𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟰

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Once we shook hands, Ciel cried in pain while the contract was being created on Ciel's chest with my demon mark. A circle formed with a star in the middle. In the middle of the star was a cat's paw print. A stripe of black went around his neck like a collar with another stripe of black connecting the 'collar' to my mark on his chest.

Once it was done Ceil stopped screaming and was sweating a little. "Are you alright," I asked, a little concerned. "I'm ...fine," he said, sounding out of breath. "Good cause now we're matching," I said, showing my mark. It's the same as Ciel's but it's on my right hand and a black band is on my wrist.

Then we heard a growling sound coming from our right. I looked to see an albino panther with blue eyes, and a melanistic wolf with yellow eyes. My face lit up seeing them. "Kuro! Yuki!," I yelled to them and Kuro ran up to me instantly and climbed up on me, almost making me fall but I caught him. I petted his head as he licked me.

"Hey Kuro, did you pack my things?" I said as I continued to pet him. He did a small growl indicating a yes and motioned his head to the door of the room where my bags were. "Good boy," I said as I continued to pet him. I then felt Yuki nuzzle her head in my other hand. "Hey Yuki," I said to her as I petted her softly. "Down," I commanded Kuro, who got off of me.

I turned around to see Ciel looking terrified and Sebastian having a blush on his cheeks staring at Yuki. "My lord, these are my pets. This is Kuro," I said while petting Kuro to my right. "And this is Yuki," I said, petting Yuki to my left. Kuro slowly walked up to Ciel, like he was his prey, who was a little scared of him. "Don't worry he won't do anything to you because we have a contract. He's just... getting a feel of you just extend your hand out and you will be fine," I told him. He looked at me, a little scared, but I nodded my head and gave a comforting smile.

He did what I said and... Kuro nuzzled in his hand and set his head on Ciel's armrest of his chair. Ciel lightly petted Kuro, having a displeased look on his face but I can tell he enjoyed it. Then Yuki walked up to Sebastian which I was surprised by because she is usually shy toward new people. She sat right in front of Sebastian and Sebastian couldn't hold it together anymore. "You are so cute and adorable and your fur is so soft," he said as he petted Yuki.

"So what can they do," Ciel asked as he continued to pet Kuro but looked relaxed now. "Yuki can turn into any feline species and Kuro can turn into any canine species along with having the normal demon powers," I said as Kuro and Yuki walked back to me. "Like a lion, a cheetah, or a leopard," I said as Yuki changed into all three. "Or a fox, a dingo, or a coyote," and Kuro changed to all three. "They can change into house pets which they should change into," I said slightly glaring at them. They looked back at me not wanting to but they did. Yuki changed into a ragdoll cat and Kuro changed into a husky. They looked ADORABLE. I picked Yuki up, as she curled up in my arm.

"And she doesn't make me sneeze, why?" Ceil asked, looking at Yuki. "Well, she is a demon so she is not are not a real, living cat," I said. "Hmm, well as far as you being my new maid, you will start tomorrow, unless there is something Sebastian needs any assistance with. You are free to explore the manor and get yourself familiar with the place. We also have a special guest coming soon and you can have all your fun with this guest," he said with a smirk on his face.

That smirk made me smile, "As you wish my lord," I said with a small bow. "Sebastian help [Name] with her bags and show her to her room," Ceil ordered. "Yes my lord," said Sebastian as he went to carry a few of my bags. I grabbed the last one with my tail and was about to walk until Ceil said "Also, hide the tail and ears." I looked at him with a blank face, like it wasn't obvious. "No duh," I said dryly as I walked out of his study following behind Sebastian.

As I followed him I recognized the area we were in cause we were near where his room is. We went to a door to the right of his room. Upon opening the door the room was exactly like Sebastian but the decor was purple and silver and there was a vanity. "Here is your room m'lady and please let me know if you need anything," he said, placing my bags on the couch. "Thank you sir, and please call me [Name]," I said, setting the bag carried by my tail, and Yuki on the bed as Kuro jumped on the bed. "Then please call me Sebastian," he said and I nodded.

"Well I must get going, there is still so much to do before our guest arrives," he said heading to the door. "Wait," I said, walking up to him. He stopped and turned around looking down at me. "Yes?" "I... I um..." I stammered looking at his face, his handsome face. I don't usually get this nervous in front of people but with him, it's like I'm a frickin' schoolgirl in front of her crush or something.

He smirked at me which made me look down to the floor hiding my now blushing face. "I just wanted to say thank you for helping me with my injuries," I said. I didn't hear a response so I looked up at him, only to see him looking at me with a soft smile.

Looking closer he was staring at me. "Hello... hello," I said trying to get him out of his trance but it wasn't working. So I started waving my hands in front of him and that snapped him back to reality. "My apologies, I spaced out for a bit. What were you saying?" he said with red tinting his cheeks. I smiled 'Good to know I have the same effects on him' I thought.

"I said I wanted to thank you for helping me with my injuries," I said. "Of course, I couldn't leave an injured kitten out on the streets at night. But I'm glad I didn't or I wouldn't have met you," he said. I blushed when he said that. "Well I must get going, but please make yourself at home and come down to meet the rest of the servants," he said as he walked out. I plopped down on my bed staring at the ceiling only able to think about the hot butler that just left. 'He is much nicer than other demons I've met' I thought. I then got up and started unpacking my things.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now