastian whispered in my ear before going to the young lord, leaving me a blushing mess at the nickname.

. . .

After making breakfast with no help from Bard since he almost burned down the manor, twice, Ciel ate breakfast and he sent Sebastian to take me to his study. "You wanted to see me?" I questioned coming into the room with Sebastian closing the door. "Yes do sit," he said sitting at a small round table. I sat across from Ciel and waited for what he wanted next.

"Tell me [Name], do you like playing games," he asked. "Of course, I love playing games," I said with a smile. "Good then play a few rounds of chess. Sebastian go get the chest board," Ciel ordered. Sebastian went and got the chessboard and set the pieces for us. Ciel said that I could take the first move to help me.

I moved my pawn, then he moved his knight and we kept moving piece after piece, taking each other one by one. In the end, I won which Ciel wasn't happy about, and played another round. I won again and I could tell he was getting frustrated but challenged me again.

I looked up at Sebastian to see he had a smile trying not to laugh at the young master's cute behavior. I continued playing and thought to let Ciel win but only knowing Ciel for two days he would want to win on his own accord. So I continued playing like I would any person and won again.

"And that's checkmate," I said, making my last move. Ciel looked at the chessboard in disbelief and had a pouting face from losing. "Don't pout, we can play again if you want, I love playing games after all," I said. "Yes, maybe another time I have work to do. [Name] for now on, you are the head maid of the manor, Sebastian will teach everything you need to know and the tasks you will do, is that clear," Ciel said walking to his desk. "Yes my lord," I said. "Good you two may go," he said, dismissing me and Sebastian.

Once we left the study, me and Sebastian walked side by side back to the kitchen. "You were amazing at chess and I have never seen the master get that pissed from losing a game," he said slightly chuckling. "Well he is still a kid, he has years if he wants to bet me," I replied. "Definitely... Anyway, I have to teach you how to be a proper maid. I will show you how to make the perfect cup of tea and go from there," he said. "Then let's start shall we," I said as we continued walking.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now