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it's me. hi!
(i'm the problem, it's me.)
at tea time, everybody agrees...



"I don't believe it! Where do you think you're going, Flint?" Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain questioned Marcus Flint, the Captain of the Slytherin team. Hermione and (Y/N) saw the commotion and walked towards the group of arguing boys, from where they were sat under a tree, reading, both their brows scrunched up. "Quidditch practice!" Flint replied rather proudly and Wood retorted easily, "I booked the Pitch for Gryffindor today." Flint had a smug satisfied glint in his eyes and handed Wood a small piece of parchment with gloved hands. "Easy, Wood...I've got a note." Ron, who was standing next to them whispered to Hermione in a hushed tone. "Uh-Oh. I smell trouble." Agreed, Ron. Agreed.

Wood read the written note out loud, his brows creasing in obvious confusion. "I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin Team permission to practice today, owing to need to train their new Seeker." He looked up from the parchment paper, his bright hazel eyes searching Flint's dark brown ones. "You've got a new Seeker?"

Draco Malfoy, dressed in fitting green Quidditch gear and his respected Broomstick, stepped out from behind the many Players, his lips curled up into a prideful smirk. (Y/N)'s eyes widened ever so slightly and her breathing hitched, but she quickly composed herself. Hermione, who was next to her, sent a confused expression her way, but she safely kept her eyes on the scene playing in front of her. Harry suddenly showed himself and he said angrily, his nose crinkled.

Draco? Why Draco?  "Malfoy?" Harry echoed her thoughts aloud.

Flint told Harry with all the confidence in the world, the smirk on his lips growing larger and larger by the second, "That's right. And that's not all that's new this Year!" Everyone stared down at the - very much new - and very, very fancy Broomsticks in their hands and someone hidden within the crowd exclaimed excitedly, letting out a shocked gasp of air. "Those are Nimbus Two-Thousand and Ones!" Ron gasped now, his own mouth ajar. "How'd you get those?"

Flint's eyes cast down to meet Ron's, his plumped lips spread with a smirk and Malfoy spared a glance at the Captain. "A gift from Draco's Father." Malfoy turned his steel blue eyes to where their redheaded friend was stood and he parted his lips to speak, "You see, Weasley, unlike some, my Father can afford the best." (Y/N) furrowed her brows at the somewhat blunt statement and Hermione, who was stood next to (Y/N) suddenly spoke with confidence, "At least, no one on the Gryffindor had to buy their way in..." She straightened her spine staring up at Malfoy. "They got in by pure talent." Malfoy did not like that, at all, so he spat, "No one asked your opinion, you filthy Mudblood." (Y/N)'s expression morphed into something of utter confusion, perplexion and shock, but she didn't have the knowledge to know for what reason exactly.

(Y/N) glanced at Hermione who appeared offended beyond words and was keeping her glistening tears at bay. But, she held her ground. "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!" Ron's nose was flaring in anger and Malfoy stared at him when pointed his Wand. "Eat Slugs!" The boy's jinx backfired tremendously, hitting him square in the chest, knocking him with a strong force backwards to the bright green grass. The entirety of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, (Y/N), Harry and Hermione ran to his slumped figure laying limply. "You okay, Ron?" Their scar headed friend questioned, concern flooding his features and Hermione demanded, equally distressed. "Say something!"

The boy in question opened his mouth to reply to her, but coughed up a nasty, slimy large snail and (Y/N) almost gagged. Well, maybe she did a little bit. Alright, alright. She totally did.

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