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(Y/N), Harry, Hermione and Ron were on their way to visit Hagrid by his Hut once again, but before the four friends could go any further, their scar headed friend realised something, something important, before gasping softly. "Of course!" Hermione asked him curiously, "What is it?" Harry approached Hagrid, while (Y/N), Ron and Hermione trailed sheepishly after him. "Don't you think it's a bit odd? That what happend once more than anything is a Dragon and a stranger turns out, who just happens to have one? I mean, how many people wander around with Dragon Eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before?" Harry rushed to Hagrid at his home as the three followed him. The bulky man was playing a lovely tune on his Flute, when the four Gryffindors approached him. Her head tilted to the side in fascination. "Hagrid! Who gave you the Dragon Egg? What did he look like?" He questioned frantically. His words rushed and fast.

Hagrid answered calmly, he frowned down upon them. "I don't know. I never saw 'is face. He kept 'is hood up..."

"The stranger though, you two must've talked?" Harry pushed Hagrid farther.

Hagrid thought for a moment, then told them honestly, "Well he wanted to know what sort of Creatures I looked after. I said, 'I looked after Fluffy. After Fluffy, a Dragon's gonna be no problem." Harry pressed, "And did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Hagrid said his voice slightly raised, "Well, of course he was interested in Fluffy! How often do ye come across a three-headed dog, even if you're in the Trade? But I told him, I said, 'The truck with any Beast is to know how to calm him.' Take Fluffy, for example, just play him a bit of Music and he falls straight asleep..." The Gryffindors looked at one another, gasping loudly. Hagrid realised just then what he had said. That was it! "I shouldn't have told you that..."

They ran away, completely ignoring Hagrid's calls of warning, Harry, Ron, Hermione and (Y/N) quickly rushed to McGonagall's office and Harry panted heavily as he exclaimed in rushed out words, "We have to see Professor Dumbledore! Immediately!" McGonagall answered calmly, confused as to why young students such as themselves would want to see the Headmaster. "I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here. He recieved an urgent Owl from the Ministry Of Magic and left immediately." The raven haired boy panicked. "He's gone? Now? But, this is important! This is about The Philosopher's Stone!" The elderly Professor froze at that, her kind hazel eyes widening ever so slightly. "How did you know...?"

Harry cut her sentence off, his voice hard. "Someone's going to try and steal it!"

She said to him sternly, seriously, "I do not know how you four found out about the Stone...but, I assure you, it is perfectly well-protected." McGonagall paused, eyeing them warily. (Y/N) fiddled with her fingers.

"Now, would you go back to your Dormitories? Quietly?" They all groaned in frustration, leaving the room. Harry stopped once they had left the office, then turned to his friends with a determined look grazed on his features. "That was no stranger Hagrid met in the Village. It was Snape. Which means he knows how to get past Fluffy..." (Y/N) sighed through her lips, very disappointed. "And with Dumbledore gone..." She trailed off, but froze when she heard a deep, deep voice. A familiar voice. Sickly familiar.

"Good afternoon."

Ron and (Y/N) went as still as a block of ice, while Hermione and Harry turned their heads slowly to see Professor Severus Snape. Oh, goodness! Isn't this lovely? Her favourite Professor. Not.

"Now...what would four, young Gryffindors, such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?" He drawled out slowly and (Y/N)'s lips parted in shock. Too afraid to move. To speak. Or to, you know...breathe.

Hermione tried explaining, but ended up stuttering all over the place. (Y/N) could not blame her. "Uh...well...we - we were just..." Snape turned his dark eyes toward her. "Be careful. People might think you're..." He turned his head to stare at Harry, who was glaring at him menacingly. Darkly. The Professor's bushy brows furrowed down as he gazed at him. "up to something..."

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