𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟮

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Sebastian's POV

After I put the young master to bed I headed to [Name] or our room to be with her the entire night, more like in her. Just the thought has my cock semi-hard. As I opened the bedroom door I see [Name] asleep. I started chuckling lightly, walking to the bed, and sitting next to her sleeping figure.

I noticed the pretty silk black robe she was wearing and couldn't help but undo it seeing her she was wearing a black lace bra with matching panties that just compliments her tan skin. I bit my lower lip as my eyes turned their fuchsia color feeling my lust rise but I held back. My gaze traveled up her body to her beautiful face. Her soft curly brown and silver hair enveloped her framing her face.

I pushed some of her hair back behind her ear and noticed that she still had her makeup on. "You really must have had too many drinks," I said as I got up. I took off my suit jacket and my gloves and put them on the desk chair. I gently picked [Name] up to not wake her up and headed to the bathroom setting her down softly on the counter and filled up the sink with warm soapy water. I rolled up my sleeves and got a face towel and washed off her makeup.

As I was finishing up [Name] was groaning and waking up. "Sebastian," she groaned, squinting her eyes because of the bathroom light. "Shh go back to sleep ok," I whispered stroking my thumb across her cheek. She snuggled closer to my hand and started purring falling back to sleep. I chuckled at how cute she was.

I picked her up and laid her back on the bed. I took off her bra, so she could be comfortable and tied her robe back up. I then undressed and put some comfortable pants on and climbed into bed. I looked at [Name] and put my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. She snuggled her face into my chest and tangled her legs with mine. A small smile grew on my lips as I was just looking at [Name] peacefully sleeping thinking.

I never acted like this to anyone. I've lusted and fancied many people over time whether it's for their souls, their bodies, or their looks, which is what happened with [Name]. She is beautiful, but with her, it feels different I don't know what it is but... for some reason don't mind it.

All I know is I can't get enough of her she is like a drug and I just want more and more of her. I find myself always wanting to be around her or irritated when she is talking with someone else or when the young master orders me to do something that is away from [Name] I have a sense of missing her. I find myself staring at her just mesmerized by her.

She's different, in more ways than one.

All I know is I want her to be mine.

I leaned over to the nightstand on my side and blew out the candle, the room enveloped in darkness as I lay beside [Name].

. . .

[Name] POV

I woke up groaning at the headache that I got. It wasn't a big one but it still hurt. I sat up peeling my eyes open seeing that its morning which made me groan again. I then see the door opening to see Sebastian in his normal suit, with a tea set in hand.

"Good morning darling," he said setting the tea set on the nightstand on my side. "Morning," I said still groggily but with a smile. "Did you just wake up?" he asked and I nodded. "Well here is some tea that will help wake you up and help with your headache," he said handing me the teacup.

"How did you-," "You had quite a few drinks last night so I guessed you would have a small hangover," he said. My heart fluttered at his thoughtfulness. I kissed him on the cheek and said, "Thank you." "Your welcome," he said blushing a tint of pink. My small smile turned into a huge grin seeing him blush. "What are you grinning about," he asked. "You're blushing and it's cute," I said.

He paused for a bit before clearing his throat and turned away from me walking back to the door but I know he was blushing more, I can tell.

"Anyway, you rest up and get ready, I will get breakfast started," he said as he walked out the door. "Ok but wait," I said. He stopped walking but didn't turn around. "Turn around," I said with a grin. "No," he said and took a step.

"Come on turn around," I said in a teasing tone sipping on the delicious tea. He sighed and turned around looking at me with now red cheeks. "Cute," I teased taking another sip of the tea. His face was as red as a tomato now and he quickly walked away closing the door. I chuckled a little and continued drinking the tea. Once my headache went away I got up and got ready for the day.

. . .

Once I was dressed and went down to the kitchen to help Sebastian finish breakfast, we served everyone. Lau was reading the newspaper. "Jack the Ripper strikes again!" he exclaimed. Lau, Madam Red, and Grell were all shocked while Ciel looked angry.

I looked towards Sebastian who was looking towards me and nodded knowing that I was right. After everyone was done eating breakfast and went to the common room, me and Sebastian discussed about Jack the Ripper while cleaning up.

"So do you think it's Madam Red now?" I asked. "Would you be happy if I said yes?" he asked. "Yes, I would because that would mean I was right." "Then no," he said but I knew he was joking. "*Gasped* Now that's just wrong," I said and we both chuckled.

"But in all seriousness, it seems like Madam Red and Grell are our top suspects, we just need to catch them in the act," he said as we walked to the kitchen with dishes in our hands. "So what's the plan now?" I asked. "We will follow them and confront them before anything happens," Sebastian answered. "Sounds easy enough," I said as we headed to the kitchen.

We then entered the kitchen putting the dirty dishes in the sink to clean them. "Now all we have to do is tell the young Earl about our findings, he probably won't be too happy about that," I said as I watched Sebastian take off his gloves and start cleaning the dishes. "I'm sure he will be fine if it means stopping Jack the Ripper he will stop them no matter who it is," he said. "Hmm," I hummed half listening, to engrossed in looking at his hands, his ungloved hands.

When it comes to demons we don't show our hands for obvious reasons, so when I looked at Sebastian I couldn't help but stare at them. His hands were bigger than mine but still slender. They were a few veins on his hands and his fingers were long with his finger nails being black, a contrast to his fair skin. 'I wonder how they would feel inside me.'

"[Name]..." I heard Sebastian say. I looked up at him to see him looking at me with his eyebrows raised. "Are you alright, I called for a while," Sebastian asked. 'Dang I was staring for that long.' "Oh, sorry what were you saying?" I asked trying not to blush but I could feel my cheeks heating a little. He chuckled before saying, "I said we should tell him today since Madam Red will be leaving tonight and it will be the best time to follow her."

"Yes, sounds like a plan. Well, I better get some tea ready since I'm sure Ciel will be wanting some," I said. "Indeed," he said. But before I could step away, Sebastian softly gripped my chin with his wet fingers and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. He kept his grip on my chin so I couldn't look away from him. I could feel my cheeks burning more the longer I stared at him, I was probably as red as a tomato now.

A sly smirk crept on his lips while looking at me. "Cute~" he teased like I did this morning with him. I huffed turning my face away from him getting out of his grip and walking away. I heard him chuckling and a smile grew on my lips hearing it.


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