𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟳

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I woke up to the birds chirping outside the window and the sun just coming above the horizon, so it was around 6, maybe 7. I looked down and smiled seeing Sebastian still laying on top of me but asleep. I've never seen him asleep, I'm always still asleep and he gets up early to get the day started, so I took the opportunity to see his sleepy state.

His hair was messy, probably from me having my fingers through it, but it looked really cute on him. He looked handsome, as always, but he looked so calm and peaceful, something I see most of the time unless we are in front of other people when he has to put up with the butler facade. I also noticed how long his eyelashes are. They aren't curly like mine but are just as long, I couldn't stop staring at them.

I felt Sebastian's arms tighten around my waist as a smile started to appear on his lips. His eyes slowly opened looking at me. "Good morning, darling," his voice was deeper than usual. 'That's how his voice sounds in the morning,' I thought, blushing a little. He chuckled with said deeper voice making me blush more.

"Moring handsome," I said and he started laying light kisses on my chest, making me giggle at the ticklish feeling. "You weren't actually asleep were you?" I giggled. "No I actually was asleep," he said, nuzzling his face more into my chest. "Your heartbeat lulled me to sleep." I kept looking at him in a little shock seeing how cute he was being and how much I want to be with him. Then I remembered we are a couple.

"We're a couple," I said. "Mmm, that we are," he said, lifting his head from my chest. He softly kissed up my chest and neck till his lips were hovering over mine. We looked at each other for a moment before our lips crashed into a soft, slow kiss.

My arms wrapped around Sebastian's neck as we deepened the soft kiss. Our tongues slipped through each other's lips, swirling around each other's. His arms around my waist got tighter, pressing our bodies together.

"Want to do one quick one?" Sebastian asked in a husky voice. He started kissing and sucking lightly on my neck marking it. I bit my lower lip, moaning softly as my fingers raked through his raven hair. I could feel Sebastian's getting semi-hard on my thigh. "I mhmm~ I would but you know it's almost time for you to get Ciel up," I said.

"What?" Sebastian said taking a quick look at the clock, and seeing it reads 7:30. "No, I want to stay here with you," he said, continuing kissing my neck. "Mmm~ I want you to stay too, but you know Ciel will start fusing and we don't want him to fuss more than he usually does," I said, trying not to moan. "You have a point there," he said. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before heading to the bathroom.

I stayed in bed for a while but then I needed to pee. I uncovered myself from the covers and felt so cold. I saw Sebastian's white shirt on the floor so I went for it but my legs buckled instantly and I fell to the ground.

"[Name] are you alright," he said still in the bathroom. I was too embarrassed to say anything so I quickly got the shirt and put it in. He came walking back into the room with a towel wrapped around his hips. "[Name]?" he asked, looking around the room like I wasn't right in front of him. "I'm right here," I said.

He started walking but walked past me to the other side of the bed thinking that I was over there. "Sebastian I'm right here," I said. He looked in my direction and his eyebrows knitted together in confusion and surprise. "What?" I questioned. "You weren't there before."

I was about to say that he was crazy and I never moved till I put two and two together. "Oh, my powers are starting to come back." "What do you mean?" he questioned walking to me. "Since my soul hasn't been in my body for a while, my strength and powers take a while to come back. I wish it will just come back all at once but I guess it's not meant to be," I explained.

"Oh, but what happened for you to get down there?" he asked. I looked up at him feeling my cheeks burn again. "Well, I um, I was going to the bathroom but I got cold so I grabbed for your shirt and my legs buckled because of.. well last night," I said blushing even more. A sly and sinister smirk grew on his lips understanding what happened and he began to chuckle.

"So you need help getting to the bathroom, kitten" he teased bending down and getting close to my face. "What do you think!" I shouted, my face turning as red as a tomato. "That's no way of asking," he chuckled. "Sebastian!" I said looking to the side but he softly griped my chin, turning my gaze back on him. "Hmm?~" "*SIGHHHhhh* Can you please help me to the bathroom?" I said softly. He picks me up and I'm sitting in his arms. "Of course, anything for you, my kitten~," he cooed in my ear and kisses me on the cheek.

I pouted, gradually turning into a smile as he set me down gently on the toilet. "Thank you, now leave so I can pee," I said. He looked at me like I said something crazy. "Goooo," I said shooing him off. "Fine, call me if you need me," he said closing the door. I used the bathroom and got up by myself but had to hold on to the sink. I did my morning routine and was walking slowly back to the bedroom with shaky legs but Sebastian picked me up out of nowhere.

"Sebastian!" I yelped surprised. "What? I'm just helping my darling," he said and carried me back to the bed. "Now I must go wake the young lord but I will be back to check on you," he said and kissed me on the cheek. "Ok, but can you do one thing before you go?" I asked. "Hmm?" "Can you get some of the jars on the bookshelf?" "Does it matter which one?" he asked looking at the many jars on the bookshelf. "No I'm starving just pick some," I said licking my lips, staring at the jars with fuchsia eyes.

Sebastian chuckled and grabbed a few jars and handed them to me. The jars contained a ball of light that glowed, all of them in different colors. A soul. I keep them on hand for a situation like this, me dying. Consuming souls makes my powers come back a lot faster than just waiting.

I quickly took one of the jars and shoved the soul in my mouth. I moaned at how good the soul tasted. "Was it good?" Sebastian asked. I nodded and grabbed another jar. "You want one?" I asked shaking the jar in front of him. "Though tempting..." he began still eyeing the jar in my hands. He looked away from the jar and to me. "But no thank you."

"I understand," I said, which I did. Once a demon has a site of a soul that they want that's the only soul they want. That has happened to me over the years, going for a long period with no soul is definitely frustrating but once you get that soul, it's like a reward. Plus Sebastian has told me his view on souls, but I always thought that the tastier the soul is, the harder it is to achieve.

"Well I must be going now," he said and kissed me on the cheek one last time. "Ok, have fun without me," I said opening the jar. "I won't," he sighed and reluctantly left to wake up Ciel and get breakfast ready.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now