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It was Halloween, and that meant that Christmas was slowly approaching. It was finally The Holiday Season. The large exterior of The Great Hall was decorated with floating orange Farmers pumpkins, tall wax structured candlesticks hung from the marble ceiling; soaring Spelled Bats and the gourmet food that was served were even themed for the very special occasion.

Everything was just: perfect.

(Y/N) was sat beside Harry that was in front of Ron, they were chowing down on the variations of snacks and she grabbed herself another Pumpkin Pastie, a food sort she has grown very fond of.

"Have you seen Hermione yet, (Y/N)?" Harry questioned her and she frowned, shaking her head. Resting the small pastry on her plate, that did not seem appealing any more. "I tried finding her, but she ran away before I could utter a word..." Neville, who was sat next to Ron spoke helpfully, in a kind voice "Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't come out of the Girl's Bathroom. She said that she'd been there all afternoon, crying." (Y/N) said to the three boys who looked at her, "I have to go and find her!" Harry frowned at her in protest and asked, "What about your food?" Food was of least importance now.

Ron's ears perked up at what she responded with next.

She said to them, "Ron can eat mine." He grinned happily. "I think all Hermione needs now, is a friend." (Y/N) paused, standing up, her jaw ticked and tight. "I'll meet you back at the Common Room." Then she sprinted away, missing a valuable piece of information as she passed Quirinus Quirrel in the dark corridors, who panicked as he entered the Hall, the purple turban wrapped around his head almost flailing off his head, due to busting open the doors with full force, then startling everyone within the realm.

He screamed, "Troll! Troll in the Dungeons! " Then, he fainted, falling to the ground as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

The entirety of The Hall screamed horrifically.

Yet, a certain pair of silver eyes caught the small glimpse of (Y/N) leaving the Great Hall; worry etching at his features...

(Y/N) entered the lavatories, slowly walking inside, the heels of her shoes clicking against the ice cold floor. She saw a fountain, sinks and seafoam coloured, painted wooden stalls. The quiet caused her shiver lightly and she breathed out, "Hermione..." She called out to her friend softly.

She would never have admitted it aloud, but she was so, so incredibly scared.

"Hermione, are you...are you in here?" She heard the distant sound of light whimpering, "Leave me alone!" (Y/N) reluctantly followed the voice and quietly knocked on the wood of the door, hesitantly approaching. "It's only me...(Y/N)." The door swung open and she was greeted with Hermione wiping her tear-stained cheeks with puffy, red rimmed eyes.

Her chest tightened considerably.

(Y/N) didn't think twice before hugging her friend. "You had me really worried, Hermione. I searched everywhere." Hermione smiled sadly, hugging the girl back with just as much of a force. "Thank you, (Y/N)...Holy Moly!" Said girl turned her head and looked up, her (Y/E/C) enlarging in shock. Her heartbeat sped up. Her palms began to sweat and she breathed heavily.

Hermione locked in place.

Her own body reacted the same way.

Oh my, Troll.


It was a Troll - well, Doi - with big, spiky hooves as feet, a Santa Clause balloon stomach, a flat, bony nose, light swamp green textured skin and a humungous thing of a wooden weapon planted in it's overgrown fingernailed hand.

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