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(Y/N) and her fellow companions were strolling through the corridors of their beloved school, when Harry suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, the leather of his shoes softly screeching unpleasantly against the cold of the granite of the floor. "Strange..." He murmured to himself mostly, confused. His green eyes focused on small insects of spiders lining and crawling up to the frosted glass of the window to move outside. "I've never seen Spiders act like that."

Ron shivered, his body enraged by eerily chills. "I don't like spiders." Then he noticed something weird, a reflection in the window crystal. Of something drastic. Something completely horrible. "What's that?"

The four Gryffindors gazed up at the marble walls of the Castle, their eyes growing large at the words written in a rough script, oh, and of course, a lovely red, dainty liquid...blood. "The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened, Enemies Of The Heir...Beware?" Their chestnut haired friend read out loud, her lips pulled down in concentration. "It's written in blood." Harry's eyes focused on something else, causing Hermione, Ron and (Y/N)'s to follow. He approached a frozen, dangling animal with caution, his hands shaky. "It's...it is Filch's Cat. Mrs. Norris!" She gasped softly through parted lips.

The Universe envied them at the current moment, because students from all the Houses and Professors began flooding in. (Y/N)'s stare was unintentionally struck on Draco Malfoy's figure, where he standing with his respected Slytherin House mates. Feeling eyes burning into the front of his head, his eyes flicked up, so did Crabbe and Goyle's, but hers only remained on the cold, Ice crystals of his and Malfoy; he did not turn away nor did he make the choice to. They just stared and stared...and stared some more...until the next words he said shattered all (Y/N)'s hope of Draco Malfoy ever being different, "Enemies Of The Heir Beware...You'll be next, Mudbloods!" Yep. His eyes were focused specifically on Hermione and herself, and she averted her (Y/E/C) orbs to the ground which had suddenly become far more interesting.

Was that all that she was? A dainty, pathetic, good-for-nothing...Mudblood. Truly?

"What's going on here? Make way! Make way! Make way!" Filch scowled screaming hysterically, coming to an abrupt halt, glaring down at Harry darkly. "Potter. What are you...?" He looked up at the ceiling, laying his beady eyes on the poor animal of his. "Mrs. Norris?" He questioned breathlessly, stunned to the core. (Y/N) couldn't blame him, the sight was ugly. "You've murdered my cat!" His lips wobbled and shook as he said the sentence shakily to Harry and the boy shook his head from left to right, left to right, denying. "No. No." Filch grabbed him by the collar of his white dress shirt and Harry flinched back visibly. "I'll kill ya! I'll kill ya!" He roared angered.

"Argus!" Headmaster Albus Dumbledore stepped from the sea of students, along with a number of Professors. Intervening. "Argus I -" He paused, reading the cruel words written on the wall. He held a short breath. "Everyone will proceed to the Dormitories, immediately." His tone made her shake with pure fear.

(Y/N) and her friends were about to exit the corridors themselves as well, but Headmaster Dumbledore spoke again, stopping them dead in their tracks. Apparently they were not being discreet enough.  "Everyone, except..." The Headmaster pointed his long, leathery finger at them. "you four." The others students left, while Malfoy stayed behind just a little bit longer, lingering his gaze on (Y/N)'s figure, before making his overdue exit too. He confused her so very much.

Dumbledore said to Filch in a reassuring, softer tone, "She's not dead, Argus. She has been petrified."

Lockhart suddenly spoke up, "Ah! Thought so. So lucky I wasn't there!" His chin rose and chest puffed out as he boasted wistfully. "I know exactly what Curse I could cast." The teachers only stared expectedly at him, but he turned away, feeling odd, awkward and embarrassed at the sudden random wave of attention. "But, how she's been petrified. I can not say." Stated Headmaster Dumbledore, completely ignoring the strange actions of Lockhart.

"Ask him!" Filch pointed at Harry. "It's him that's done it! You saw what he wrote on the wall!" The boy tried defending himself, reasoning. "It's not true. I swear! I never touched Mrs. Norris." Filch's eyes grew large as he exclaimed throatily, "Rubbish!"

Severus Snape spoke as he looked at the four young Gryffindors. "I think I might have to agree with Argus, Headmaster. Potter and his friends are always at the wrong place, wrong time." His long black robes fluttered like bats wings behind him as he stalked towards Harry. He lowered his voice. "However. The circumstances are suspicious. I, for one, don't recall seeing Potter at dinner." Lockhart intervened fruitlessly and Snape stared at him with dark, cloudy eyes squinting. "I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus. You see, Harry was helping me answer my Fan Mails."

Hermione explained, truthfully. Well, mostly anyway. "That's why...Ronald, (Y/N) and I...went a different way to go and look for him. We found him...and said..." Her hazel gaze flickered to Harry and he looked at them with furrowed brows. Snape too, had a confused look on his schooled features. "Yes? Miss Granger?" Harry finished. "When I wasn't hungry...we were heading back to the Common Room, when we found Mrs. Norris." Professor Snape was obviously suspicious of the lame attempt of an excuse and turned his body to face Albus Dumbledore. The Headmaster stated, siding technically speaking with them. "Innocent, until proven guilty, Severus."

(Y/N) sighed softly in relief.


Filch wasn't having it and argued, debating with the Headmaster of Hogwarts. "My Cat has been petrified! I wanna see some punishment!" He yelled, his thin lips wide open in anger and in equal rage. Dumbledore calmly approached, "We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrake. When matured, a Potion will be made, which will revive Mrs. Norris. And, in the meantime, I strongly recommend caution...to all."

The group made their way back to the Gryffindor Common Room, a little shaken up. "It's a bit strange, isn't it?" Said Hermione, a sigh escaping her lips. Harry's brows creased. "Strange?" She turned to Harry. "You hear this voice. A voice only you can hear. And then, Mrs. Norris turns up petrified. That's just strange." Harry's gaze flicked downcast. "Do you think I should have told them? Dumbledore and the others, I mean."

Ron stared at him perplexed. "Are you mad?"

Hermione shook her head, agreeing. "No, Harry. Even in the Wizarding World, hearing voices isn't a good sign." (Y/N) fiddled with her fingers, staring at Harry in worry, her breath caught in her throat. A painting, beside Harry and Ron, who was rudely eavesdropping on their private conversation said somewhat helpfully. "She's right, you know."

And Hermione was, they just didn't know that yet.


Dum! Dum! Duuuum!

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