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To say that it was awkward between (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Draco Malfoy would be the understatement of the century. Because why? Because their current 'acquaintanship' was officially strained, detained, destroyed, demolished, shattered, wrecked, smashed, damaged, wasted and ruined - also, utterly and completely weird. Not once, during Lunchtime two days before did they look at one another, the Slytherin and Gryffindor did not even spare much of a mere glance each other's way. Draco was back to being his far-too-dramatic, ego inflated, Slytherin Royale self, and (Y/N) returned to blending into the shadows of others by focusing on her schoolwork, reading books and never opening her mouth.

Back to 'normal...', tick.

Both were in denial. Both were hurt. Both said things they hadn't meant. Both were being ignorant. But it was all just an act. An act of pretending like nothing had ever happened between them. But...it was the way things were supposed to be, right? Between a Muggleborn, like herself, and a Pureblood, like him. The only problem was, neither of them wanted it to end, whatever it had been. Neither of them wanted to...forget. Whatever it was between them. However, Draco was right. They did live worlds apart. They lived different lives. They were different people.

It took her too long to finally have come to terms with the fact. Seldom, she understood. And as did Draco. So...it was back to page one:


The thing was, though, the words Draco Malfoy had thrown her with, did not make her hate him, because she didn't hate him. She couldn't hate him. She would never - hate him. Ergo, what Draco Malfoy had said, his voice honest and harsh, however the truth nonetheless, only made her hate herself more...Hurting someone, anyone, could be easy, as flunking a stone into the vast sea. Did one truly have any idea how deep that stone could go? Words, sometimes cut deeper than any war weaponry ever could. And Draco's words, would stick with her for a very, very, very long time. Perhaps forevermore.

Still, (Y/N) would not hate him.

Pry, how do you forgive the sore? The things that cut deep within your flesh, to the marrow of your bones, to the priceless treasure chests inside your heart, the things you held close, especially if you did not learn anything from it? How could your dreams...all of the sudden have felt so - ruined? In her mind, she stood outside, it was raining, and she was wondering how a person could feel so utterly alone, even when surrounded by hundreds of people. She was an overwhelm of broken, only if (Y/N) (Y/L/N) could understand. Her tears continued roll because of him. How had Draco Malfoy thought she could take it? When he hit her with that, she was tired. Just tired.

A knockout.

It was sort of, as if he had smeared her filthy. But, her heart, it kept on breaking. Until it became nothing short of a outer layer of bare skin...

Draco Lucius Malfoy didn't forget though. The memory was imprinted unto his own black and blue heart, woven, stitched. A permanent reminder. He had witnessed her dripping tears, he had watched as her soft heart ripped apart when he opened his damn mouth, as he spat words he had not meant. He watched the sparkle in her (Y/E/C) eyes fade, the prettiest grin he had ever seen, gone. He had snatched a part of her, like a thief, a criminal, and he knew that, thus, it was late - Far. Too. Late.

Why did the words have to had run out? What Draco and (Y/N) had said, did not matter, the things that they always wanted to know, must suddenly have been forgotten, but they kept on wondering over the answers they wanted to say instead, to have listened to one another. Could one ever understand....without words, without reason? (Y/N) didn't know those eyes grey anymore, the intense, curiosity-driven looks he gave her before, did not seem like the ones that were given. Her heart realised now, something that he did not believe. Where did everything go wrong?

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