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Harry told Hermione and (Y/N) what had happened as to why Ron and himself weren't on the Train and it was quite a funny story. Her eyes stared at the Weasley as he wrapped tape around the wood of his Wand. The redhead then looked at Harry with a very worried expression plastered on his face.

"Say it. I'm doomed." Said boy repeated his words with ease, saying casually. "You're doomed..." (Y/N) hid a goofy grin behind the palm of her hand and swallowed an erupting giggle.

"Hi Harry!" A short, small boy with bright blonde hair and hazel eyes greeted him with a large grin on his face. (Y/N) looked over at the small boy. He seemed really exited. "I'm Colin Creevey! I'm in Gryffindor, too!" Harry replied to him politely, "H-hi...Colin. Nice to meet you." Suddenly, a screeching noise sounded in the far distance and Dean turned his head to Ron with his dark brows furrowed, he asked. "Ron, is that your Owl?" Everyone stared at the animal soaring towards the Gryffindor table. They ducked their heads down as the Owl passed by them and it landed gracefully on the food displayed on the table. Colin took a photograph with the large Camera dangling from his neck, the button making a satisfying click sound.

Malfoy, along with a number of other Slytherins laughed and Ron shook his head from side to side. Embarrassed. "Bloody bird's a menace!" The Owl stood to its full height and flew away as the redhead leaned closer to the letter and his blue eyes enlarging in fear. "Oh no!" (Y/N) noticed that the letter was packaged in a dark scarlet envelope with a confused look on her face. Hermione too appeared to be a little lost. "Look everyone!" Seamus exclaimed. "Weasley's got himself a Howler!" Once again, laughter erupted from the Slytherin table. She stared dumbly at the Malfoy boy's smile, fascinated, it was so bright, and rare, real...until she realised what in the World she was doing and quickly turned her head away, tucking her (Y/H/C) hair behind her ears.

"Go on, Ron!" Neville encouraged, speaking up. "I ignored one from my Granny once. It was horrible." He told Ron wincing, recalling the memory.

The boy slowly, but surely opened the letter and once it was open, it shouted loudly in Molly Weasley's voice. It boomed obnoxiously into The Great Hall. "RONALD WEASLEY!" The letter spoke, forming itself a mouth. A mouth! Wow. "HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER'S FACING AN ENQUIRY AT AT WORK, AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT!" The Howler flew directly into Ron's red face in warning. (Y/N) lifted her hand to her lips in shock. "IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!"

The second to youngest Weasley nodded his head rapidly in fear and the Howler turned, floating its way to his little sister, Ginny. Everyone turned to stare at her. The Howler said to her in a very gentle voice, "Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your Father and I are so proud." (Y/N) smiled at Ginny's accomplishments and happiness. The Howler floated over to Ron once more and stuck its tongue out to him, then ripped itself to shreds. Hermione breathed out a long, heavy sigh and stared at Ron, who looked at everyone. Beet red.


"Let me introduce you to your new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher...Me!" Gilderoy Lockhart showed himself up as he stalked down the concrete stairs and stared at the students. Harry just blankly gazed at him, while Ron raised an eyebrow, a look of disgust on his face. "Gilderoy Lockhart, Order Of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member Of The Dark Force Defence League. And five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award." He introduced smugly. "But, I don't talk about that; I didn't get rid of the Banden Bashee by smiling at him." A deep chuckle erupted from his throat while he grinned. A beautiful set of white teeth showing. She lifted a single brow, her nose scrunching up. "Now be warned.It is my job to arm you against the foulest Creatures known to Wizardkind." He tapped his Wand on a metal cage that was covered by a bright red, velvet blanket and it shook with awful violence.

"You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room." He stated.
What? "Know only that no harm can befall you, whilst I am here! I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them!" He pulled the plush blanket from the cage, revealing weird looking Creatures. "Cornish Pixies?" Questioned Seamus with a smile. Malfoy glanced at Crabbe with a sigh of relief leaving his lips, and the former snickered quietly. "Freshly caught, Cornish Pixies." Lockhart elaborated. Students chuckled amongst themselves, but Seamus' laugh was the loudest of all. "Laugh if you will, Mr Finnigan." He smirked at the boy. "The Pixies can be devilishly tricky, little things. See what you make of them!" He released the Mystical Creatures from the cage, which immediately began attacking on the students.

Everyone ran from their tables and Hermione dropped her books to the ground with a loud thud. They stood up from their seats and ran, screaming hysterically. "Come on now! Round them up! Round up the Pixies. They're only Pixies." The man said, instructing the students. The Pixies completely ruined Gilderoy's books and two other sneaky little things lifted Neville by his ear and hung his ribes by the lit chandelier up on the tall ceiling. The entirety of the students left, while Ron, Hermione, Harry and (Y/N) stayed behind. And of course, Neville.

Oi! She sighed internally.

"Hey, get me down!" The boy cried, struggling and wiggling like a worm on a fish hook.

"Get off me!" Hermione yelled as a Pixie tugged roughly at her hair. (Y/N)'s hand found a fallen book and she aimed it at the Pixie, she hit the Creature with the object and it knocked to the ground. "Peskipiksi Pesternomi!" Lockhart exclaimed proudly, but the Spell did not work, because a darned Pixie took his Wand from him. The Cornish Pixie used the Wand with its small hand, to break the chain securing a hanging Dragon skeleton. Lockhart ran when he saw his portrait being taken away by the Creatures, he made a move to get the painting back, but struggled heavily. In the end he - surprise, surprise - failed.

He smiled sheepishly at Harry and his fellow friends. "I'll ask you four to just nip the rest of them back into the cage!" Hermione ducked down so that she could grasp a book with her hand. (Y/N) attempted to hit the swarm of Pixies away, but it was to no avail. Harry and Ron followed the movements.

"What do we do now?" Questioned Ron.

Hermione took out her Wand, shouting, "Immobulus!"

The Pixies that were busy flying around, buzzing, froze mid-air, just floating. Hermione grinned with confidence and tucked her Wand away again. (Y/N)'s gaze drifted back to where Neville was sheepishly hanging and she sighed through her lips in sadness. "Why is it always me?" He asked.

She smiled a sympathetic smile at him, then she cast a Spell with the use of her Wand to get him down. He smiled a small, shy smile. "Thanks, (Y/N). That is twice in a row now..." Neville trailed off fruitlessly and she used her hand to pat him reassuringly on his back. "It's alright, Neville. It was no problem at all...I'm glad I could help."


Awe, Neville! I love him so much! And (Y/N)...Ahhh, so sweet and kind and so freaking adorable.

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