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A/N: Poem A Story by Nadia McGhee. Her writing is a colossal inspiration to Malfoy's Plot, as well as (Y/N)'s character. So, go follow her on Insta and Pinterest if you are interested in modern day literature, she truly is a fantastic writer.


[Edited version 2.0!]


My dearest (Y/N)

I know a story. I just do not know how to begin. I suppose I could tell you a tragic tale of a girl who did not fit in, she went against the crowd. Why she did? No one knew. No one ever wanted to know. Nobody cared.

She gazed up at the sparkling sun, when everyone else stared down to their toes. People always avoided her, thought her weird and totally odd. So, I bravely decided to approach her one day and she taught me so much more than what I learned within the crowd. She could change the world if she spoke her thoughts out loud, once again, she did not go with the crowd. That girl, was your Mother.

And her being different, made her all the more special, all the more powerful; hopelessly and totally beautiful. It was the pure kindness in her eyes, it was her bright smile, it was her bravery, her words, her mind, her golden heart.

She was selfless.

And I do suppose that was what caused me to fall so incredibly hard for Gertrude in the first place.

So, what I ask of you, no what I greatly beg of you (Y/N), is to never look down at your toes, when you too could change the world for the better as you look at the everything from another perspective, when you believe beyond more than what's seen by the human eye. You have more kindness within your pinky finger, than most people hope to ever possess within their entire body. And I truly believe that you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), are destined for something great, it may not seem so at the beginning, but it will show, because it is written in your heart. Your beautiful, big heart.

You have magic. Honest magic.

I might not be here when you receive this letter, my child, if you ever receive it, just know that I will always, always love you.

However, I am afraid I must leave soon.

Do me a favour, will you? Just a small favour? Please take care of your Mum for me and tell her that I love her.

Forgive me, please.

Your Father


"Welcome!" Exclaimed Headmaster Albus Dumbledore from the bronze owl podium, the orange, yellow glow of the floating wax candlelight sticks glittering off his long, silver beard, reflecting on his half-moon spectacles. The Frog Choir had just finished their performance, which (Y/N) quite honestly enjoyed. She straightened in her seat. Next to her, Hermione patted her shoulder. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all...and as one of them, is very serious. I think it best to get it out of the way, before you become befuddled by our excellent feast..." Despite herself, (Y/N) felt a small smile tug at the corners of her lips at the mention of food, when Headmaster Dumbledore loudly cleared his throat and continued stiffly, his wise eyes scanning around the Great Hall. "As you will be aware, after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the Dementors of Azkaban..."

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