𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟯

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Mentions of slavery

We stayed in the hot springs for a little while longer just relaxing in the water with each other and talking about the things that we did in the past, as far as being demons goes. He has done a lot of contracts in his time, I have too but not as many as him. I told him I am guilty of taking souls whenever but only when they deserve.

"What were some of your reasons," Sebastian asked. I thought about it for a minute and told him. "There were some times when people owed me a favor but couldn't deliver, playing a game with me that cost them their life, or just being plain annoying to me," I said making him chuckle at the last one. "But a very serious reason," I started looking up at the moon and stars. "If they were slave owners."

From the corner of my eye, I could see his head shifting to look at me and a smirk on his lips. He hummed before looking up at the moon and stars too. "I would have to say all of them are good reasons to take one soul." 'Good to know that he is against slavery.'

Looking at the stars memories of taking their souls with my siblings started flooding my head and a breathy chuckle escaped from my lips. "What's making you laugh?" Sebastian questioned putting an arm around my waist, pulling me to sit on his lap. "Just old memories," I said with a smile. I looked up at Sebastian to see him looking at me with his eyebrows up, seeming to want me to continue.

"I never told you this, but I have siblings," I said. "Really?" "Mhmm 4 in total, me being the second youngest," I said. He didn't say anything so I continued. 'Me, my baby brother, Myles, and my second older brother, Cole, went to America and created havoc in the South during slavery times. We would travel from slave plantation to slave plantation destroying them one by one," I said.

"What about the slaves?" he asked. "We would tell them to go to a certain spot in the woods and help them travel through the underground railroad to go up north so they can be free," I said, a smile on my face looking into the water.

"Wow, that's very noble of you three." "Yeah, we even got names and had bounties on us." I said gliding my fingers through the water "Oh?" he questioned, doing the same and interlocking his fingers with mine.

"Yeah, Myles let either the eldest son or the father of the family go, so that word could get out of us three and see if the next plantation could try and stop us. They named us the three black devils," I chuckled, playing with his fingers.

"Fitting," he said and I laughed knowing the irony. "I know, but the slaves gave us a name too. The three dark angles." "Really?" "Mhmm, I actually quite liked that name." "I can see why it's a beautiful name," he said. He put his finger under my chin, shifting my gaze so I look up at him and he looked down at me. "Just like you, my dark angel." A smile grew on my lips and my cheeks grew hotter as I kept looking up at him.

He leaned down, pressing his lips on mine for a soft kiss. I broke from the kiss to sit more in his lap, facing him. I crashed my lips onto his, wrapping my arms around his neck, pressing our bodies closer. He grabbed my hips, rolling my hips so my clit was brushing against him. I moaned into the kiss rolling my hips faster causing him to moan as well, his grip on my hips tighter.

He kissed down to my neck, biting and sucking on my sweet spots. Breathy moans slipped through my lips as my hands tangled in his hair. Opening my eyes, I noticed that the sun was coming up meaning it was almost time for us to go back to the manor.

"Sebastian~" I sighed since he was still kissing my neck. He didn't stop and instead, his kisses traced down my collar down to my breast. "Sebastian," I laughed, gently pulling his hair to get his attention. "Hmm?~" he hummed looking up at me but still laying soft kisses on my chest.

"Sebastian we have to head back to the manor, it's daybreak," I said. He looked up at the sky seeing the sun coming up and heavily sighed, nuzzling his face into my boobs. I laughed raking my fingers through his hair. "Come on we have to go, plus I need to do something to my hair now that it got wet." "Yes my darling," he said.

We got out of the bath, got dressed, and quickly headed back to the manor. When we got back, Sebastian went to freshen up to go and wake Ciel up. I then started getting ready. Since my hair was still wet I braided my hair. For my outfit, I put on a white blouse, sweater and a long black skirt.

I looked in the mirror liking my outfit but I noticed my cat ears and tail were still there. I can hide my tail easily under my skirt, but my cat ears were the problem. I tried making them disappear but only purple smoke would appear. When I tried making them invisible, my whole body would go invisible. I sighed going to my luggage and going through it to find something to hide them.

Not long after I heard a knock at the door and asked, "Who is it?" "Its Mey-Rin I was coming to see if you needed help packing, yes I did," she said. She was opening the door but I quickly went to the door shutting it. "Uh no! I'm good really I got everything packed, I'm just getting dressed," I said looking around the room. Majority of the things that were in my suitcase was somewhere around my room.

"Oh, ok, well I will you meet you outside," Mey-rin said. "Yes," I said and Mey-rin walked away. I sighed relieved. 'I almost got caught by Mey-rin,' I thought going back to my suitcase hunting for something for my hair. I then heard another knock. "Who is it?" I asked once again.

"Its Sebastian." "Come in," I said not looking up from my bag and throwing more clothes everywhere in the room frantically looking for something to cover my cat ears. Sebastian came in and saw the monstrosity of a mess I made. "Are you alright," Sebastian asked. "Noo!" I turned around with a little distressed look. "What?" "My ears! They won't go away!" I pouted.

"Oh.. I thought you were hurt or something," he chuckled. I just glared at him. He chuckled but walked towards me.

"I can help with hiding them, but are you sure you want them hidden, they're so cute," Sebastian said softly rubbing my cat ears. A chill ran down my back at the feeling, and a blush crept on my cheeks. "Sebastian come on," I said, trying not to moan, but I think Sebastian noticed. I shooed his hand away and looked at him seriously. "Alright, alright, sit down and I will be right back," he said and went into the bathroom. I sat on the bed and he came back with some hairpins.

I sat still and he took my braids and pined them someway. I was just hoping that it wasn't ugly but I trust Sebastian, he's the only person I would let touch my hair besides my family. "There, what do you think," he said finished.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He pinned up the braids to be in a halo that covered most of my ears. My ears were a little visible but I can put them flat on my head to hide them better. I let some of my hair on the sides hang, but in all, I loved the hairstyle.

"Well?" Sebastian questioned, leaning on the door frame with a smirk. I looked him up and down with a straight face and looked back in the mirror. "It's alright," I shrugged, doing some makeup. When I finished I looked at Sebastian, seeing him glaring at me. I chuckled walking up to him. "I like it a lot, thank you," I said kissing him on the cheek. A smile slowly stretched across his cheek and a blush. "You're welcome," he said and quickly walked away, which I chuckled to.

He helped me pack my things up again and we headed down stairs to head back to the manor.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now