T H I R T Y-O N E | The Prisoner Of Azkaban

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What a funny concept.

What a funny word.

A word (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was not too familiar with, a word far too foreign for her to understand the exact meaning of. It was really weird, strange, and impossibly odd. Taboo, even. However, it made (Y/N) all the more curiouser and curiouser as the years went by; and she dwelled on it only a little more day by day, wondering just what family truly was, along with the darned point of it.

According to the Standard Oxford English Dictionary, Family is one of the Be Strong Families core values, it slowly beginning with respect for and or appreciation of others, no matter how old, how young, where they come from, what they've experienced, where they are, how capable they are of something, how healthy they are and whom or what they love. It could extend to individual's choices of who they call family - what intentional, meaningful relationships they form. Our value of family expands to community and to sisterhood and brotherhood. Although persons are united by said value, family means something different to each of us.

However, (Y/N) did not know what to think.

If family wasn't always related by bloodlines, what in the World was it defined as then?

A society? But, that did not sound quite correct to the ears.

She read, not too long ago, that 'family', quote-unquote, represents the foundation of one's self, as a unity of acceptance, unconditional sacrifices, joy, support and love that is built on a continuum of resilience, and a journey in humility from past, future and current generations as well. Family goes beyond bloodlines, last names or obligations. The word of 'family' includes all the people in one's life, who commit to love and support us unconditionally and love with utmost reckless abandon. It is not a passive birthright, but much rather a decision, a discipline of kindness that help us thrive both as individuals and as a society full of harmony.

But she, did not agree.

Why? Well...because it was simple. It was silly.

If that was the truth then, why didn't Gertrude (Y/L/N) feel that way about her, why didn't her Mum love her like those parental figures in her novellas, the films, like other families loved their own children? If that was what family was supposed to do, why was it that her Mother did not perform it to the best extents of her own being? But, did the complete opposite. She never showed affection and care, love towards (Y/N). To her, 'family' was a whole load of nonsense, a waste of precious time when all the portions of information given to the Thirteen year old girl, was false.

If that was - supposably - 'family', why was she left behind to fend for herself?

Bah-Humbug, is what family was.

Complete and utter codswallop. And that was putting it mildly, that was being friendly.

Family, broadly and exclusively defined, is the foundation for individual and community health, well-being and prosperity. Family strengthens, nurtures positive relationships, and it promotes resilience and hope. Family is so, so much more than the people one is related to - family consists of supportive and caring friends as well, who can laugh and cry with you. Without the strength of community, one would not have as much hope to be the person one strives to be.

Who was she then? When no one was ever there to encourage her into becoming a better version of herself. To grow, to 'blossom'.

The answer was easy.

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