Chapter 51: (Name) The Potato Chip || Class 1-A Vs. Mirio Togata

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After two days of being on house arrest, you were finally able to go back to school. You immediately slammed the door open to make way not just for yourself but also for your classmates, as all of you were now living in the same place, so almost all of you would arrive to school together at the same time unless some of you overslept or had other things to do.

"My ass is back!" you shouted as soon as you entered your beloved classroom.

"Ohh, I like that energy; that's Nakai for you!" Kirishima supported your hyperactivity.

"One of the troublemakers is already back." Iida spoke.

"I already repented of my sins, President!"

"Oh, that's good, Nakai... Keep it up!"

The day you got back to school, nothing special happened-just Monoma's mocking added to regular lectures here and there, and it equated to a pretty normal day.

It was the next day, when Midoriya also returned with iron willpower matching yours, that your teacher started to formally discuss the internships.

Some of your classmates tilted their heads when Aizawa called some people outside to enter your classroom. You turned your attention to the entrance, as you were also curious to see who these people might be. You thought they would be pro heroes.

However, your guess was wrong as soon as the door opened and you saw that it was Togata, Amajiki, and a girl you were not quite familiar with, though Togata probably mentioned her to you already in the past. These people were also from your school, but you didn't really see them that much because your school has an enormous area and most of the time students in various classes have their own different schedules and such.

"Let's hear first-hand from those with personal experience... how these internships are different from field training. They have made time in their busy schedules to come and talk to you all, so please listen to what they have to say. These three third-years rank among the top of all U.A. students. They're known as-

THE BIG THREE." Aizawa introduced.

"Big three!" Your classmates became excited and intrigued by the said people, who had recently arrived.

"So these guys are... I had heard there were people like them, but..."

"One of them is a beauty to boot! They kinda don't look the part... Don'tcha think..." Kaminari commented.

Aizawa then asked the big three to give a brief introduction about themselves and picked Amajiki first. The young man's tired, sharp eyes intimidated your classmates, but it was unintended, and in reality, he was anxious, especially when he was about to communicate with other people.

"What kind of potato peasant am I today, Tamaki-senpai?!" you suddenly asked.

"Y-you look like a potato chip... (Name)..." Amajiki took courage to respond to you in front of many people.

"I see! Ain't it less scary than being just an actual potato head? You're making progress, senpai!" You gave him your thumbs up.

"No... the rest still looks like potatoes with human bodies... No matter how hard I try, everything except their heads just keeps their human form... And beside their heads, I can only see them as humans! What should I do...? I'm running out of words to say!"

"Ummm..." You really didn't know what to say to him, as you two have the exact opposite personalities. You can't possibly relate to him.

"My mind's completely blank... It's so painful...! I WANNA GO HOME...!" Amajiki faced away from all of you and leaned his head against the chalkboard.

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