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"Have you spoken to Hermione, yet?" Ron inquired Harry and said boy frowned as they walked up the staircase, passing a few students.

Harry shook his head from side to side, then he replied, "She should be out of the Hospital in a few days...When she stops coughing up Furballs." Ron nodded, then he pursed his full lips, "How about (Y/N)?" Harry paused for a short moment, debating as he thought for a little while. "Well...Now that you mention her. No. I haven't seen her. Do you think she's alright?" Ron gazed down at his shoes, his head hanging low against his chest. Bright red hair brushed against the skin of his forehead.

"I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders. "I hope so."

Harry was about to say something else, until he noticed water flooding about two centimetres of the stairs and he a frown tugged at the skin between his dark brows. "What's this?" He and Ron quickly made their way along the length of the corridor and stopped dead in their tracks at Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom. Water flooded the entirety of the Lavatory and Ron let out a disgusted grunt of protest. "Yuck!" Sewage. Yuck, indeed.

"Looks like Moaning Myrtle has flooded the bathroom." Harry made his way inside, laying his green eyes upon said Ghost by the coloured windowsill, sobs engaging from her body as she shook with quiet cries. Her figure was hunched forward and she appeard very small. And afraid. But, why? Due to their entering, she looked up at them, her eyes glazed over and very, very dark. She was glaring. "Come to throw something at me?" She questioned, her voice cold and cruel.

Harry retorted gently, "Why would I throw something at you?" She stared at him, a blank expression on her see-through facial features. "Don't ask me. Here I am, minding my own business and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me!" Ron replied, staring up at her. "But...it can't hurt if someone throws something at you." The redhead paused, taking a nervous breath of air. "I mean...it would just go right through you."

Moaning Myrtle swooped down from the window and speedily flew to said boy, facing him with a hard, poker face. He flinched back slightly. "Sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle, because she can't feel it! Ten Points if you get it through her stomach!" She attempted to sock Ron in the said body part, but her hand went straight through. His lips parted in shock. "Fifty Points if it goes through her head!" She tried punching Ron once again in said area, but her hand went through as if it was just a puff of air.

Harry intervened, "But, who threw something at you, anyway?"

She turned to gaze at him with black eyes at shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the U-bend, thinking about death." A sigh escaped her thin, faded pink lips. "And it fell right through the top of my head." She began sobbing quietly once again, her head sadly turning to the side as she flew away to her typical spot.

Harry's green eyes landed on a medium sized black leathered notebook, the book that she had previously mentioned to them. He gently picked it up and wrapped his small fingers around it, his eyes scanned and studied. The boys agreed to go back to their respective House's Gryffindor Common Room and Ron peacefully fell asleep while the former stayed awake. Taking out the book, he realised that it was in fact, a Diary. Harry flipped through the thick parchment paper, but there was no writing. No sign to whom exactly it belonged to. It was just...blank.

Very helpful.

He then turned to book around and saw a name written in an elegant script.

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Harry repeated the strange name out loud and pursed his lips in thought. It was possibly the owner of said Diary. He then reluctantly decided to write something, but when a small droplet of black ink dripped with a satisfying plop on the paper, it disappeared. Harry noticed this and his eyes enlarged as he studied the pages with a fascinated and marvelled expression. There was no trace of ink left. No mark. It was rather odd and quite unnerving. But, strangely cool at the same time.

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