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Harry, Ron and Lockhart landed on the cold ground with a doof and Lockhart pointed the tip of his Wand at them, fortunately, Harry was quick and flink to notice, so he and Ron did the same and aimed pointedly at his towering body that was looming over them. Harry spoke, his voice quiet and filled with warning, "Now remember...Any sign of movement - close your eyes straight away." Ron nodded his head in acknowledgement, before himself and Harry were aiming their Wands at Lockhart once more.

"This way." Harry led them in the right direction of the Cave-y atmosphere, until he stopped, Lockhart and Ron following not too long afterwards, seeming to have discovered something. Something - of importance. "What's this?" Ron questioned, his index finger pointed towards a leathery, yellow-ish material, laying loosely on the cool of the dirt.

Lockhart stuttered out, restless in his spot where he was standing, squirming uncomfortably "It looks like...a snake?" Harry corrected, as he examined the leathery material, "It's a snakeskin." He made his way along the dirt slabs to grasp the amphibian substance with his fingertips as his dark brows knitted together, deep in thought. He brushed his fingers along the thick texture, his black hair covering his eyes. "Bloody hell!" Ron gasped out, his face scrunched up in discomfort. "Whatever shed this, must be Sixty Feet long...or more!" His blue eyes enlarged and Harry stared at Ron, comprehending and considering if he in fact, might be right. There was perhaps a possibility of the statement being true, but what in the world is it?

Abruptly, Lockhart fell to the hard gravel with a loud thud and Ron jumped in fright, before glancing at Harry, sighing in disappointed. One can not take the man anywhere, the man was as clumsy as a...well, a klutz. "Heart of a Lion, this one." The redhead commented, his voice dripping with dark humourous sarcasm. Gilderoy's sapphire eyes suddenly flew wide open as he stretched out a muscled arm to grab Ron's Wand from his hand. He stood to his full height, the tip of the woodwork aimed straight at the pair of younger boys.

Lockhart purred, "The adventure ends here, boys!" The blonde scoffed under his breath and Harry, as well as Ron, clenched their jaws in aggression and irritation. He continued, "But, don't fret. The World will know our story..." Harry's knuckles turned white as he balled his hands into fists. "How I was too late to save the girl. How you two tragically lost your minds, with the sight of her mangled body." Lockhart directed the stem of his Wand to Harry, who was still stood frozen in his place. "So, you first, Mister Potter. Say goodbye to your memories..." Uh -


- joke's on you, pretty boy!

He exclaimed, but the spell fortunately backfired, due to Ron's Wand still not being in its best shape. Insert sound of Evil laughter here. Lockhart's large body flew into the the grey stone wall a few paces behind them, before he was dropped harshly to the ground in a rough landing, his breath stolen from his lungs. Suddenly, their radius began to shake and wobble beneath their feet - panic started to settle in their stomachs as pebbles and stones fell from above them at a fast pace. It was a chaotic, loud mess.

Ron stepped back, attempting in avoiding being hit by the rocks, and Harry did the same, his feet moving on its own accord. That was when the boys heard a soft groan coming from their opposite side, Harry and Ron's gazes slid to where Gilderoy Lockhart was trying to hoist himself up into - what seemed to be - a sitting position. His sandy blonde hair was a disarray at the top of his head and dirt patches covered the tan skin of his face as he stared back at the two Gryffindor boys with a look of confusion; and childlike curiosity danced in the dark blue of his eyes.

He smiled a toothy, white grin, "Hello! Who are you?"

Um...Ron's bushy brows knitted togther as he gazed at the blonde man in front of him. He pressed his lips into a thinned out line. "Uhm, Ron Weasley." Lockhart directed his crystal orbs to him, a big goofy smile painted on his face. He seemed to be...fascinated? Huh? The redhead let out a small gasp of realisation as he turned his head to look at Harry with wide periwinkle eyes. "Lockhart's Memory Charm backfired! He hasn't got a clue who he is!" Harry only continued to look at Gilderoy Lockhart, as the former began to bibble-babble again as if in a strange trance.

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