F I F T E E N | The Chamber Of Secrets

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(Y/N) strolled through the busy streets of Diagon Alley, the list of her qualified necessities written on a sheet of parchment grasped in the fingertips of her hand. Her Mother, Gertrude (Y/L/N), was preoccupied with paperwork at their beloved home, which meant that the tween twelve year old girl had to do the desired things herself, without much of some help. As always. However, she was use to it.

First, she bought her needed writing supplies, also known as Quills in the Wizarding World - fancy - and fitting robes; the girl had grown quite a lot during the time span of Summer Break.

Her (Y/H/C) hair has grown tremendously longer as well and her facial structure appeared to be more defined and slightly toned. Mostly, anyway. Probably. Her body has also found its more fitting form and shape, and of course, she was taller. Taller! Even if it was just a centimetre or two...but, still! She was taller! Ehem, (Y/N) only had one final shop to visit, which was Flourish And Blotts, for the series of books she required to continue into her Second Year. It would be fun...because, well, she just loved books, no matter the sort or Gerne.

If she could, she would choose to read forever and ever and ever. (Y/N) would do anything to rid of her current reality.

The loneliness.

Books were her escape. The adventure, the mystery...the love. Amazing Worlds one can explore and educate about.

(Y/N)'s stuffed animals were her only company. Which was quite sad when one thinks about it. Imagine, a Five-year old without any friends. Brutal. Her Tea Parties always were the absolute best and her porcelain Dolly's, Mr. Brown Bear included, profoundly enjoyed her wood-carved Cakes, muffins and pastries, soufflés and so on. She served the bestest air.

Her bedroom was very well known as her 'Safe Space'. Where she was never, ever alone. Nor judged. Where she could just be herself, without others manipulating, judging her. Where no one could hurt her.

A place where she belonged.

Where she was just...free.

Where she could forever read. And live the amazing adventures her fictional characters conjure, a place where she could live her dream, where she could escape.

Find her place in this World.

Live in a better tomorrow.

Discover a place where she could be brave. Different. Stronger.

A place where (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was so, so much more than some let on - nothing.

But she can't.

Because of all that Wonders and silly little Dreams of hers, only existed inside of her internal head; and the harsh, eery reality she lived in, was busy closing in on it. So...why even try? Why even take a chance? A second shot? When you know darn well, that it is never going to get better nor change for the good. She repeats that in particularly to herself everyday, yet it seems to make absolutely no difference at all. What's the use in trying, when you know you're going to get slapped hard in the face by bullies, manipulatives - Dominants. The World, and its unruly crude games. Its bad people. Was it worth it?

No. No, she does not think so.

Not one tidbit.

Why pick up the broken pieces, and fix the fallen building blocks by yourself, when one knows that there are people out there, who might just have the desire to destroy it. Not. Worth. It. However, there are good things - people, that are worth fighting for. People that are worth the dangerous risk.

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