Chapter 5: (Name) met Momo

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"Good morning, everyone!" You shouted as you burst into the classroom, startling everyone, but you didn't care as you were wearing your new headphones.

You then proceeded to go to your assigned seat. Your seat was in the rear right. As you made yourself comfortable in your seat, you observed who your seat neighbors were.

In front of your seat was a boy with the head of a black bird. You cringe when you remember the bird you just buried yesterday.

On your right was a guy with very large and thick lips. You wondered if he joined the Kylie Jenner lip challenge.

There was an extra seat behind you as the total number of students in your class is odd. The one who was seated behind you was a boy with two-colored hair. You felt bad for him because he was alone in the back.

You then turned to see who was your seatmate on the left side. When you saw who it was, you choked on your own saliva.

It was the beautiful girl you saw in the coffeehouse several days ago.

'Praise God from whom all blessings flow.' you thought.

You adjusted and tidied your uniform as you prepared to introduce yourself to her. You also put your headphones on your neck.

"Ahem," you tried to get her attention. Surprisingly, she turned and looked at you.

"Yo! Neighbor! I'm (Name) Nakai. I love peaches. How about you? " You gave her your brightest smile as you introduced yourself.

You saw the girl become stunned a bit, but she instantly regained her posture.

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. It's a pleasure to meet you." she replied.

'Momo... Momo...Peach!?' you pondered.

"Your name's Momo?" you asked again as you leaned closer to her.

"Yes, why?" she tilted her head.

"Your name is beautiful." you instinctively stated.

"Thank you, it's kind of you to tell me." She smiled at you.

As you were about to try to engage in a longer conversation, your teacher suddenly arrived. You became a bit disappointed.

The morning class started. It was just like normal lessons for all the required subjects.

Your classmates looked like they were bored. Well, same as you, but you tried your best to listen attentively to every lecture so that you do not have to study hard when the exam week arrives.

At noon, you all gathered at the grand mess hall to sample first-rate cuisine for cheap. Cooking Hero: Lunch Rush was present there.

You enjoyed the lunch you ate at the grand mess, but your mom's cooking was still the best.

Finally, the afternoon portion came. It was time for the daily Foundational Heroic Studies.


through the door, like a normal person!" With his hero costume on full display, All Might suddenly barged into the room.

When the class saw the No. 1 Hero, they all gasped.

"I can't believe it! All Might's really gonna be teaching us...!!!" Kirishima shouted.

"No way! All Might's going to teach us!?" you were also surprised.

"That design's so silver age! That art style clashes so much it's giving me goosebumps..." the frog girl stated.

"Foundational hero studies! For this class, we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials." All Might said while he struck a pose.

"Let's jump up with this!! The trial of battle!!" All Might declared as he revealed a card with the word "battle" on it.

"The trial... of battle...!" With a murderous grin on his face, Bakugou cheered.

"And to go with your first battle... We've prepared the gear we had you send in requests for to match your quirks!" All Might stated.

"Our battle gear!!!" you and your classmates cheered.

"Awesome!!" one of your classmate shouted.

"Get changed and we'll be ready to go! Everyone gather at grounds beta! The garb you bring into the battlefield is vitally important, boys and girls!! And don't forget! From here on out, you're all officially heroes!!" All Might announced.

You excitedly grabbed your briefcase with the number 21 on it. You then called your best friend, Jirou, and you hurriedly went to the changing rooms.

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