𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟲

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"I want you to stand right here and don't move a muscle, no matter what," Ciel ordered. We are now outside the manor, in a clearing in the woods, along the outskirts of the manor property. The moon wasn't at its highest yet but full and out tonight.

"May I ask why?" I asked, standing where Ciel wanted me to. "No." I slightly glared at him as he walked away. "Ciel, where are you going? Ciel... CIEL!" He didn't respond at all so now I'm just standing here, in the woods, in the dark, but not alone. I mean I can still see him and the many other things that were surrounding us because of my night vision.

Like the fact that Finny is holding a marble statue or that Bard and Mey-rin are on the side of me with the camera, and the many weird dragon statues around. This is just another elaborate plan for Ciel to get a picture of me and Sebastian with that damn camera.

"Do it, Finny!" Ciel shouted. Finny threw the statue up in the air and it came coming back down straight for me. As Ciel ordered, I didn't move a muscle and just kept still as the statue kept coming for me. I started chuckling a little looking down at the ground. 'That clever boy.'

A big crash rumbled through the air as smoke and debris were created from the statue being destroyed, but not by me. As the smoke cleared up I looked up seeing who protected me and smiled.

"Hi," I smiled. "Hey," Sebastian smiled. He cupped my face, gently lifting it so I was looking into his red eyes. "Why didn't you move out the way?" he asked, his cooled thumb caressing my cheeks. "Because Ciel ordered me not to move, no matter what," I said. "Figured," Sebastian said and I laughed.

Then out of nowhere, the dragon statues started spewing out sparkles from their mouths, illuminating the area around us, but also letting light to capture a picture of us. "What a charming picture the two of you make," Lau said walking from behind one of the dragons. "Indeed," Ciel said smirking.

I rolled my eyes knowing that Ciel is happy that he got his picture. "You could have just told us to pose for a picture," Sebastian said. "What?" "Had you ordered us to, we would have had no choice but to do so, as you ordered me not to move a muscle earlier," I explained. He looked at us taking the information in and scoffed seeing his mistake. "But this works too," Sebastian said looking down at me.

I looked up at him but looked at his lips. "I want to kiss you," I whispered so only he could hear. "I know but not right now," he said, and I sighed, which he chuckled to. So they succeeded, they got a picture of me and Sebastian. Know there are going to see who or what we care about the most.

"Sebastian, what are we going to do about the photo?" I questioned him as we were walking towards the red room. "Don't worry I have that covered," Sebastian smirked. I looked at him confused but he kept smirking. Then I heard shouting and fire coming down the hall where the others are. "Is that your doing?" I smirked up at him. "Maybe."

It was Pluto, who was running down the hall towards us. He stopped right in front of Sebastian. "Good," Sebastian said petting him. "So you did train him," I said. "It wasn't fun but yes, yes I did," he said. "It's such a shame though," I said. Sebastian looked at me puzzled. "We had to destroy such a cute photo of us," I pouted.

He chuckled and handed Pluto a treat. "We can go and get a photo of us," Sebastian said. "Really?" I smiled having sparkles in my eyes. "Yes, or a painting if you want," having his arm out to me. I smiled hooking my arm around his and walked down the hall with him.

"You do know you're sleeping outside?" Sebastian said turning around to Pluto. Pluto started whimpering but we kept walking down the hall.

Because of the whole elaborate plan on Ciel's part, dinner was severed late and Lau had to leave so it was a busy night and I thought I could help Sebastian a bit. "Oh come on I can help a little, my powers are back and I'm not as tired anymore, and tomorrow I will be officially back, what's wrong with starting early," I said. "It's really ok darling, I can do all the nightly chores myself," he said putting up the dried dishes. "I know you can but you haven't even put Ciel to bed yet, plus you do so much for me and the others, I can help a little," I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

He softly sighed looking down at me. "But-" "Come onn," I purred. He sighed again looking to the side smiling. I smiled to knowing he was going to say yes. "Fine." See.

"Can you please straighten some of the rooms while I put the master to bed," he said. "Of course, Sebby," I said. I kissed him on the cheek and his cheek started flushing pink. I chuckled and walked out of the kitchen going to do some chores.

. . .

I was straightening one of the rooms close to Ciel's study when there was a knock at the door. Since the door was open I saw Sebastian standing there. He jerked his head to the side to follow him, which I did to Ciel's study seeing Ciel sitting at his desk, but one thing was different.

He was asleep.

"Oh he is so cute," I whispered. "But how irresponsible," Sebastian said. We walked closer to Ciel but I noticed the special camera on his desk. "You know," I said walking up to his desk. "Hmm?" "I wonder what or who Ciel cares about the most," I smirked. He smirked to as I walked in front of Ciel to get the perfect photo. "Then let's find out, shall we."

. . .

We went to the red room to develop the picture and of course Ciel was in the picture but Pluto's naked ass was also in the picture. Dumb mutt. But guess who else was in the picture? Sebastian and MEE! Though it was very faint, like a ghost almost, but we think it's because I'm half demon and half human so I'm half dead but not.

I started giggling as we walked down the hall with the picture in hand. "Are you really that happy," Sebastian asked walking by my side. "Oh come on, you can't tell me it's not adorable, plus, when are there contractors that actually care about their demons," I said. "Thats true," he said. "Exactly."

We went into the kitchen and I put the picture on the kitchen table for the others to see in the moring. I smiled and turned around about to leave the kitchen but I see Sebastian with his head titled to the side smirking at me.

"What?" I questioned like I was clueless. "Really," he said and I giggled. "You know the others would want to see, oo, and you can show Ciel in the morning during breakfast, I'm sure he would love it," I said. "You know he would hate it," he smiled and I laughed.

We headed out the kitchen and I went towards our room but Sebastian was heading the other direction. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I still have much to clean up from today. After all there failed plans to get a picture of us and to catch you, kitten," he explained. "Right," I said.

"It's just, I thought we could finish what we started back in the garden," I said walking up to him, his smirk evidently on his lips growing. I grabbed his tie and pulled on so his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync, in a passionate kiss. I slipped my tongue through his lips and he groaned into the kiss. He grabbed my face with both of his gloved hands breaking the kiss. I smirked up at him seeing him panting a little and going for another kiss but he stopped me.

"Darling, I know you want to finish what we started but like I said, i still have to clean up ok," he said, kissing my forehead. I pouted, but said 'ok'. He wished me good night before going down the hall and I going to my room. 

I pouted thinking, what happened in the garden, was the only action that I got in a while and I want more. 'And I know just how to get it,' I thought smirking going into my room and closing it behind me.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now