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"Nonsense!" Hagrid exclaimed to Harry, Ron, Hermione and (Y/N) incredulously as they stared up at him, "Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's Broom?" He asked, furrowing his bushy brows as he looked down at the children.

The Quidditch game had ended and Gryffindor won Slytherin because Harry had caught the Golden Snitch. The Broomstick was jinxed though, and the four believed that it was Severus Snape that cursed it. (Y/N) believed them, sort of, but something seemed off about the subject, plus she was rather spooked by Hermione that had set said Professor's robes on fire.

The girl sometimes was rather scary.

"Who knows?" Asked Harry, his eyes finding his feet before he gazed back at Hagrid. "Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?"

Hagrid's head snapped towards Harry as they walked, he asked suspiciously, "Who told you about Fluffy?"

"Fluffy?" Ron questioned, furrowing his brows at Hagrid as he looked up at the giant beast of a man. Hermione asked this time in utter disbelief. "That thing has a name?" (Y/N) wrapped her yellow and red Gryffindor scarf tighter around herself as Hagrid nodded. "Of course he's got a name! He's mine. I bought him off an Irish feller, I met down at the Pub, last year." (Y/N) mumbled to Hagrid. "He only sounds and looks adorable, when he's not trying to kill us..." She shivered at the reminder of memory as his chocolate gaze held hers. Hagrid repaponded to her, defending his so-called 'pet', "Now, now. Fluffy is gentle and kind. I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the..." He trailed off, coming to the realisation that he had almost shared something he definitely shouldn't have. Something valuable.

"Yes?" Harry tried, but Hagrid shook his head from side to side rapidly. "Shouldn't have said that. No more questions! Don't ask anymore questions! That's Top Secret, that is." Harry retorted. "But, Hagrid..." He paused, thinking his words over. "Whatever Fluffy's guarding. Snape's trying to steal it!" Hagrid stopped and faced Harry and his friends, a serious look casted on his usual euphoric face.

"Codswallop! Snape is a Hogwarts teacher." He defended the Potions Master.

"Hogwarts teach or not, I know a Spell when I see one." Hermione told him. "I've read all about them..." (Y/N) turned to her brunette friend, concern flooding her features as she creased her brows. "Maybe we're jumping too much at conclusions. What spell was he casting?" Hermione shook her head and (Y/N) worried at her fingernails. "You've got to keep eye contact. And Snape wasn't blinking. He was focused jinxing Harry's Broom..." Harry nodded his head in confirmation, agreeing.


Hagrid sighed through his heart shaped lips, defeated and outsmarted by the children of such a young age. He turned his body towards the Gryffindors. "Now listen to me, all four of you." They met the brown eyes of Hagrid's. "You're meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel."

(Y/N)'s ears perked up in interest. "Nicholas Flamel?"

Hagrid's eyes grew wide and his lips parted as his mouth gaped open. He stuttered out, "I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that..." He stalked away from the young Gryffindors, that all had the same thought in mind.Harry murmured, gazing at his friends, wracking their brains for answers. "Nicholas Flamel? Who's Nicholas Flamel?" They all shrugged gingerly, frowns on each of their faces.


Dum, dum, dum! Well, not really, cos we all know what's to be happening next...:⁠^⁠)

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