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Harry, Ron, Hermione and (Y/N) discreetly snuck out of the Castle, rushing out at the face pace of a Nimbus Two-thousand Broomstick. Well, something close it, anyway. Harry loudly banged on the wood of the door, awaiting Hagrid's presence. Said man opened the door and his dark brown eyes widened. Harry said his name, but he interrupted him abruptly. "Oh! Hello! Sorry, I don' wish to be rude, but I'm in no fit state to entertain today." He was closing the door mid-way, but the voices of the children stopped him.

"We know about The Philosopher's Stone!" He opened the door, and spoke fruitlessly. "Oh." Hagrid agreed for them to enter his Hut and Harry told him. "We think Snape is trying to steal it." The bulky man questioned in both surprise and confusion, pulling his bushy brown brows together. He stared at him. "Snape? Blimey, yer not still on abou' 'im, are ye?" Harry argued meaningfully, staring up at the man. "Hagrid, we know he's after after the Stone. We just don't know why!" Hagrid reasoned with him, his thin lips pulling down. "Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone. 'e's not about to steal it."

(Y/N) asked confused, glancing at Hermione. "What? But -"

"Ye heard it right. Come on now, I'm a bit preoccupied today..." Hagrid said to them, clearly not wanting to be in their utmost annoying presence. Which, they were not. Harry interrupted, narrowing his green eyes to slits. "Wait a minute...One of the teachers?" He asked and Hermione's brown eyes grew large. "Of course!" The bushy haired brunette exclaimed. Hagrid denied, "Wasted bloody time, if ye ask me! Ain't no one's gonna get past Fluffy. Ain't a soul knows how. Except me and Dumbledore." He paused for a heartbeat, realising what he had just said. "I shouldn't have told ye that...I should not have told you that." They stared at him until they heard the sound of crunch and crackling. (Y/N) flitted her gaze to the stewing, black pot behind Hagrid and the former's eyes followed hers and he quickly picked up the long sphere of an egg. She swallowed nervously, shifting in her seat. "Uhh...Hagrid. What exactly is that?" She pointed at the object in his hands with her shaky index finger.

Hagrid was unable to find the correct words, stuttering and spluttering out words dumbly. "That is a...it's ummm..." Ron's mouth fell open as he gasped in delight. "I know what that is! But...Hagrid, how did you get one?" The man in question explained to the curious children. "I won it. Off a stranger I met down at the Pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, as a matter of fact!" He finished and (Y/N) studied the egg with care. It was pretty.

A satisfying crunch sound erupted. Everyone stepped a few safe spaces back then, it hatched. Crrrrch! Her (Y/E/C) orbs grew to saucers when she laid her eyes upon the mystical creature before them. And how adorable it was! She almost "Awe'd" out loud, but decided against it. (Y/N) was not ready to show that side of herself to her friends yet. They'd definately run away.

Hermione gasped out a breath, gazing at Hagrid in amusement. "Is that...a Dragon?" Their redheaded friend said matter of factly, staring at the animal with pure interest. "That's not just a Dragon! That's a Norwegian Ridgeback! My Brother, Charlie, works with these in Romania!" Hagrid greeted the Dragon...the, erm, Norwegmasomethingwatchamaycallit - petting it with a large mittened clad hand, the animal responded with a funny, cat or bird-like squeak.

She snorted.


"Norbert?" Harry questioned confused, his eyes on Hagrid.

A deep, throaty chuckle erupted from Hagrid and (Y/N) smiled a small smile at him. He looked so happy. "Yeah, well, he's gotta have a name, doesn't 'e? Don't ye, Norbert?" He continued to stroke his pet Dragon peacefully, it made a chain of those strange sounds and (Y/N) had to keep herself from laughing out of respect - well she did snort, but she's just going to blow past that moment - when it let out a full-blown sneeze and enlightening a luminous orange fire on Hagrid's curly, bushy, brown beard. He panicked, but extinguished it just in time.

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