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Harry Potter had successfully conquered and heroically defeated the imposter who was after The Philosopher's Stone and to everyone's surprise and utter shock, it was not Professor Severus Snape that had wanted it, no, no, but it was Professor Quirinus Quirrel. Bizarre! Lord Voldemort had used his body to somehow retrieve the Stone himself.

Quite a plot twist that was, wasn't it?

(Y/N) (Y/L/N) was busy conversing with her best friend, Hermione Granger, a Muggle born Witch she had grown rather close with at her short time at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry with Ron Weasley, until The Boy Who Lived himself approached them and he stared at the ginger, asking, "You alright there, Ron?" The boy in question responded, nodding his head weakly, "Alright. You?" Harry shrugged his shoulders. Debating an appropriate answer. "Alright. How about you, (Y/N)?" She smiled softly at him, lifting her right shoulder. "I'm good." Then he turned to the brunette haired girl, "Hermione?" She smiled in delight, answering him. "Never better!"

All the students gathered inside the Great Hall to eat the last meal of the year. Their First Year. Done. Gryffindor. Slytherin. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. The ceilings and marble walls were decorated in grass green Slytherin flags. They had won the House Cup. Minerva McGonagall clicked at her glass, catching the wanted attention of the students. Albus Dumbledore stood and parted his thin pink lips to speak, "Another year has gone. And now...as I understand it, the House Cup needs awarding." Ron casted his eyes downward, sighing as Harry, Hermione and (Y/N) all listened intently. "And the Points stand thus; in Fourth Place, Gryffindor with 262 Points." (Y/N) softly clapped her hands together with the other Gryffindors, while Hermione ans Harry put the side of their heads in their hands, defeated.

"Third Place, Hufflepuff with 352 Points. In Second Place..Ravenclaw with 426 Points." The Hall clapped hands for the Ravenclaws. Happy for their success. "And in the First Place...with 472 Points, Slytherin House!" She heard happy cheering and screaming coming from the Slytherin table and Hermione placed her cheek in her palm, Ron crossed his arms, huffing while (Y/N) clapped her hands together respectfully. Then, surprisingly, she then caught a small glimpse of Draco Malfoy's smile. A rare one at that. Scarce. She was starstruck for a moment too long. Captivated. Enchanted.

Snape too, was clapping along, but with a maintained, poker face.

Welp, some things never change.

"Nice one, Mate!" He greeted one of his friends, then his molten sea blue eyes found hers. His smile faded. For a few moments, the Gryffindor and Slytherin just stared silently at one another, that was...until (Y/N) realised what the bloody hell she was doing and jumped in her seat, turning her head away. But, Draco Malfoy's eyes remained on her for a little while longer.

Unintentionally. Yet, willingly.

Dumbledore calmed the Hall down, waving his hands in the air "Yes, yes! Well done, Slytherin! Well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute Points to award." He announced, and (Y/N) and Hermione both glanced at each other nervously, before turning their gazes back to Headmaster Dumbledore. "To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect, while others were in grave peril...Fifty Points!" (Y/N) clapped her hands loudly together for her friend with Ron and Harry patted her back in congrats. Grinning widely. "Second, to Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." She froze at the hearing of her name being called and her dry lips parted. Confused. Huh? "For using her good Heart to help others in need; and standing up for her friends, while using good wits to use...Fifty Points!" Her mouth hung agape in complete and utter shock when Hermione hugged her side and as Ron, including Harry clapped loudly for her. A few Gryffindors, such as Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan with Neville Longbottom and the Weasley twins, sent radiant smiles her way. Due to being (Y/N) (Y/L/N), she could not take the praising normally, because it was not. So...

Her cheeks turned warm in embarrassment and her ever so shyly, (Y/E/C) eyes, casted downwards at the wood of the table. Far more interesting than staring people.

"Third...to Mr Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of Chess that Hogwarts has seen in many years. Fifty Points!" Ron softly gasped and his eyes enlarged in astonishment, then he pointed his index finger at himself in disbelief as he looked at Harry, who happily nodded his head back to him. "And Fourth...to Mr Harry Potter...for pure nerve and outstanding courage...I award Gryffindor House, Sixty Points!" The Headmaster paused while the Hall - well, most of it, anyway - cheered gleefully at him and Dumbledore smiled smally, before adding, "Finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award Ten Points...to Neville Longbottom!" Said boy froze on his very spot, taking a moment to process what Dumbledore had just announced to all but everyone.

The Gryffindor students clapped obnoxiously loud as they cheered for Neville and (Y/N) laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, passing him a kind small smile. "Well done, Neville! You did it!" His cheeks turned a light shade of pink and Albus Dumbledore smiled, adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe...that a change of decoration is in order." He clapped his hands together and the green Slytherin flags, changed to the bright, scarlet colour of Gryffindor.

The entirety of the students stood up and threw their black, pointed hats up in the air, cheering and laughing gleefully amongst one another. It was time for an adventure and (Y/N) could not wait to begin it. Just before everyone exited The Great Hall, she met Draco Malfoy's eyes at the far end of the Hall and then, she did something completely foolish and silly.

She smiled at him, before quickly turning away with her cheeks aflame with a bright red colour. Unbeknownst to the little girl, he grinned back, his blue eyes fixated on the leather of his shoes.

It might just be the start of something new for both the little Gryffindor and Slytherin.

However, it may be rather difficult, with their differences in the way of their journey in The Wizarding World of Magic and extraordinary Wonders. Perhaps, it had a little bit more sleazy tricks up its sleeve. A Dark Wizard of a sort, their Blood Prophecies, Parents, rules, cultures, their pasts and demons.

That won't stop them, though.

Not when it was a matter of love.

It was the start of the wonderful, messy story of (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Draco Malfoy.

A love story.


Dearest Readers

That's the end of the First Year! Woop woop! Prepare yourselves for Chamber Of Secrets...it's going to be an interesting one ;⁠-⁠) Well, at least, that is what I think!

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