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"Of the many Fearsome Beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly...than the Basilisk known else as The King Of Serpents." Harry read from the crumbled piece of parchment paper that was before clutched in the balled fist of a frozen Hermione's hand. "Capable of living for Hundreds of years; instant death awaits who meets this Giant Serpents eye...Spiders flee before it." He finished, taking a shaky breath through parted lips before he gasped loudly. "Ron! This it it! The Monster in The Chamber Of Secrets is the Basilisk. That's why I can hear it speak; it's a Snake!"

Ron thought deeply for a moment or so, his bushy brows pulling together in confusion. He vocalised his Train Of Though out loud. "But...if it kills by looking people in the eye, why is it that no one's dead?" He questioned and Harry paused. Considering. "Because, no one did look in the eye. Not directly, at least..." Harry trailed off fruitlessly, staring at Ron meaningfully. Said boy asked, his voice raised slightly, he pressed. "How do you know that exactly...?" Harry pulled out a small, ripped piece of note from his robe pocket and showed it to Ron as proof. "(Y/N) had wrote a note before she was...Petrified."

Harry let out a soft gasp of air and looked down at said note written on the piece of parchment. "I saw (Y/N)'s note...and decided to do some further research about the Basilisk." He gazed meekly at the two stiff laying girls on the linen beds of the Hospital Wing with a saddened expression grazed across his features. He was going to bring his friends back. Somehow...

Harry and Ron began stalking down the empty corridors, the thick heels of their leathery shoes clicking against the cold floor. Harry said to his friend, his voice low as he explained. "Colin saw it through his Camera. Justin...Justin must've seen the Basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick." He paused for a short moment. "Nick got the full blast of it; but he's a Ghost...he couldn't die again." His brows creased together. "Hermione had the Mirrors. I bet you anything she was using it to look around the corners, in case it came along..."

Ron added lowly, his voice shaky and his breathing ragged and uneven. "(Y/N) saw the Basilisk from a puddle of water...inside of...the Library. And, Mrs. Norris? She didn't have a camera or a mirror." Harry thought for a second. "The water!" He replied in a gasp, everything bow suddenly clicking in place. "There was water on the floor that night. She only saw the Basilisk's reflection just like (Y/N) had!" He rushed before he stared down at the note once more. "Spiders flee before it..." He repeated, his voice quite dazed. Then, he looked up from the piece of ripped parchment to Ron. "It all fits!"

Ron questioned softly, quietly. "But, how is the Basilisk getting around? A dirty, Great Snake. Someone would have seen it!" Harry took the paper gently from Ron's hand. "Looks like Hermione's answered that too..." They scanned the written words once more. "Pipes?" Harry paused and stared up at Ron. "It's using plumbing?" The latter then turned to the former with a questioned expression on his face, emerald eyes aglow. "Remember what Aragog said about the girl Fifty Years ago...She died in a Bathroom. What if she never left?" He conducted, his voice raised slightly as he approached the subject.

Ron's crystal blue eyes enlarged in realisation. "Moaning Myrtle!"

Suddenly, the voice of Professor Minerva McGonagall boomed through the Castle speakers and the boys froze abruptly. "All students are to return to their House Dormitories, at once! All Teachers to the Second-Floor Corridor, immediatly." She finished and the two Gryffindors exchanged looks of worry, before Harry said. "Let's go!"

Harry and Ron hid behind a corner of the marble walls, listening in on the Teacher's ongoing conversation. McGonagall was the one to speak first, "As you can see...The Heir Of Slytherin has left another message. Our worst fear has been realised." She paused, pressing her thin lips into a, even thinner line. "A student as been taken by The Monster into The Chamber, itself." Harry peaked his head around the somewhat small corner while Ron waited quietly behind him. The latter's breathing hitched when McGonagall sighed. "The students must be sent home. I'm afraid...this is the end of Hogwarts." Harry's mouth fell open.

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