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The Holidays finally arrived and it was the day (Y/N) had been awaiting for a long, long time. Christmas Day! Tis Happiest Time of year. She had wanted to go home, but her Mother had to work late hours at the Pharmacy, including a number of a few extra shifts at their local Diner, so she stayed at Hogwarts. It wasn't a bad thing, per se, but still missed her Mum, nevertheless. Currently, she was sat peacefully beside Harry, reading one of the many books Hermione had recommended to her whilst the boys were playing a game of Wizard's Chess. It was quite brutal, to say the least. "King to E five." Harry said as the Knight object moved.

Hermione walked into The Great Hall with her respective leathery suitcase in her hands, laying her eyes on Harry, Ron and (Y/N)'s sat figures. She left the book she was reading and watched as the girl stood by Harry, in her knitted sweater. Ron smirked to himself proudly, commanding to his own piece, "Queen to E five."

The Queen magically came alive and smashed Harry's Knight into chunks of smithereens. Hermione gasped softly, while (Y/N) smiled at Ron, who grinned a toothy grin back at her. He was good. Really good. "That's totally barbaric!"

The latter turned his head towards Hermione, who's brown eyes were wide in disapproval. "That's Wizard's Chess..." He glanced down, laying his dark blue eyes on her packed suitcase. "I see you've packed." His lips pulled down slightly, his face confused.

"I see you haven't."

"Change of plans..." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying Dragons there." He explained and (Y/N)'s mouth dropped open. She quickly slammed it shut when Harry began to chuckle at her, and an embarrassed blush painted her cheeks.

Hermione acknowledged politely, "Good. You and (Y/N) can help Harry, then."

(Y/N) nodded her head, smiling. "Of course we will."

Ron raised his bushy eyebrows in confusion, "Help with what?" He all about screeched.

Hermione answered him, "Harry's going to go and look in the Library for information on Nicholas Flamel." A frown etched at Ron's face as he turned his head towards (Y/N) and said boy. "We've looked a hundred times!" He protested and Hermione leaned down towards the wood of the table, saying in a low whisper to them, "Not in the Restricted Section." She smiled smugly, wrapping her small arm around (Y/N) from the side. "Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas, Hermione."

When the girl left, Ron turned to (Y/N) and Harry, shaking his head in disappointment. "Going to the Restricted Section? I think we've had a bad influence on her." He countered in a low voice, his sapphire blue eyes colliding with hers.

It was perhaps a little bit too late now.


The very next day, (Y/N) awoke to the sound of her Owl, (Y/O/N), peeping softly with a single letter hanging from its beak by the window of her Dorm Room. She gently took the letter from its mouth, stroking its feathery head with her index finger gently, muttering a small 'Thank you' of appreciation. She ran clumsily outside the Girl's Dormitories, finding both Harry and Ron by their respective gifted presents. Their eyes lit up.

"Hello, (Y/N). I see you've finally woken up." Harry teased and she smiled down at them, a row of white teeth showing. "Happy Christmas!" Said Ron to her cheerily, already in the Christmas Spirit.

"Happy Christmas, both of you." She approached the boys, still a little slow, she was tired and loved sleeping in - but, one can not always get what one wants, now can they? No. No, they can't - then she noticed Ron and Harry's creative sweaters. It had their own initials knitted on the soft material. And it appeared to be very comfortable. "What's that you're wearing?" Ron sighed through his lips in embarrassed, his round cheeks turning a shade of rosy pink. "Mum made it. Harry's got one too!" She smiled at them, saying kindly, "Well, it looks lovely." Ron's cheeks could cook eggs now and Harry grinned back at her when she smiled cheekily. She walked towards the large green Christmas Tree, in searched for any gifts from her Mother.

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