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"Good morning, class!"

A very short man, with short legs, a grey curly beard, a small pointed hat on his head and glasses entered the classroom. (Y/N) noticed that he almost looked like a character from the Doctor Seuss series. He really, honestly did. Above mentioned man introduced himself as Professor Flitwick as he stood on a stack of vintage, brown books and the students happily replied back. "The lesson we're going to learn today is Levitation. One of a Wizard's most rudimentary skills is Levitation or the ability to make objects fly. Do you have your feathers?" Hermione raised hers with her hand and the Professor nodded appreciatively.

"Good. Now, don't forget the nice Wrist Movement, we've been practicing. The Swish and Flick. Everyone." (Y/N) and numerous other students grasped their Wands in their hands and she flicked her wrist and swished, pointing it at her large, white, fluffy feather. "Good. Oh, and enunciate; Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go, then." Students repeatedly tried the method and no one succeeded in attempting the Spell. It was not quite easy to pronounce.

(Y/N) glanced at Ron from where she sat next to Hermione, the latter, who said rather aggressively, "Wingardium Leviosar!" He violently waved his Wand up and down, and from side to side before (Y/N) flinched back, blinking her eyes thrice when Hermione said to him, helpfully. Intervening. "Stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong..." Ron gazed at her confuzzled, his nose scrunching up at her tactics. Hermione only stared back at him.

"It's Leviosa not Leviosar."

Ron demanded stubbornly, pointing at his feather repeatedly with his hands. "Do it then, if you're so clever!" Hermione pointed her Wand at her own white feather and so did (Y/N). Now finally understanding.

Sometimes one just needs a little push in the right direction. A little bit of help. "Wingardium Leviosa!" Both girls waved their Wands at their fluffy feathers and it levitated. It had actually, legitimately worked. And it was oh so wonderful to see. She had done that. (Y/N) gaped at it proudly, blinking up at the feathers floating in mid-air. The students gazed in wonder at Hermione and (Y/N)'s work. A student said amused, "Wow!"

(Y/N) loved Magic.

All that she needed now was a tiny bit of practice.

Flitwick's mouth hung open, astonished and in awe as he too, watched the feathers dance around freely in the open space of the classroom. "Splendid! Marvelous works Miss Granger and Miss (Y/L/N)! Twenty points for Gryffindor!" Hermione's brown eyes glanced at Ron, who was looking at her floating feather with his head on his crossed arms, that was placed on a stack of books, scowling at her in utter irritation.

He huffed through his lips, turning away in complete annoyance.

Seamus was determined to levitate his own as well, he pointed his Wand confidently at his feather, loudly saying - well, shouting would be the right definition, "Wingardium Leviosa!" The boy pronounced the word correctly, but made the wrong gesture with his wrist, that was flicked in an aggressive manner. The feather exploded right in front of him with a loud, obnoxious bang! And Flitwick, (Y/N), Hermione, Ron, Harry, concluding the rest of the other students gazed at poor Seamus in surprise.

Harry tried humouring him, "I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor." He mentioned the burnt feather that slowly landed on Seamus' table. (Y/N) looked away from said boy at the feeling of eyes on her, so she gazed back at Draco Malfoy, a frown creasing the skin between her brows. He didn't make a move to turn away, nor did she. Nor did she...Why? He was just a mean boy who only was fond of being, well...mean. He was rude and snide and, and...but, what if he was actually kind?

Or perhaps Draco Malfoy was just sad. Just as she was. He only had a weird way of showing it; by bullying others - maybe, just maybe that was his defence mechanism. Not...he...

And she understood - completely, totally.



No. No, no, no, no. Nuh-uh!

That was just silly thinking. (Y/N) tended to do that a lot.

Bright, kind (Y/E/C) remained on cold, unforgiving Ice. She gulped down a lump forming within her throat, her gaze drifting down to the hardwood of the table. Her palms suddenly felt very sweaty, so she took a deep, shaky exhale to calm her rising nerves.

After the period came to an end, Hermione and (Y/N) followed closely behind Harry, Ron, Seamus and Dean a few miles in front of them. The boys were unaware that the girls were within hearing distance, when Ron said nonchalantly, "She said, 'it's Leviosa not Leviosar!' She's a nightmare, honestly. No wonder she has only (Y/N) as her friend!" The former gasped quietly at what the redhead had just said without a care in the world and glanced at Hermione, who had a frown between her brows. Tears glazed over her big, brown eyes and she ran. Making sure to shove her shoulder harshly with Ron's.

"I think she heard you." Harry told Ron quietly and (Y/N) sighed softly, her eyes following the retreating figure of Hermione Granger. She turned to Ron, her eyes filled with sadness and apparent disappointment, she whispered "Ron...she...Hermione was just beginning to feel comfortable here. I think you may have ruined that for her now."

"I...I hadn't meant to."

"It's okay. I know." She replied, "But, you still hurt her."

The redhead looked down, ashamed.

It is not that I hate people,
I just like my own company,
As I can be the real person I am
That the world would never see

I like being myself
Discovering my even and odds,
Knowing myself even better
Trying to shape my scrambled thoughts

I rarely talk to people about myself
And I surely would like to change that,
As people are often unpredictable
and cannot be judged
By a few brutal experiences I have had



Dearest Reades

*Insert Master Preminger's evil laugh* Little Draco and little (Y/N)'s small moment! Awe, I can't. They're so frickin' cute and did I mention smol already? Mwhahaha! Yes...Okay, I'll sto now. I'm not funny, I know.

I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and feel free to Comment and Vote, it makes me aware that you this far liked my story...even if I am a little bit annoying. No, but I really, really do appreciate it. eriusly;⁠)

Bye Bye now!

Your very appreciative Author, and a extremely sorry one at that, for all that gibberish she had made you read for one minute straight

[Insert Cha-Ching sound here.]

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