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"Oh!" Moaning Myrtle gasped loudly, she then asked in a softer tone as Harry and Ron entered her radius inside of the bathroom. Gilderoy Lockhart trailed sheepishly behind them, his face pulled into a look of pure fear. "Who's there?" Myrtle giggled in delight when her beady eyes landed on Harry's standing figure. She grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Oh...Hello, Harry!" She waved an exited hand his way with a wide smile painted on her pale pink lips before she was shaking her head. Giving the two boys a stern look behind her glasses. "What do you want?" She almost hissed through clenched teeth.

Harry spoke softly, "To ask you how you died..."

Myrtle's dark brows creased, creating a pattern of lines on her pale forehead. She looked so sad. "Oh! It was dreadful. It happend right here in this very cubicle." She pointed her index finger below her floating form. "I'd hidden, because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses! I was crying...and then, I heard somebody come in." She finished.

Harry pressed, "Who was it, Myrtle?"

The Ghost choked out a loud sob from deep within her throat, then parted her pale pink lips to speak. Harry and Ron both listened to her intently. "I don't know! I was distraught!" She slowly floated down to them and Lockhart eyed her suspiciously. Myrtle continued meekly, in a softer, smaller voice. "But, they said something funny. A kind of Made-Up Language...and I realised, it was a boy speaking. So, I unlocked the door, to tell him to go away! And...I died!" She sniffed, whimpering a little.

Harry questioned, "Just like that?" His dark brows furrowed, creating creases at the top of his forehead. "How?" He needed to know.

Moaning Myrtle stared at him oddly and said, "I just remembered seeing a pair of Great, big, yellow eyes, over there...by that sink." She pointed her index finger to above mentioned sink infront of them and her mouth pulled down. She floated away, beginning to sob and whimper silently all over again. Harry stalked toward the sink and started examining and touching it, then he parted his lips to speak after he saw a tiny Serpent engraved on the structure. He spoke the Language of Snakes. Parseltongue. "This is it!" He whispered, to himself mostly. Harry backed away a few paces, before averting his green eyes to the sink once more. "This is it! I think this is the entrance to The Chamber Of Secrets!"

Ron spoke, causing Harry to look at him expectedly. "Say something! Say something in Parseltongue."

The boy let his eyelids flutter closed momentarily, before opening them and doing what was asked from Ron. So, he spoke. Then, suddenly the sink opened and his breath hitched. Ron's blue eyes widened and Lockhart looked beyond in disbelief. It has revealed The Chamber Of Secrets. It was no Myth. The Hidden Chamber was real. It is real. And Harry has solved it. Along with Ron, of course. Lockhart gazed fearfully down below at the dark hole and took a deep, shaky breath through parted lips. He stated speedily, "Excellent, Harry! Ha, good work! Well then...I'll just be, uhhh, there's no need for me to stay!" He was attempting to get away - again. He then turned his body around, but the two young Gryffindor boys stopped him dead in his tracks.

Harry protested, exclaiming angrily at him. "Yes, there is!"

Lockhart was almost about to fall backwards, but managed to catch himself just in time. Harry internally rolled his eyes at the former Professor. Lockhart stared dumbly at both Harry and Ron as they pointed the tips of their Wood-Built Wands at him. He froze. Like a Deer in the headlights. Lockhart questioned innocently, which was entirely an fruitless and silly attempt to do. "Now boys, what good will it do?" Just how stupid does he think they are, excatly? Not gonna work, buddy. Best try again, Mr Gilderoy, someday soon.

Ron scoffed at his cowardness, "Better you, than us..."

Lockhart thought for a moment, but it did seem like he had run out of excuses. "But..." He paused, taking a inhaled breath of air, irritated. Well, he had brought it down on himself. "Obviously, yes." He nodded his head up and down, up and down in acceptance, before staring down at the opening. Lockhart gazed over his shoulder at Harry and Ron, he tried once more. "Sure you don't want to test fir -" The redhead cut him off mid-sentence by pushing his respective Wand to Lockhart's back and the man tensed before flailing down the entrance as if he was a Rag Doll. His high-pitched screams of protests could be heard as he reached the bottom with a loud, satisfying thud. His complaint was faint and quiet when he spoke next, "It's really, quite filthy down here..."

"What do you expect?" Ron asked him exasperated.

Harry took a long, deep intake of air, before saying to Ron. "Alright...Let's go!"

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