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(Y/N) slowly entered The Leaky Cauldron with her best friends - Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley - by her side, dressed in a loose pair of worn trousers and a snow white long sleeved shirt, her feet covered in brown woollen boots and fluffy socks. They saw Mr. Arthur Weasley, busying himself by reading through The Daily Prophet news, the creme cover page of the paper decorated in a negative coloured version of Sirius Black and many words she could not make out clearly from afar. His face was deeply hollowed, cheekbones defined, eyes a Midnight sky and lips pulled into a humungous open circle as he screamed maniacally, mass of shoulder length hair a greasy mess at the top of his head as he shook it from side to side roughly.

The girl flinched back slightly, gasping and shuddering as she stared back at the vain man in the picture.

Mr. Weasley's honey kissed eyes met Harry's emerald greens behind his rimmed glasses; and the (Y/E/C)s of (Y/N)'s own and a wide grin stretched across his thin, pink lips. "Harry! (Y/N), my goodness! Is that truly you?" (Y/N)'s cheeks peppered rose red when Arthur scanned their grown figures, before he was bickering both the boy and girl for a proper greeting with his hands. The pair walked up to him and he wrapped his outstretched, built arms around them, their faces buried into his warm blazer covered shoulder. He smelled of vintage, hardback books and dust, there was a hint of spearmint there too.

It was very...comforting, to say the least. Like a Bookstore or the Library of Hogwarts.

They pulled away after a few short moments of lulling in one another's comfort.

Mr. Weasley patted Harry's head lovingly, before turning to lure at (Y/N) with so much kindness in his eyes as he cupped the girl's pink cheeks with either of his large, leathery hands. "How are you, my dear?" (Y/N) leaned into his touch unconsciously, smiling smally, "I - I am quite well, thank you, Mr. Weasley..." Was her soft and meek reply, breath hitching within her dry throat. She was doing better, but she was not well - (Y/N) was slowly improving, day by day. However, one day, she'll be able to say that she was doing great.

Because someday, things would change.

Someday she'd be happy.

Truly and irreversibly.

One day...

"I am very glad to hear that, (Y/N)." Mr. Weasley whispered gently to her, grinning close lipped, before leading both Harry and herself to a bricked wall. "They still haven't caught him, then?" The latter questioned the older man, his dark brows knitting together seriously as he gazed with fogged green eyes at the photograph of Sirius Black. "No..." Said Mr. Weasley, his facial expression a sort of grave and defeated as he sighed defeatedly, face fallen flat. "They've pulled us all of our regular jobs at The Ministry to try and find him, but no luck so far." (Y/N) pressed her lips together, before it was pulling down in disappointment.

Hermione too, glanced down to stare at her feet.

Ron asked hopefully, his crystal blue eyes lighting up in hope, "Would we get a reward if we caught him?"

Mr. Weasley eyed him with a funny look painted on his face, "Don't be ridiculous, Ron." (Y/N) stared closely at the older man, only to realise then that he looked completely strained under the girl's closer inspection. Grim, if one wished to be more accurate. "Black's not going to be caught by a Thirteen year old Wizard...It's the Azkaban Guards who'll get him back. You mark my words." (Y/N) pursed her lips, inhaling deeply as her eyes directing downwards as her friends'.

Just then, Mrs. Molly Weasley entered the dining area, hands laden with paper shopping bags. The twins, Fred and George Weasley, followed not moments after; Percy, the newly elected Head Boy of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry joined, along with the youngest child and only girl, Ginny. (Y/N) waved shyly at her and she grinned widely back, before moving to greet Harry. She and Hermione both noticed the youngest Weasley's embarrassment and tomato red blush when she reached the raven haired boy's side.

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