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She wove golden rays from sunshine
Into a long, flowing dress
That left a scent on everything that she touched,
Of nature's sweet caress

Everywhere the girl did go,
the flowers would all bloom.
And she could chase the lonely feeling...
Out every darkened room
She could drive out all of your sadness,
And cause a frozen heart to thaw

She would paint the sky pink every morning,
Yet no one ever saw
Nobody thought to thank her...
For the warmth upon their skin,
Or for chasing all their demons.

From where the night-time's breath had been,
So, she thought she was not needed
She could leave
And they'd not care...
But they had just taken her for granted,
Since her damn light was always there

you never thank the ground,
Until you know how it feels to fall
Or just how much you need the sun

Until it does not rise

At all

- S

After finishing Breakfast at The Great Hall with Hermione Granger, (Y/N) and her bushy haired friend, both made their way to their first lesson of the day, Transfiguration that Professor McGonagall would be teaching them. Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle were already sat in their respective seats at the front of the classroom - as well as numerous other students, when the pair of girls arrived.

It only took a few moments for the Professor to show up and her first day, at the magical place of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry officially begun.

Only minutes into the period, the door burst open with an unhealthy, loud clang! and in waltzed two all-too-familiar boys. All hail...

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

Cue dramatic applaud of an audience.

(Y/N) looked up from where she was writing with her Quill and pressed her lips together to keep her bubbling laugh at bay. Next to her, Hermione sighed and rolled her big, chocolate brown eyes at them. "We made it!" Exclaimed the latter happily, oblivious to the fact that Minerva McGonagall was right there, inside the classroom. Only Transfigured into an adorable little grey kitty cat. "Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" As if the universe could not have been any more in sync with him, the cat sat on the desk jumped in front of a shocked Harry and Ron; and there stood Professor Minerva McGonagall, a displeased look on her usually kind face.

The redhead closed his gaping mouth and exclaimed, marvelled by the smooth transnation, "That was bloody brilliant!" It was - however, The Head of Gryffindor was not at all impressed, and (Y/N) laid her head in the palm of her hand, watching the scene with amusement dancing in her bright, (Y/E/C) of her eyes.

She was alright now...Sort of, after her little episode last night. That hasn't happened in a very long time. In more than three years or so. Hence why it came as quite a shock to her. And it was most active when she was back at home, with her Mum and - "Thank you for that assesment, Mr Weasley." The elderly acknowledged, pulling the girl from her morbid thoughts. "Perhaps it would be more useful if I turned Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket-watch? That way, one of you might be on time." She scolded them in a serious matter and Harry replied to the Professor honestly, "We got lost..." McGonagall obviously wasn't having it with the boys' tardiness today. One would be daft not see the apparent-ness of it all. That was not even a word, was it?

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