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That was all emotion (Y/N) felt since the only person left in her family stopped caring.

Loneliness was a very, very strange sort of thing. It crept up in her, quiet and still, sat by her side whilst in the dark, stroked her hair as she layed sleeping. It wrapped itself around her broos bones, squeezing so tight, that she almost, almost could never ever breathe. It left millions of lies in her heavy heart, laid next to her at night, leached the light from every small corner and crevice. Loneliness...a constant companion, it gently clasped her shaky hand, only to yank down abruptly when she struggled to pull herself back up. A fly. A pest. A nuisance.

She would awoke in the early mornings and wonder who on earth she was. She'd fall asleep at night and then tremble in her own skin. Fearing her own fears. Doubting her doubts.

Did she?

Did she...not?

Should she?

Should she...not?

Why? Why wouldn't she?

And even, if she was ready to fully and completely let go, when she was ready to finally, finally, finally break free from her cage, when she was ready to be brand-new. Loneliness was challenging her. Brutally. Invariably. It was her best friend standing beside her in the reflection of the mirror, looking her in the eye. Daring her to live her life without it. How? Why? Why? Why? Why? She could never discover the words to fight herself, to fight the words screaming that she was not enough. Never enough. Never, ever, ever, ever - enough.

Loneliness was bitter and wrenched.

The Devil.

And sometimes...it just would not let go. Because, it was forever.

And she...was...not...

The train before long, came to a halt. (Y/N) stepped gracefully from the metal structure and stared at the dark, night sky for a moment, before catching up with Harry and Ron. A bulky man with a bushy brown beard, thick locks for hair and the same brown eyes, a round face and a button nose held out a lantern, that shined a luminous golden light. "All righ' then! Firs' years, this way, please! Come on, now! 'urry up, don't be shy!" He shouted, his strong accent carried through the crowd of numerous students. The large man then laid his dark chocolate eyes upon Harry who was stood before him, (Y/N) and Ron at both his sides, and a bright smile stretched across his facial complexion. "Oh! 'ello Harry!" Harry grinned up at him.

"Hey, Hagrid." He replied rather shyly, smiling.

(Y/N) shyly waved at him, her mouth parted.

"Woah" Breathed Ron, as he and (Y/N) both gazed up at him, amazed by his extraordinary height. A mighty Giant he was. "Righ' then...this way to the boats. Come on now, follow me!" He exclaimed to all the students that followed after him, unfortunately (Y/N) drowned within them, losing her only two friends along the way.

How lovely...she thought to herself darkly. The Universe really, honestly must have hated her. Oy.

It was an absolute miracle that Hagrid was so ridiculously tall, or else she would have definitely been left behind.

Not long after, they arrived at a small dock where wooden boats were sprawled out on the big lake. The moonlight reflected on the water, as the stars twinkled and glittered in the dark, pitch black sky, mirroring a picture on the lake.

It was beautiful.

(Y/N) was about to join a boat herself, but a figure rudely bumped shoulders with her, causing her to almost lose her balance. In her principal vision she saw a mop of light blonde hair. Hair as white as snow on a cool Winter's day. (Y/N) put a shaking hand on her chest to control her rapidly beating Heart. She did not quite like surprises very much; she must be prepared or at least just...know.

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