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The four Gryffindor friends quickly went to the Library in search of more information that could possibly be related to The Chamber Of Secrets.
The Library was quite large, and had a dusty smell to it, conducting marble walls and a tall ceiling stretched high above their heads, books floating around and placing themselves into their respective shelves. (Y/N) hasn't been in the said area yet - only once or twice - though, that did not excatly count, and it was already her absolute favourite spot in the World.

A Seventh Haven, one might say.

They scanned the shelves of a few isles, when Hermione came back with a certain book. Her chestnut eyes skimmed through the pages as she flicked through it with her hands. Flick. Flick. Flick. Flick. Harry, Ron and (Y/N) silently stared. "Here it is! The Polyjuice Potion..." Hermione declared and began reading the description of said Potion with parted lips, her finger following along the lines. "Properly Brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily, into the physical form of another..." The brunette's brows pulled together in a frown, deep in thought. She pursed her mouth.

Ron's blue eyes lit up excitedly as Hermione gazed at him and he said, "You mean if Harry and I drink that stuff, we'll turn into Crabbe and Goyle!" Hermione nodded her head up and down in confirmation, "Yes." She replied and Ron's mouth pulled up into a wide grin, his eyes glancing at Harry, glowing brightly. "Wicked! Malfoy will tell us anything." Hermione's face pulled down in worry and her brown eyes slid to the book on the table, remaining there for a few, short moments. "Exactly. But, it's a complicated Potion to make." She told them and (Y/N)'s fingers found the skin on her nails.

Harry questioned, his emerald eyes alight in concern. "How long will it take to make?" (Y/N) began fiddling and twiddling with her fingers in angst. The brunette replied in a monotone, "A Month..." Harry gasped out loud, almost managing to fall of his chair in the process. "A Month? But," His eyes skimmed at their radius, making certain that no one else was listening in or eavesdropping.

He turned his head to look at Hermione with wide eyes. "If Malfoy is the Heir Of Slytherin, he could attack half of the Muggleborns in the School by then." (Y/N) chewed at the inside of her cheek and asked, her hands wrung together. "What if it isn't Malfoy?" And she regretted the question instantly, her eyes growing large. Oh no.

Hermione sighed through parted lips, sending (Y/N) a discreet knowing look, then turned to stare at their black haired fried. The latter shrunk in her seat, her cheeks turning the shade of beet red. "Harry, it's the only plan we've got." Harry stared at her silently.


Dearest Readers

You & Me by James TW

Hmm. (Y/N) offering Draco the benefit of the doubt, even though himself and his friends are always mean to her? What a scandalComplete and utter Taboo. Bah-Humbug, I dare say.

Why did she do it, then? Why does (Y/N) believe different than her own friends? Even when he hurt her when the Four friends had discovered Mrs. Norris. A little bit of a Mind Scrambler, yes?

Does she...care:)


And Draco? What a mystery.

Figure it out, Miss Sherlock. Or Holmes. Ooor Miss Granger. Whichever you prefer. See, you got yourself a sister there do ya! I think sooo.

Your Author

Malfoy | [Draco Malfoy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now