𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟴

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I've been cooped up in my room since Sebastian left and that's not going to change anytime soon. With the little energy I had, I took a quick shower and put on a flowy white sundress since I'm not working as a maid for a while. With so much time on my hands, I decided to journal; well journaling and sketching. Ever since my first contract with my first human, which was centuries ago, I've journaled my experiences and thoughts on, well anything. A girl is going to forget all the awesome shit she did.

I've written from when me, Sebastian and Ciel went to the townhouse in London with Jack the Ripper case, till now being Sebastian's lover. Sebastian lover hmm. A smile crept on my face still can't believe that I'm his lover, at that a demon's lover. They say 'demons are incapable of emotions.' Bull shit. As many emotions and expressions that my father expresses let alone Sebastian, it might as well be a lie.

Anyway, I've been writing about all the events that happen and drawing the people I've met like Finny and Bard and Mey–rin and of course Ciel and writing paragraphs of them. I did the same for Sebastian, a whole-page sketch of Sebastien. I didn't even realize how long I've been drawing him for until I realized how detailed it was.

Since it was so detailed I decided to go all out and got my other supplies like charcoal, erasers, and more pencils, and added even more details, I got in the zone. I was so in the zone I didn't realize that Sebastian came into the room and was watching me draw him. I jumped a little when seeing him and he chuckled at my reaction.

"Sorry to scare you but you were so concentrated I didn't want to disrupt you, plus you drawing such a devilish fellow," he smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully letting them fall back onto the sketch, doing some final details. "Is there something that you need," I said smiling at the sketch. "I can't just come here, in my darling's room to see her, hmm?" he said sitting on the bed next to me.

He laid kisses on my cheek as his hand wrapped around the back of my neck. His kisses got closer to my lips and I softly smiled seeing where this was going. I didn't move but Sebastian slightly pushed my cheek with his fingers to look at him. We just looked at each other, smiling. God that smile, his real smile, brings butterflies to my stomach, knowing I'm probably the only one to actually see it. We slowly and softly kissed each other still smiling.

The kiss gradually became more and more passionate, slipping our tongues through each other's lips. At this point my charcoal piece is gone from my hand, replaced with Sebastian's hair at the nape of his neck, brushing through it, pulling at it, as I'm straddling him. Sebastian's hands were going up and down my thighs, lifting up the flowy white skirt of my dress. He rolled his thumbs on my hips, pulling me down on his now hard-on.

I rolled my hips, grinding on his erection, causing us to moan into our kiss. I broke from the kiss, biting his bottom lip, and looking into his eyes. Our lustful-filled eyes turn fuchsia, smiling, as we are on the same wavelength.

I took off his tie, tossing it somewhere on the bed, kissing up and down his neck. Sebastian sighed in pleasure, leaning his head back giving me more access to lick and bite his neck. A low moan rumbled through his throat as he guided my hips at a quick pace, grinding on him faster, harder. Just when things were going to get more heated, I suddenly opened my eyes, Sebastian stopping my hips. He sighed annoyingly knowing that we would have to resume this later. I chuckled while softly kissing his neck up to his lips, lightly pecking them.

"Ciel wants us," I said. "No. Let's stay here. And finish. What we started," he said between kisses. We continued kissing and I would have honestly continued, but hearing Ciel calling Sebastian to bring me was turning us off. He sighed breaking from the kiss and I couldn't help but smile because seeing Sebastian frustrated cause he can't finish is too amusing. "I guess we will have to finish this another time," he said.

"Are you sure about that," I said as I was still sitting on his hard-on. "I will be fine, come on, before he gets a temper tantrum," he said. I got off his lap and he unexpectedly picked me up princess-style, making me yelp.

"You could have warned me," I said. "But your reaction is so cute~" he cooed. I glared at him but he had his smile and I couldn't keep looking at him. I looked to the side blushing a little. "Whatever," I pouted still blushing a little. He chuckled and headed out of my room to where Ciel was. As usual, Ciel was in his study doing paperwork like an adult would. Upon entering Ciel blankly stared at us seeing that Sebastian was carrying me. "Why on earth is Sebastian carrying you?" "I'm still weak from me dying," I said.

Sebastian set me down in one of the chairs in the room as he stood next to me. "You wanted to see us?" I said starting the conversation. "Yes well, I wanted to see you. I have some questions and I want you to answer them truthfully," he said putting his quill down and looking at me with a serious look. I raised my eyebrows awaiting his questions but pretty much knew what he was going to ask. "How are you still alive?" Ciel asked. 'Figured.'

"Well I came back to life," I said.

"From where?"

"Limbo," I stated.

"Hmm, how did you die?"

"Most likely from blood loss, not to mention that sorry of an excuse of a grim reaper and her weapon," I said in disgust remembering Grell.

Ciel glared at me. "What's wrong?" I quizzed seeing he looked annoyed. "You are not answering my questions," he said. "I am answering your questions, truthfully too, you're just not happy with my answers. Maybe asking the right questions will get you the answer you're looking for," I smirked. I know he wants to know if I'm really am a demon, which I am just half. Me being half human and half demon isn't a secret but it's fun seeing Ciel's brain working to get the answer.

Ciel went quiet for a moment looking at me thinking of the right questions. "Are you just a demon?" he asked. I smirked at him. "Now there's a question and your answer... no, no I am not. I'm half demon, half human," I said. Ciel's eyes slightly went wide at the revelation. He glanced at Sebastian who I'm guessing didn't move nor flinch since he already knew.

"Did you know?" he asked Sebastian. "At first, no, but I did have my suspicion, but when she... died ...was what confirmed it," he said. Ciel then looked back at me.

"How are you half-human?"

"My mother was a human and my father is a demon."

"You said that you were weak from coming back to life does that mean you do not have your powers?"

"Correct, but they will come back, it just takes some time for my powers to come back in full. It shouldn't take long maybe 2 or 3 weeks at most."

"So you are out of commission?"

"For now."

"So you can die from any weapon like any normal person?"

"No I can only die from supernatural weapons, like a grim reaper's death scythe, but a weapon made from human's won't kill me."

"So.. you are okay?" he asked

I was shocked at the question. Again he is showing his feeling in front of his demons and it was the cutest thing ever. A teasing smile came across my lips. "So you were worried about little old me," I chuckled. "What!? No," he exclaimed, looking to the side with just a smidge of blush on his cheeks if you squint hard enough. I looked back at Sebastian who also had a smirk on his lips looking at me.

"Yes I am fine so there is nothing your cute little self needs to be worried about," I teased. He softly glared at me, but his cheeks became a tint darker, making it a little more visible.

"Whatever, just don't die again ok," he said straightening himself in his seat.

"Yes, my lord."


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now