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Once upon a time in the large City of London, there lived a beautiful little girl, who was afraid of life itself...

So, for the longest period of time, she continued running away as far as she could see and as far as her legs would carry her. The little girl suddenly then ended up at the other side of the World and she escaped to the place that was exact epicentre of life; Hogwarts, School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. It was so loud and magical absolutely lively, that she was not able nor allowed to hear her own thoughts. And that felt...relieving. For her mind was a dangerous realm to enter and difficult to escape from.

It was a dungeon, an imprisonment to all innocents.

Until one day, when she was completely alone locked up in her room at the mere age of Eleven and a half , a day before her Birthday, everything silenced and she was forced to see that she was just hiding and cowering away like the weakling she was, inside of her own internal Castle of air, trapped and chained with her own restrained dreams; and she was the Princess concealed by the concrete walls of her darkest demons.

Ergo, as she got older she realised that that fear would never fully disappear nor go away. It was part of her now.

So, she stopped waiting.

She stopped waiting for Prince Charming to save the day, save her, she stopped depending on others, she stopped giving herself away, she stopped waiting for some silly miracle to befall her; she left the Castle then, on her own.

She became independent.

Even if it still hurt after years of being abandoned brutally by her Mother, the Queen.

The fear transfigured into her Guard; the only thing she could walk side by side with without internally hurting herself .

It was only then that she had discovered the way she was truly seeking:


A simple, short word - however, it meant everything to her. As did family, both things she could not name her own, both things she could just not have.

If one looked very closely into the corners of (Y/N) (Y/L/N), they would find her right there, hidden by darkness and despair, light curls in her (Y/H/C) hair, her nose deeply buried between the pages of her favourite book, mind wandering high upon the fluffy clouds, hiding away her feelings from the crowds and unwelcomed eyes. If one sat by her side, while the World passed by carelessly, she'd tell you tens of millions of tragic life stories and the beauty of brokenness and the beauty of healing behind the never-ending pain and sorrow in her eyes. If one gave her a few short moments of their time, they'd see how her smile and kindness, made even the baddest of things, worthwhile.

But, most people never look in the corners, the little crevices and crannies.

People don't even spare much of a second glance at broken people like her, so...she sat there, waiting, only to be given a second chance.

(Y/N) stared out the compartment window of the Hogwarts Express, already sat on the plush seat, (Y/E/C) eyes narrowed as she lulled silently into her own little bubble, mind a scrambled mess and her chin resting on the palm of her hand, watching the forest green go by as a wisp of wind, complimented by the tiny drops of rain and stiff, darkly greyed, heavy-loaded clouds decorated in the sky. Quite funny, because the weather seemed to match her mood perfectly well. She sniffed quietly, moving a little bit closer to the dewed glass and pulling one singular leg up to her chest in a protective matter. She crossed her arms over her pained chest, freezing blue fingers curling into the thin material of her knitted (Y/F/C) jumper in attempt to ignite any source of warmth her body could offer.

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