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"Again?" Asked Hermione, her voice raised in confusion and doubt, hands tucked stiffly at her sides. (Y/N) mirrored her stance. Her eyes large. "As in, The Chamber Of Secrets has been opened before?" (Y/N), Harry, Hermione and Ron were inside the bathroom, attempting to make The Polyjuice Potion, as their brunette friend stirred the consisted ingredients inside a three-legged Cauldron of said Potion, (Y/N) sat quietly beside her, (Y/E/C) eyes narrowed in concentration. It was a very interesting process. Brewing Potions.

They were Witching Around. Almost like the original Horsing Around...She smiled a tiny smile, chuckling softly inside of her head. At her own joke. A joke that absolutely nobody heard.

It was still a sort of funny though.

Cheesy and cringeworthy, but still quite funny.

"Of course!" Ron exclaimed, the orange locks of his hair brushing against his forehead as it bounced. (Y/N) stared at him as he conducted, "Don't you see? Lucius Malfoy must have opened it, before when he was at School here! Now...he's taught Draco how to do it." She furrowed her brows, creases appearing at the top of her head. For some very, very strange reason, (Y/N) did not quite agree with the statement. Draco Malfoy may be a pompous-aloof idiot at times, yes, but he was not that shallow nor crude on such beastly levels to do such drastic things to fellow School companions. To Murder. Kill.

He would never do that, would he?

She pressed her lips together, swallowing her tongue.

Hermione sighed out a puff of air, tucking a fallen strand of chestnut hair behind her earlobe. "Maybe..." She poured another ingredient to the small, boiling pot. It cchssed and bubbled. "But, we'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure." Ron questioned rather worriedly, his words falling quickly and hastily from his mouth, "Enlighten me...Why are we Brewing this Potion in broad daylight, in the middle of a Girl's Lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?" The brunette chuckled lightly as she tipped a small jar to add another portion of ingredients to the Cauldron. It fell to the pot gracefully. "No. No one ever comes here!" She finished.

Ron's bushy brows scrunched together as he questioned, "Why?"

Said girl shrugged at her shoulders and she replied easily, "Moaning Myrtle."

The Weasley boy asked again, "Who?"

Just then, a female Ghost with midnight black hair tied into two pigtails, extremely pale skin - almost white - and glasses on the bridge of her button proportioned nose appeard from a cubicle and Harry's emerald eyes went wide, while (Y/N) gasped out a breath, a little shook up. Hermione informed them, "Moaning Myrtle!" She seemed to be nice...but scary. Really scary. And pale.

Ron, bless his poor, poor soul, questioned once again, still completely and utterly confused. Lost. "Who's Moaning Myrtle?" His lips plummeted and pulled down.

The Ghost of a girl responded with a hight pitched voice, a cat-like, screeching sound, almost. "I'm Moaning Myrtle!" She introduced, her loud yelling voice booming through the restroom, causing Ron to lean back to the wood of the door, afraid. (Y/N) jumped. She flew upwards, staring down at them with her head titled to the side and wide, beady black eyes. Myrtle stated, "I wouldn't expect you to know me! Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping Moaning Myrtle!" She cried loudly and (Y/N) winced visibly, her entire body locking in place. Her voice was so screechy. If that was even a word. Well, it certainly described the sound frequency perfectly.

Myrtle let out a series of booming, gut-wrenching shrieks of 'Ehhhhh!'s and dived into one of the white marble toilets, disappearing into the splashing water with a satisfying sploosh!

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