𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯

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I transformed. I FRICKIN TRANSFORMED! I can't believe I just transformed back to my human form not facing the boy but in facing this hot ass butler. I was hoping I would have more time as a cat DAMMIT.

When I'm in my cat form I can only be in it for a certain amount of time. Plus I was injured and I have no clue how many days it's been. It also doesn't help that I'm not wearing clothes. But luckily the bandages that the butler wrapped me up in are covering my top part from my waist, up to my neck, and my right arm, with bandages on my legs but my private area... let's just say that the boy can't see it.

Sebastian POV

As my master and I were staring at the kitten, the only thing that I could think of was how cute she was. The cat then looked towards me and the most unexpected thing happened. Thick, purple mist-like smoke came from the kitten and the weight got a little heavier. Once the mist cleared up, there was no longer a cat in my hands but a woman.

She had a curvy figure. She had long curly brown hair with silver highlights that was about to her mid-back, accommodated with cat ears and tail with the same colors. She had dark golden brown eyes, a small button nose, and soft brown skin. She looked to be a young adult at least 18.

I stared at her with slightly wide eyes but at the same time, I could feel my cheeks heat up seeing how cute she is and her cat ears and how hot her body was. I noticed that she started blushing hard and turned as red as a tomato.

'Cute' I thought looking at her, feeling a grin creep on my lips. "H-hi," she stammered out with a smile, exposing her sharp canines. "Hello," I replied, still having a grin on my face. We then were staring at each other in the eyes, like we were in our own little world.

"AH-HMM!" I heard my master coughing trying to get our attention. We looked at my master to see him having an annoyed look on his face. "Are you two done staring at each other," he witted at us. "Sorry, my lord..." I said as I gently set the young woman down so she could stand.

[Name] POV

Once Sebastian set me down, I realized how short I am compared to him. My head meets where his chest is. I then hurried behind Sebastian so the boy wouldn't see my....lower regions.

"Why are you hiding behind my butler," the boy questioned. I peered to the side of the butler, ensuring my bottom half was behind Sebastian. "Well, I don't want a boy to see a half-naked woman, let alone a noble which I am sure you are betrothed to someone no?," I remarked. The boy blushed a little, not saying anything knowing I was right. "Exactly," I said, smirking. "Sebastian, give her your coat for now," the boy ordered.

Sebastian then turned around, took his coat off, helped me put it on, and buttoned it for me. The coat was a little big on me but the coat stopped about my mid-thigh with the tails hitting the floor. "Thank you," I said when he was done. "Your welcome m'lady," he said as he turned back around to the boy and I stood next to him.

"Now, tell me, who are you and what are you," the boy said. "Well, My name is [Name] [Last name] and I'm a Neko demon," I said, flashing my fuchsia demon eyes. "A Neko?" the boy questioned. "Yeah, I thought the ears and tail would make it obvious," I witted to the kid as I pointed to my ears and tail. The boy looked annoyed, which made me cat smirk (like killua) enjoying how I'm getting under his skin.

"You are getting on my nerves," "And it's amusing watching," I remarked, still having that same smirk. "Well it was nice meeting you little boy, but I will be getting out of your hair, so good day," I said as I was walking to the door. I was about to get the doorknob when "Wait," I heard the boy say. "I want to make a contract with you," My hands stopped about to touch the doorknob when I heard those words and my curiosity got the better of me. I turned around seeing the boy and Sebastian looking at me. "And what is your proposition?"

The boy was about to answer but "Wait... I have one question" I said, cutting the boy off. The boy looked a little annoyed but listened to what I had to say. "Who are you? I mean I don't even know your name and I don't think you want me to continue calling you little boy," I said. "I guess you are correct. I am lord Ciel Fantomhive. The owner of the toy company, Funtom, and also the queen's guard dog." the boy, Ciel said.

'The queen's guard dog?! I would have thought that he would be an old man not some little kid.' I thought

"Now I have a question for you [Name], what can you do?" he asked. I was a little confused about the questions so I asked "In regards to..." "Powers, skills, or anything else that I should know," he said.

"Well, as you know I'm a Neko or cat demon so I have features like a cat and the skills of a cat too., like having good night vision, hyper scenes, and landing on my feet." "Every time?" He questioned. "Every time," I said. "Is that all," the boy said. "No I have two others, my first one..." I said Looked over to Sebastian taking in all of his appearance, his clothes, and his build. When I got to his face I couldn't help but lightly blush, I mean he is hot who wouldn't? But I also noticed he was lightly blushing while looking at me.

Anyway, I took in all of his features and height, and with a snap of my fingers, the same purple smoke engulfed me once the smoke cleared I shape-shifted into Sebastian. Features, clothes, and all I looked exactly like him, and the cat ears and tail were gone. "...is shape-shifting. I can shape-shift into anyone or anything that comes to mind or see the person or image of the person but it has to be a full image," I said in Sebastian's voice. Both Ceil and Sebastian's eyes went slightly wide at my transformation. I transformed back cause it would be weird to have two Sebastians.

"I can also turn invisible," I said as my eyes turned red with cat slits. My body started to gradually turn invisible from my feet to my head leaving eyes last to go invisible. I started walking around the room, flicking Sebastian's tie, moving things around on Ciel's desk, and giggling here and there so they would lose where I was. Then I went silent standing behind Ceil.

They both looked around the room, "Where are you?" Ciel questioned. "I'm right here," I whispered in Ceil's left ear, appearing, sitting on the ledge of his desk. He looked up at me, kinda shocked. "Impressive," he complimented. "Thank you," I replied walking back to the side of Sebastian.

"Along with those powers I have combat skills and am skilled in most weapons," "Good," he said, pleased to hear what I said. "Now for my proposition, I want you to work for me. Work as my maid and do as I say, protect me, and help me get my revenge on the people who have embarrassed me, who harmed me and my family." The offer sounded compelling, "But what do I get in return," "Well what is it that you want," he questioned.

"Well I would be asking for your soul but someone already has that right Sebastian," I said as I looked back at him. He had a shocked expression on his face, "How did you-" "Have you forgotten what I am already," I said as I cut him off. I pointed to my nose but he was still confused. "Demons give off a scent and I smelled it on you," I said, staring into his eyes and him doing the same. I blinked, getting out of the trance.

"Anyway instead of your soul let me take the souls that are a part of your cases. I'm assuming they are technically under your jurisdiction right." He nodded his head. "While staying here, in the manor, let me be the mischievous little cat that I am. While exploring this manor those three servants of yours looked fun to mess with, along with your butler. You are off limits but anyone else that lives or enters the manor is ok. But if at any point I feel like I have gotten bored, even just a little, I can cancel the contract at any time. So do we have a deal," I said as I held my hand for him to shake? "We have a deal," he said as he shook my head.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now