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"(Y/N)!" Harry greeted her sweating and panting form. "We have been wondering where you were..."

She breathed heavily a few moments longer, pointing her index finger at him, before resting both her hands on her knees, catching her lost breath. "Sorry! I accidently got lost...after, after Madam...Hooch's...period. Gosh, how many...blasted staircases are there?" She looked back up again and met their eyes as Ron told her. "(Y/N), you wouldn't believe this!" She had learnt that Harry was nominated as the Gryffindor Seeker for the Quidditch team and that his father was one as well, back in the day.

She did miss that though unfortunately due to some kind of particular staircases that decided to move during a very, very inconvenient time! Ehem, anyway, the four friends began strutting towards their Common Room that was up the marble staircases and Ron caught up with Harry, as (Y/N) walked calmly beside Hermione, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Stupid stairs! Today wasn't her best hair day, it seemed.

Or, you know, in general.

"I'm telling you, it's spooky! She knows more about you than you know about yourself!" Ron told Harry, freaking out a little. Said boy replied, easily, shrugging his shoulders, "Who doesn't?" Before anyone could answer Harry, the marble stairs began moving and she let out a gasp of surprise as they moved into another direction than the way that was planned.

"What's happening?" The raven haired boy questioned.

"The staircases change, remember?" Hermione reminded them. The stairs stopped suddenly, landing the children on the Third Floor. The forbidden floor. She was never the one for breaking rules, or have fun, for that matter. This was a huge step-down for her principals. "Let's go this way." Harry said to them, pointing to his desired route to take with his index finger. "Before the staircases move again."

(Y/N) spared a longing glance once more at the stairs before hesitantly following behind her friends, her Heart beating rapidly fast inside of her chest. "Oh, no..." She muttered to herself quietly and worriedly. "I don't like this at all." (Y/N) let out a stressed out sigh and went inside the dark room, a few paces behind the Hermione and Harry. Ron was the last to enter.

"Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?" He asked them, his voice wavering in the slightest.

Hermione stated the obvious, "We're not supposed to be here. This is the Third Floor. It's forbidden." (Y/N) wrapped her small arms around her middle, suddenly feeling afraid and vulnerable, she furrowed her brows and worried lines appeared on her forehead. It was very dark.

A cream marble pillar suddenly ignited a bright fire, lighting the cryptic room they were stood in and she jumped back. Harry gulped. "Let's go." He turned around, but spotted a cat with grey fur, long pointed ears and glowing golden orbs of eyes. It meowed a nasty meow and the group stepped back from the sitting animal. "It's Filch's cat!" Hermione exclaimed seriously.


The four ran with full speed as the cat stood still, they ran through the dark room, as the heels of their leather shoes clicked on the stone floor. The statues began lighting up with flames of orange fire. Harry spotted a wooden door nearby and tried budging at the door to open it, but struggled heavily, to no use. "Ugh! It's locked!" Ron whimpered, his lips pulling down. "That's it! We're done for!" He cried out, already losing hope. Hermione rolled her eyes at them and pushed Harry away. "Oh! Move over!" (Y/N) watched as she pulled out her Wand and waved it at the lock, saying a funny word, "Alohamora!"

The door unlocked and Hermione glanced at (Y/N) and the others, saying, "Get in!" Hermione was the first to go inside and the three of them fruitlessly followed. Ron closed the wooden door behind him and asked Hermione curiously. "Alohamora?" She retorted to him with ease. "Standard Book Of Spells, Chapter Seven." Hermione explained as (Y/N) leaned the side of her head against the hardwood to listen if Filch and Mrs. Norris were still remained inside. "He is gone..." (Y/N) announced to them, her voice shaking slightly.

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