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"Welcome, my children..." The old female teacher at the front of the extremely tacky and vibrant decorative space of the classroom greeted, waving a slender, bony hand the students' way.

(Y/N) took in the older woman's bird's nest of frizzy, voluminous honey blonde hair, large, oversized bubble glasses, her thin, frail figure, which was cladded in multi-coloured velvet robes, overly thin lips, wrinkly skin and bug-like eyes. She appeard strange, yes, however, the Gryffindor girl found herself to be quite fascinated, entranced by their newest professor. It was always a good sign to stand out from the rest. (Y/N) smiled a small smile. "In this room, you shall explore the Noble Art...of Divination. In this room, you shall discover, if you possess The Sight!" She stood clumsily from her cushioned pouffe chair, bumping into her wooden desk in the process, causing a number of items to wiggle and a few to fall. "I am Professor Trelawney, -" Sybil, was her first name. "- together, we shall cast ourselves...into the future!" Professor Trelawney exclaimed and (Y/N) flinched back, putting a hand to her heart. Energetic, she liked it. The total complete opposite of Professor Severus Snape.

She continued richly, voice deep, and smooth, "This Term, we'll be focusing on on Tasseomancy, which is the Art, of...Reading Tea Leaves. So please...take a cup of the person sitting opposite you." She instructed the students and each obliged, many of their eyes enlarged as they stared at her oddly. (Y/N), herself, silently exchanged tea cups with Harry and Ron, an amused look across her facial features when she scanned over their befuddled, scrunched up faces. Inwardly, she sniggered. Trelawney glided speedily across the room, asking softly, "What do you see?" She paused a pregnant silence, adding to the dramatics of the already, um ardent? classroom. There were no correct terminology for their Divination class. "The truth lies, buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read." (Y/N) oddly enough understood every word the professor rambled on and on about...-

"But first! You must broaden your minds. First! You must look...beyond!"

-...excluding that specific part.

Sybil Trelawney raised her hands high above her head and the mix of students leered up at her. "Oh, what a load of rubbish!" (Y/N) gasped, her breath catching inside her throat when Hermione suddenly appeared out of no where, a flash of sparkling gold vanishing between the folds of her maroon and midnight black Gryffindor robes. For a second time that day, the wide, (Y/H/C) eyed girl put a hand to her rapid beating heart, not too fond of the surprises at all. She stared at the curly haired brunette in shock, before it melted into confusion. Had she been there the entire time...? Had (Y/N) accidently devour too much pudding the night before? Oh no! Was she...hallucinating?


That would not be good.

Harry and Ron jumped miles from their cushioned seats as well, orbs as wide as dinner plates, "Where did you come from?" The former questioned, the mop of his red hair whipping wildly as his lips pulled down uncomfortably, pursing it.

Ah, so not just (Y/N), then?

Good to know, good to know.

"Me?" Hermione stared at him with wide, innocent deep chocolate brown eyes. "I've been here all this time." Hm. Something smelt rather fishy; and let it be known that it was not the jars of suspicious looking ingredients stored in the Potions Cupboard.

"You, boy...!" Trelawney pointed a long slender finger at someone at the front, (Y/N) could not see who. "Is your Grandmother quite well?" She asked.

"I think so." It was Neville who squeaked the reply smally. Dean Thomas placed the aforementioned boy's cup into the Professor's bony hand and her face scrunched up, earning a slight frown from (Y/N) and a dragged out sigh from Hermione. Trelawney spared a glance at Neville through her thick glasses, thin mouth turning upside down, "Pity!" She said, unperturbed. Dean and Neville shared looks of bemusement, causing the former to take the small cup between the pads of his fingertips, studying critically, while the latter flipped through the pages of their given handbooks; his thick, black eyebrows pulling together curiously.

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