Chapter 49: (Name) Slept On It || Midoriya Vs. Bakugou

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Inside the 1-A Alliance, everyone was resting and relaxing after participating in the just-completed hero licensure exam, having some conversations here and there. In general, everybody was making the most of their last day of summer, and that meant the next day all of you were going back to normal classes.

"Chocolate please."

"You're asking for too many things!"

"Guys, did you know that a peach a day keeps the psychiatrist away?"

"Ain't it apple, tho?"

"Did you also know that I fought Mt. Lady just to get these peaches?!"


"I almost didn't recognize her, I'm used to seeing her in her hero costume."

"Is she even more beautiful?"


"What an unforgettable summer break..."

Hours went by fast, and little by little, each one of your classmates decided to rest in their rooms. You were also about to go up to your room when Midoriya suddenly called you.

"Kacchan's calling us..."

"Huh?" With the tone of Midoriya's voice, you were getting a bad feeling about what was going to happen.

All three of you had already walked a long path, and you were kind of making out that the pathway was leading to the Ground Beta.

"Kacchan...! How far away are you trying to go? We really shouldn't be walking around outside this late at night..." Midoriya worriedly spoke, but Bakugou just stayed silent and just continued walking. You were walking behind the two and were quiet during the long walk.

"Why am I third-wheeling in your secret little date? Are you two trying to make me jealous? Just you two wait! I'm going to ask Momo if we could-"

"Shut up!" Bakugou shouted.

"Okay... okay... chill..."

"K-kacchan! Everybody is asleep already!"


You tried to remove the thick tension in the air that you were feeling between the two, but you failed. After a little more walking, you arrived at the destination Bakugou wanted you three to be at.

"This place... It's... Ground Beta..." Midoriya started.

"This is where I fought you for the very first time in combat training... And lost. For all this time, just thinkin' about it made me sick to my damn stomach..." Bakugou finally spoke.

'What am I supposed to do here?' you thought. You were starting to regret agreeing to go with them as you were still feeling a little bit of dizziness even after taking some medicine, and what you were currently needing was a long sleep.

"You were a quirkless, good for nothing weak little bitch... but by some miracle, you got accepted to U.A., and by an even bigger miracle, your quirk manifested out of thin air, ain't that right?" Bakugou continued.

'Um... Is it okay for me to hear all this!?' You looked back and forth between Bakugou and Midoriya.

"Ahem..." You tried to let them know that you were still there with them, but they just ignored you.

Bakugou carried on talking a lot of horrible things to Midoriya that you couldn't even follow up with what he was saying anymore.

"And in the end you even got your provisional license. And I fvcking failed! What the hell is up with that? Huh?"

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