𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟱

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. . . ~ 🍋🍋🍋 Lemon 🍋🍋🍋 ~ . . .

"Sebastian~" I whimpered. He continued caressing my tail all the while kissing and licking my neck. "Hmm?" Sebastian hummed, smirking, as he kissed my neck, up my cheek, and went to my cat ears. He caressed one ear and nibbled at the other. Soft breathy moans slipped through my lips and my wetness started seeping through my underwear.

"Are you getting wet from this, kitten?" Sebastian questioned as he bit one of his white gloves, taking it off. He put the glove in the pocket of his coat and hicked up my skirt slipping his hand through my panties, his finger going along my slit, spreading my wetness around my lips.

"Yes you are," he smirked. With my skirt still hicked he slipped his hand out my panties and pressed his thigh against my clothed clit. He tensed it up and moved so it was brushing against my clit. "Fuck~" I moaned,  my hips moving back and forth, grinding on his thigh. "Does it feel good, brushing your clit against me?"

"Yes~" I moaned grinding a little faster. He kissed and nibbled on my neck and pressed his thigh harder. I moaned louder, racking my fingers through his hair, pushing him closer to my neck. "You look so cute, getting off on me hmm~" he mumbled in my neck. "So cute~"

His hand went to my hips, guiding my hips faster on his thigh which was seemingly getting harder by the minute. His other hand was still caressing my tail, finding every sensitive spot that was just making me moan more. I normally don't let anyone touch my ears and tail but with Sebastian, it just felt so good. My grip tighten in his hair as I moaned louder, feeling myself getting closer and closer to cuming.

"Is my kitten close to cumming?~" he whispered, licking the side of my ear. "Yes!~" I moaned loudly in his neck. He dropped my tail and grabbed my chin so I was looking at him. He pressed his forehead against mines, painting and moaning like me. "Then cum," he said against my lips before kissing me.

I rose on my tippy toes while my legs, fuck my whole body, tremble as I came. I moaned in his mouth and Sebastian slipped his tongue into mine. His grip on my hip tighten and he didn't stop my hips from moving though I didn't stop grinding, still cumming. A long and husky groan came from Sebastian as he slowed my hips down to a stop.

Even though I stopped grinding on Sebastian's thigh, we were still kissing. The kiss turned feverish and sloppy, as his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. We broke from the kiss and a string of saliva connected our lips as we were panting looking at each other. 

"I don't think I've done that before, especially in broad daylight," I smiled in somewhat of a daze. "Hmm? But it was fun, no?" Sebastian asked, kissing my neck, and smiling like me. "Mmmhm~ yes very much fun," I laughed.

Sebastian  dropped his leg down from between my legs and couldn't help but look at his pants to see a wet spot. I big wet spot. "Damn, I came that hard?" I whispered. Sebastian looked down to see the spot and said, "Well yes and no. I came to." "Oh. . . wait was I grinding on your-" "Yes," he smirked. 'That's why it was getting harder and harder.'

"Oh," I said and couldn't help but blush. He chuckled and walked closer to me, caressing my cheeks, one with a gloved hand and the other with no glove, one feeling cool and the other feeling warm. Both feelings made me blush more. "So adorable," he said his hands going up to my cat ears. "Sebastian~," I said, slightly purring at the sensation.

Then out of nowhere, I was shoved to the side almost falling but I caught myself. I heard whining and what do you know, it was Pluto, all over Sebastian again. Both me and Sebastian sighed annoyed.

"Interrupted again, can we never be alone without this mut around," Sebastian grumbled  "Yeah we can, in the bedroom," I smirked. "I love the way you think," he smirked. I chuckled and made my cat ears and tail disappear and started walking back to the manor.

"Are you not going to help me with him," Sebastian said. "No, you're his owner," I said looking back at him. He looked at me with disbelief and I laughed and continued walking back to the manor. "So train him!"

. . .

After our little, fun in the garden, I went to my room and took a quick bath, and went to the kitchen to make a quick snack. I then started walking to the foyer of the manor when I saw Sebastian greeting a man at the door. Sebastian has a meeting with a businessman for the Funtom company and I guess that's right now. They didn't see me so they were walking up the stairs when I noticed Ran-Mao, the girl that is with Lau most of the time. She was sitting on the stairwell for some reason.

I looked around and saw Ciel and Lau peeking out behind a pole, spying on both Sebastian and the guy, while Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard were at the bottom of the stairwell trying to get a picture. I quietly laughed but turned invisible and walked behind Lau and Ciel.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" I whispered appearing behind them. They jerked a little while silently screaming, not expecting me but trying to stay quiet. "Oh, [Name], I knew someone was missing," Lau. "What are you talking about, I told you that [Name] had surgery 10 minutes ago in my study," Ciel said. "Ohh right," Lau said smiling.

"So what are you doing?" I asked once more. "Right, we are trying to-" Lau was saying but Ciel covered his mouth. "That is none of your concern, shouldn't you be resting from surgery now," Ciel said, trying not to give away his plan and about the camera. It was amusing. 

I'm guessing that Lau thought that Ran-Mao would distract him for as long as they need to take a photo with the special camera. I looked towards the stairwell seeing that the guy got distracted but Sebastian was at the top of the stairs looking bored waiting for the guy to follow. I looked back at Ciel seeing him waiting for my response

"Yes, you are right young lord, but I'm feeling just fine. Also if you were trying to distract Sebastian for, whatever reason, you should get something that he likes that he wouldn't take his eyes off of," I said walking away. I walked across the foyer heading back to my room but I looked up at Sebastian seeing him already having his eyes on me, his gaze following me as I kept  walking. I smiled at him, and he smirked at me, but had to walk away with the guy to go to his meeting and I went back to my room. 

. . .

"Come in," Ciel said as I knocked on the double doors of his study. "You wanted to see me, young Lord?" I said closing the doors behind me. It was just me and him since Sebastian was in the kitchen getting dinner ready and the others... well I'm not completely sure what they were doing the last time I saw them they went outside but didn't come back. I think Ciel ordered them to do something but I have no idea what.

"Yes, are your powers back?" he asked. "Yes.." I turned invisible and Ciel's eyes widen a little like the first time when I showed. "Yes they are," I whispered in Ciel's ear becoming visible next to him. I laughed when he jumped spooked and walked back across his desk.

"Well that's good, I want you to go back to working as a maid tomorrow, those three buffoons are getting messy again," Ciel sighed and I chuckled. "But do I have to, I'm quite enjoying my little vacation right now," I smirked. He stared at me blankly, which I chuckled to. "Yes my lord," I said slightly bowing my head.

"Is that all my lord," I asked. "No there is one more thing that I want you to do for tonight," he ordered. "What will that be?"


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now