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"I don't like this..." Hermione shook her head over and over again in disapproval, her brown locks flailing around the radius of her head. The latter, Harry, Ron and (Y/N) entered a eerie dark room filled with variations of strange, marble-like statues, or perhaps stone. She wasn't quite so sure. "I don't like this at all." Harry sounded his thoughts to them out loud, "Where are we? A Graveyard?" Ron stated, turning his head to stare at Harry. "This is no Graveyard. It's a Chessboard." Fire started illuminating the room's radius as Hermione, Harry and (Y/N) trailed behind the ginger.

Harry gazed across the area, until his eyes landed on a door at the far end and pointed at it with the tip his index finger. "There's the door!" They started forward, when a ginormous Chess Piece blocked their way and the friends stepped back in fear. "What do we do now?" Questioned (Y/N) in disappointment, her eyes casting down to the ground.

Ron looked at them, his lips pressed into a thin line. "It's obvious, isn't it? We've got to play our way across the room." He stated, then said in a serious tone. "Alright! Harry, you take the empty Bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the Queen-side Castle. (Y/N). You will be the Pawns square." She closed her eyes, nodding her head at him in acceptance. "And I'll be the Knight." They all moved to their given places and Hermione's eyes found Ron's blue ones. "What happens now?"

"Well...White moves first. And then...we play."

As Ron had said, a White Pawn Chess piece moved forward, right in front of Harry and Ron gazed at the Chess pieces, then at his friends, thinking about the correct game piece to move. Hermione gulped audibly, "Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like...real Wizard's Chess, do you?" His lips thinned out in obvious doubt. (Y/N) curled her fingers around the object, grip harsh. "You there, D five." The piece moved and the White Pawn, hit the Pawn Ron had used, shattering it into bits. (Y/N) and Hermione both flinched back as if being slapped as the boys widened their eyes in realisation.

The Weasley gulped down the lump in his throat, turning to the brunette girl, answering her desired question. "Yes, Hermione. I think it's gonna be exactly like Wizard's Chess." (Y/N) and the former both glanced at Ron, worried looks on their faces. Chestnut and (Y/E/C) eyes enlarged. "Um...Ron. I-I not going to lie to you. But, I am scared...I'm placed on Pawn, remember?" He nodded at her in reassurance. "Don't worry, (Y/N). You won't get hurt. I promise." Her lips quivered, but she replied agreeing.

Breath, (Y/N). Breathe. It is just a game. Not a Zombie Apocalypse.

It damn well felt like it.

He started playing the game, concrete Chess Pieces flying all around the place, smashing, hitting each other with a force that could kill any object, inanimate or not. Into smithereens. To nothings. The White Queen and King were the only two pieces left. Ron let out a sigh through his lips, while Harry glanced around and gasped. "Wait a minute!" He exclaimed, his eyes large in realisation. "You see it, don't you Harry? Once I make my move, the Queen will take me. Then you're free to check the King..." Ron told him, but Harry looked extremely distressed and neither of the girls had the correct information to know why. "No, Ron! No!"

"What is it?" Hermione asked him, confused, her coffee brown brows scrunching up together.

"He's going to sacrifice himself." Harry answered, looking at her with his green eyes narrowed into slits.  She shook her head repeatedly, "No! You can't! There must be another way!" Ron looked at her sadly, yet his expression was fierce. Willing to do anything for a friend. He had a big Heart, Ron. "Do you want to stop Snape from getting the Stone or not?" Hermione gazed at him, utterly stunned. She blinked at him stupidly. He then turned his head to gaze The Boy Who Lived. "Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it! Not me. Not Hermione. Not (Y/N). You!" Harry took a deep breath, then nodded in acceptance, Ron did too and grasped tightly onto the Chess Piece he was standing on. The skin on his knuckles paper white. "Knight to H three." He commanded and the horse advanced to the next upcoming Square, he closed his eyes, breathing in a shaky breath. "Check!" He breathed out.

The White Queen turned ever so slowly, advancing upon him, then drew the stone of her Sword and plunged into Ron's horse, throwing the boy with violent force to the hard, cold ground. He let out a painful yelp. (Y/N)'s eyes grew wide and she gasped, her heart dropping to her stomach. "Ron!" Hermione shouted at him. She was about to move towards the boy, to help him, but Harry's voice stopped her in her tracks. "No! Don't move." He informed her, seriously. "Don't forget that we're still playing." The brunette girl gulped down the lump in her throat and closed her eyes painfully. (Y/N) gazed silently at Harry as his Chess piece started diagonally to his left and turned around to face the King.


The game ended.

They rushed to Ron and crouched down beside his injured, limp laying body. (Y/N) stared at him sadly, then turned her head to look at Harry with a determined look on her features. The same one Ron had given him. "Ha-Harry, you have to go..." The Boy Who Lived nodded, then said to the girls. "Take care of Ron. Then go to the Owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore...Ron's right. I have to go on." He did. And he was right. Hermione reassured the boy kindly. "You'll be okay, Harry." A smile grazed her lips. "You're a great Wizard. You really are." Harry sighed, looking down at his feet and fruitlessly said to Hermione and (Y/N). "Not as good as the both of you." (Y/N) frowned at that.

Yes, maybe she has helped a little. But, it was the three friends of hers that truly were great.

Not her. Not (Y/N) (Y/L/N).

Never her.

Hermione stifled a laugh. "Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things; friendship and bravery." (Y/N) added in a small, soft voice, saying to her friend. "Be careful, Harry. Please." Harry Potter smiled a small smile of his own back to them. Hermione stared after his retreating figure, eyes distant and longing.

And (Y/N)'s own, sad.


Dearest Readers

This Chapter was a little tough, I know. But, not as bad as Christmas Morning, right? Good. On the contrary, (Y/N) is growing everyday. You must remember what it was like as a little child...Confused. Scared. She just needs some time.

Utterly random question, but have you ever watched The BFG, it is a film of 2016. And it is truly a masterpiece based off a Roald Dahl book...Because we are all Potterheads here, and I think maybe you'll enjoy it quite as much as I have. It was really good.

Who are your favourite Authors? Any Book recommendations? Please do let me know!

Have a lovely day/night, further then.

Your Author

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