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A/N: Been feeling very much incredibly poorly these last two weeks. So...here is a double update! ☕✌🏻

**This chapter is unedited and short**

(Y/N) stood by the end of the Gryffindor stands, her mouth agape as she watched Draco Malfoy, flying effortlessly and professionally on his respective Broomstick - The Nimbus 2001 - with Harry right on his tail, speedily chasing behind the Slytherin, clad in his red Gryffindor Quidditch Gear. Her eyes followed every movement the boys made, not missing a beat. She witnessed Malfoy jumping from his Broom - which was a freaking stupid mistake to make - and he went plummeting to the grass with a yelp as he rolled onto the sporting field. She grimaced. That had to hurt.

She flitted her eyes to where Harry was attempting to catch The Golden Snitch, when - blast darn it! - the Bludger plunged towards him with brisk speed, hitting him roughly and violently on his smaller arm.

The boy cried in pain, but proceeded onward with the task, lifting his free leather gloved hand and catching the golden sphere as he landed harshly on the ground. Rolling and tumbling. Boom. Boom. Boom! Ron gasped loudly and (Y/N) watched the scene with large eyes, her lips halfway open, when Hermione whispered to them in worry, "Let's go!" The trio quickly ran towards Hagrid who was accompanied by Harry, then (Y/N)'s curious (Y/E/C) eyes scanned her radius, in search for a certain Slytherin boy, with platinum blonde hair and cold, Ocean eyes.

He was nowhere to be spotted, possibly flit off to the Hospital Wing.

"Harry Potter has caught The Golden Snitch!" Cheered the announcer, Lee Jordan, gleefully and Harry smiled tightly, but the grin faded when the large ball of a Bludger charged straight towards him, luckily, he dodged it several times. Hermione took out her Wand, exclaiming, "Finite Incantantem!" (Y/N) was still studying the basic Spells, so she wouldn't know...anyway, the Bludger exploded and Ron, Hermione and (Y/N) ran towards him, their scarfs wringing around their heads. (Y/N) crouched down beside him, the pads of her fingertips brushing along the short planes of the grass. "Are you alright, Harry?" She questioned quietly in concern, worry flooding her features.

The boy winced, his face complexion rather pale, he then said between choppy breaths, "No...I think my arm is broken." Professor - if one could even call him that - Lockhart exclaimed happily, too happily as he sat beside the injured boy. "Not to worry, Harry! I will fix that arm of yours straight away." Said boy widened his green eyes, frantically shaking his head from left to right, left to right, left to right. "No. Not you!" Lockhart chuckled from deep inside his throat. It almost sounded sadistic. "The boy doesn't know what he's saying..." He reasoned, rolling up his shirt sleeves, that was supposed to look somewhat Heroic, but appeared weird, because come on, the man was old. No young, handsome Superhero with washboard abs and dreamy eyes. Nah-ah. He pulled out his Wand, pointing the wooden tip at Harry's arm, "This won't hurt a bit...Brackium Emendo!"

A light glow, almost a white colour, appeard from the strong wood object and everyone watched as it slowly started to fade away. Lockhart took Harry's arm in his large, rough hand...but, something seemed to be off. It looked weird. And wobbly, like jelly. She scrunched up her nose in discomfort.

Harry's eyes widened at the unusual, abnormal sight of his arm and a number of people around him gasped out loud too. (Y/N) was this close to barving up her Breakfast. Ron exclaimed, mirroring the girl's thoughts, "Ugh!" Lockhart fruitlessly excused the matter at hand - or shall I say, at arm... - not funny, alright, moving on. "Ah, yes. That can sometimes happen. Um, but...uh, the point is, uh, you can no longer feel the pain -" Or anything. " - and very clearly, the bones are not broken." Because, quite frankly, there are none, Mr Lockhart, she had wanted to say, but clamped her mouth shut.

Hagrid rebutted, his voice raising slightly, "Broken?! There's no bones left!" (Y/N) mentally slapped her forehead of the utmost stupidity of the man, he clearly had the intelligence of a potato.

The blonde man shrugged his shoulders in the most casual way, reasoning, "Much more flexible, though." He touched Harry's arm, wiggling it about.

Hermione sighed.


Dearest Readers

This Chapter was so much fun to write! Lockhart is quite funny in a weird way, don't you think? I'm just so exited for their Third Year!

Professor Lupin,Buckbeak...Sirius, Pretty Boy Draco. Handsome Harry. Cute Ron. Fabulous Hermione. Beautiful (Y/N)! Awwwe. I can't wait! I can't wait! I can't wait! I can't wait! *Inhale. Exhale.*

Would you guys like me to introduce you to (Y/N)'s Mother character to the story? Or...not. Would you like to get to know Gertrude? Let me know!

Your Author

PS. I am going to introduce (Y/N)'s Mum sometime in the book. I am maybe thinking at the start of her Third Year. [Ca-Chow!] ThIs NoTe WaS WrItTeN tO YoU, WaY In ThE FuTuRe - AlL mY AuThOrS NoTeS ArE EdItEd! [Spooky Sounds] sO NoW YoU uNdErStAnD! :)

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