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Harry and Ron managed to escape in a discrete manner from the bathroom of Moaning Myrtle's, searching for the Slytherin Common Room. The latter furrowed his brows, "I think the Slytherin Common Room's this way..." He trailed off, his index finger pointing to the left.

Ron responded, his voice rather wobbly, "Okay."

The boys started forward, when an all too familiar Weasley voice stopped them dead in their tracks. They froze. It was Percy. "Excuse me!" He said to them, his tone full of warning. Little Weasley gasped, his breath catching in his throat. "What are you doing dow -" Harry cut Ron's sentence off by jabbing his elbow in his ribs, he winced ever so slightly. The former glanced at Harry, his eyebrows raised before he realised his mistake. He cleared his throat, straightening. "I mean...what are you doing down here?" He questioned, this time his voice lowered a few keys down.

The curly redhead stared at them, his face scrunched up in confusion. Duly note that Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, were still disguised as Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle.

"I happen to be a School Prefect." Percy raised an perfect eyebrow at the Slytherins. "You on the other hand, have no business wandering these corridors of this time at night." He stated sternly, while the boys only nodded their heads dumbly. Percy squinted his eyes at the boys, scanning them. "What are your names again?"Harry panicked for a moment, his head still jumbled about, before he stuttered out. "I'm..." He paused, his dark eyes growing wide, palms sweaty.

That was when a voice called out, "Crabbe. Goyle!" Harry could have snogged the ground right then and there. It was the first time he was actually relieved and happy that Draco Malfoy had showed up.

Oh, that's us...Harry thought and sighed through his, well...Vincent's lips. That sounded weird. Ew. Okay. Moving on. Ron and Harry turned their heads, laying their eyes upon Malfoy, who was stalking toward them with a frown on his face. "Where have you been? Pigging out on The Great Hall, this time?" Malfoy stood between them, and looked up at Harry - it was nice being taller than Malfoy for once - staring at the accessory on his nose with a raised eyebrow. "Why are you wearing glasses?" He questioned, confused.

Harry raised his hand to his face, taking it off and he gulped. "Oh! Umm..." He stared at Draco, mustering up the only word that had entered his brain. "Reading?" He excused. But, it came out as more of a question.

"Reading?" Malfoy echoed and observed him for a few moments longer. "I didn't know you could read." Harry simply nodded silently, not quite knowing what to say next, Malfoy's arched eyebrow turned to Percy Weasley, who had only stood there...in utter silence...awkwardly. Poor boy! "And what are you doing down here, Weasley?" Percy warned, glaring a withering glared at him. "Mind your attitude, Malfoy."

Said bleached blonde boy only ignored him, walking away.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) and Hermione where still in the Girl's Loo, as the latter stared at the former with wide eyes. Why? Well, instead of being transformed into Millicent Bulstrode, a human girl, Hermione appeard to look more like an um, a Giant Cat. Which, consisted of a large head, extra furry, a cute black nose, small ears and sharp emerald eyes - that, if anyone cares - almost gave (Y/N) a mini Heart Attack! Said girl pressed a shaky hand to her cold cheek, running her free one through the messy locks of her (Y/H/C) hair. She glanced back at Hermione with glazed (Y/E/C) eyes and clicked her fingers together. "Uhmm...uh..."




Then, "I'm going to the Library. There must be some sort of...antidote? Uhm...I-I don't know Hermione I'm freaking out! And you are freaking me out, because you look so frightening and I'm scared! What can I do? Uh...What can I do?" Her words were rushed and stressed as she paced around, her hands finding the typical place at the loose skin at her fingernails. She was sweating too. Which was a sign that she was very nervous.

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