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Ron and Harry sneakily made their way to Hagrid's Hut, hiding under the former's respective Invisibility Cloak after successfully managing to escape from the Castle. Harry removed said Cloak from both their bodies and Hagrid stared at them in surprise with a Crossbow grasped in between his thick, leathery fingertips. His dark brown eyes were large and his nostrils flared. He appeard angered. "What's that for?" Harry questioned him, quite nervously.

The bulky man gazed down at the choice of weapon in his hand with enlarged orbs and he spluttered out, "It doesn't matter...Come on in. I just made a Pot of tea." After the two young boys entered Rubeus Hagrid's humble abode, the host poured them offered Tea from a metallic kettle and into teacups, however, it began to overflow. Hagrid did not seem to notice, as if he was dazed. Or in some as if he was stuck in some sort of a trance. Distracted. Harry asked, "Hagrid, are you okay?" The man's hand began to tremble. And shake. Was he afraid?

"I'm fine. I'm alright!" Hagrid's lips, covered by his thick brown beard, stretched into a melancholy smile. He was nervous. Harry questioned, "Did you hear about (Y/N), Hagrid?" The man nodded his head sadly, his mouth pressed into a thin line. "Oh, yes. I heard, alright." Harry nodded his slightly and Ron stared at the contents of his cup of tea. "Look...we have to ask you something." He glanced at Ron, who's dark brows were furrowed. "Do you know who's opened The Chamber Of Secrets?" Hagrid sighed audibly.

He opened his mouth to speak. "What you have to understand about that is..." Hagrid's explanation was cut short when there was a loud banging on the wood of his Hut door and he stared down at the boys, his brown orbs large and panicked. "Quick! Under the Cloak!" Harry and Ron speedily did as told, throwing the latter's Invisibility Cloak over them. "Don't say a word. Be quiet. The both of you..." Hagrid paused before he opened the door with a creeeak. "Oh! Professor Dumbledore, Sir!"

The boys stared silently when the Headmaster replied, "Good evening, Hagrid. I wonder, could we...?" Dumbledore trailed off, hinting to Hagrid to perhaps enter.

"Yes. Of course! Come in!" Dumbledore slowly entered his home, with an older man following behind him, he had a square shaped face, soft pale skin, dark eyes, very thin lips and he was wearing full, thick black materialized robes and a small, pointed hat at the top of his round, bare head, that consisted of a minimal number of white strands of hair. Ron questioned quietly, sparing a short glance at Harry, "Is that Fudge?" He paused. "Cornelius Fudge...From The Ministry Of Magic?" Harry stared back at him. "Yeah...I think he is."

Above mentioned Minister stated, his voice hard, "Bad business, Hagrid. Very bad business had to come..." He sighed softly through parted lips. "These incidents and attacks...Things has gone far enough! The Ministry's got to act!"

Hagrid told Dumbledore, protesting in a loud voice, "You know I would never, Professor!" The Headmaster turned his head to stare at Fudge and he nodded once, "I want it understood, Cornelius...That Hagrid is my only confidence." The Minister sighed, obviously not quite agreeing. "Albus, look. Hagrid's record is against him. I've got to take him." Hagrid gasped, sucking in a shaky breath and he questioned in total disbelief. "Take me? Take me where? Not Azkaban Prison!"Harry and Ron glanced at one another, shock displayed on both their faces.

Fudge insisted, his voice low. "I'm afraid I have no choice, Hagrid." When the door opened, both Harry and Ron's heads turned, to see Lucius Malfoy enter. He appeard as calm as ever, with a small smile painted on his mouth. He asked, "Already here, Fudge?" He paused as he scanned Hagrid's home. Lucius turned his head back to The Minister. "Good." Hagrid approached Malfoy Senior, his voice raised in anger and annoyence. "What are ye doin' here? Get outta my house!"

Lucius scanned their radius once more, his face pulled up in disgust, discomfort and disbelief. "Believe me...I take no pleasure, being inside your..." He stepped closer to where Harry and Ron were stood unknowingly and they froze, causing the two boys to move backwards slightly. Their backs hit the hard wood behind their backs. Lucius said softly, invariably. "You call this a house?" Then he stated matter of factly, "I was simply called up the School; and was told the Headmaster was here..." Dumbledore now questioned Lucius, "Well, what excatly do you want with me?"

Malfoy Senior's response was given easily, "The other Governors and I have decided it's time for you to step aside." Both Hagrid and Dumbledore exchanged knowing looks. "This is an Order Of Suspension."

Fudge's stoic expression fell into one of the slightest bit of surprise as Lucius slowly approached Dumbledore with a rolled up piece of parchment of paper, that looked very much like a Scroll. "You'll find all Twelve Signatures on it..." Dumbledore took the object from his hands, grasping it with the leathery pads of his fingertips. "I'm afraid we feel you've rather lost your touch. Well, what...with all these attacks...there'll be no Muggleborns left at Hogwarts. I can only imagine what an awful loss that would be to the School." Lucius Malfoy was a terrible liar. And just a person...in general.

"You can't take Professor Dumbledore away!" Hagrid demanded agitated, staring straight at Lucius who was now standing infront of the two boys. "Take him away? The students won't stand a chance! You mark my words!"

Dumbledore said softly. "Calm yourself, Hagrid...If they desire it, I will, of course, step aside." He stared towards the older Malfoy and stopped right in front of him. "However, you will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts, to those who ask for it." He finished professionally and then he gazed straight in the direction where Harry and Ron was in. Their eyes grew larger and both held their breaths.

Lucius, who had noticed Dumbledore's strange behaviour, gazed at where The Headmaster was looking with his hands on his hips, and he, to Harry and Ron's benefit, brushed it off, so he stared back at Dumbledore. "Admirable Sentiments...Shall we?" Lucius opened the wooden door, waiting for Dumbledore to exit first. The former sent the boys one last knowing look before departing. Malfoy turned to look at the Minister, saying. "Fudge." Said man gestured to Lucius to go ahead and he stayed a little longer than intended. "Come Hagrid! Well?"

The two boys looked at Hagrid when he uncomfortably cleared his throat. "If...uhhh...if anybody is looking for some stuff, then all they'd have to do, would be to follow the Spiders. Yep. That would lead 'em right! That's all I have to say..." He glanced discreetly at Harry and Ron, slowly approaching the door. "Oh! And someone will need to feed fang while I'm away!" Fudge looked extremely confused, but left anyway. Harry gasped softly in realisation.

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