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A lil preview for my very first Holiday Special! (Featuring a special main character) Spoil Alert, it is NOT Draco

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A lil preview for my very first Holiday Special! (Featuring a special main character) Spoil Alert, it is NOT Draco...

Can you guys who??? 😌😌😁


(Y/N) walked alongside Hermione to Professor Pomona Sprout's Herbology Class, scanning the pages of a book she had brought from home. The Great Gatsby. A Classic. And she absolutely loved it. She flicked her gaze upwards and saw Harry with Ron joining both of them and the former questioned the boys in concern, her Chestnut eyes large. "We didn't see you guys last night. Where have you been?" Ron sighed, looking rather tired and pale, "It's a long story. But, we'll tell you later..." The four Gryffindors finally reached the class, which was in fact, the school's Green House and waited patiently for the teacher's arrival.

"Good morning, everyone!" A cheery voice greeted the students, completely brightening up the dull and boring, mundane atmosphere. She had curly grey hair cropped to the shell of her ears, a round, kind face and was wearing beige coloured robes with a small matching pointed hat.

The children replied back, a little bit sleepy still, "Good morning, Professor Sprout!"

She said to all of them, "Welcome to Greenhouse Three, Second Years! Gather 'round now, everyone." The Professor turned her large body and took out a garden pot. "Today, we're going to re-pot Mandrakes. Who here can tell me what a Mandrake is?" Hermione's hand instantly shot up in the air and Professor Sprout allowed her to answer. "Mandrake or Mandragon is used to return those who have been Petrified, to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it..." She finished and the kind teacher smiled at her warmly, nodding her head, causing a few curls so bounce freely. "Excellent. Ten Points to Gryffindor!"

(Y/N) and Harry both grinned at their friend. On the opposite side of their group, her eyes automatically found Malfoy, where he was stood beside Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. She frowned at herself and shook her head. (Y/N) let her (Y/E/C) eyes travel back to Professor Sprout when she addressed the children.

"Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet. But, they could knock you out several hours, which is why I gave each of you a pair of Earmuffs for auditory protection. So, could you please put them on right away? Quickly." (Y/N), along with all the other students briskly put the Earmuffs over their ears, and tapped them with their gloved cladded hands to make sure no unnecessary sound could be heard. She began demonstrating how to correctly pull the Mandrake plant firmly from the given pot and move it to another. (Y/N) let out a shaky breath through her chapped lips. She desperately needed Lip Balm. "You grasp your Mandrake firmly and pull it sharply out of the pot."

You'll be fine, (Y/N). It's just like normal gardening...except it's not. Unless you can call screaming, moving plants normal. Then yes! Oh, goodness gracious! She rambled on in her thoughts.

The Mandrakes screamed loudly, almost immediately, causing the students to call their already covered ears...because it was bloody loud. "Got it? And now...you dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep them warm." The Mandrakes' screams wouldn't stop and Neville unfortunately fainted, earning concerned looks from most of the students and Professor Sprout. The Professor sighed through her thin lips, obviously agitated. "Oh, Longbottom's been neglecting his Earmuffs." Malfoy and his posse began chuckling, finding the situation amusing, which it was not. Seamus Finnegan, who was standing beside Neville, shook his head. "No ma'am. He's just fainted." He looked sheepish.

Professor Sprout nodded her head, saying, "Yes well, just leave him there." She sighed. "Right! On we go. Plenty of pots to go around! Grasp your Mandrake and pull up..." She instructed and the students obliged. (Y/N) pulled at the Mandrake plant, as well as all the other students, and my gosh, did they scream. The plants screamed bloody murder.

She winced when Ron made an uncomfortable expression and turned her head to see Malfoy toying with his own Mandrake, tickling it with his gloved fingertips. Tickle. Tickle. Tickle. He started his finger toward its little mouth and the plant pounced, wrapping its rooted lips around the tip of his gloved finger. He struggled for a few moments to free said finger and huffed at it in pure annoyance. He glared menacingly down at it.

She couldn't help but to delicately giggle, staring down at her own planted Mandrake, a red tint glowing at her cheeks as she smiled smally.

Jittery and nervous and...weird.

(Y/N) did not notice, though, that a particular set of Ocean eyes were set on her giggling form as well.


Remaining there.


Dearest Readers

I Wanna Hold Your Hand - Backstreet Boys

;⁠) See what I meant? Yes. Slowly, but surely. They're getting there! Give my darlings some time. As Rachel Greene once said...How do you expect me to grow, if you don't let me blow! What a legend. Are you fond of the Friends series? I love it so much! If so...what's your favourite lines?

Your Author

PS. This is from the future/past, Idk, whenever you read this. (08/04/23) . As I was editing, I literally just realised that the quote of Rachel Greene that I added above fits perfectly with this chapter. Because, they are working with plants! HA! I'm awesome...admit it.

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