F O U R T Y - O N E

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Dearest Readers

I'm so very sorry in advance, this chapter is poorly written, because I am sick...physically, mentally. Yah!!!

On a happier note, Draco and (Y/N)'s Sixth Year is perfectly planned out and all-ready written, along with their first kiss, and an apology scene. Sooooo -

Forgive me?

Your Author

PS. *whispers* this is a double update!


"Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege." Professor McGonagall reminded the clumps of students who were crowding in a swarm together at the centre of the Hogwarts courtyard. "Should your behaviour reflect poorly in the school, in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again!" Harry bashfully stepped forwards, and with shaky fingers, extended to McGonagall his permission slip. She eyed it wearily, "No permission form signed, no visiting the village," she spoke up, gazing down at Harry sadly through her spectacles. "That's the rule, Potter."

"Those with permission, follow me," Argus Filch grunted unpleasantly as he descended down from the staircase, "And those without, stay put." A handful of students of all houses followed behind Filch's moving figure, while (Y/N), Hermione and Ron stayed behind, waiting patiently for Harry.

"But, Professor, I thought if you could sign it, I could -" he tried, but McGonagall shook her head repeatedly. "I can't," she sighed through her nose and (Y/N)'s mouth pulled down in the corners, "Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate." Professor McGonagall began to walk away, however, she stopped shortly and faced Harry Potter. She placed a leathery hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry, Potter." She murmured sincerely, "That's my final word." Harry groaned in frustration, then he turned sharply to look at his best friends, green eyes guarded.

"Forget it, guys. See you later."

(Y/N) and Hermione both sighed, whilst Ron stared after Harry's retreating back sadly. The three friends followed after the rest of the students, along with Minerva and Argus. At once, (Y/N) whispered, her small arms wrapped around her body to keep herself safe from the chill, "I feel so bad for Harry." She told Hermione and Ron, who turned their heads, "This could've been our first ever Hogsmeade trip with him..."

Hermione nodded, but said nothing.

Suddenly, Ron suggested, a joyful gleam in his crystal blue eyes, "Let's give him some souvenirs!" He smiled brightly, "I'm sure he'd appreciate some sweets from Honeydukes."

(Y/N) grinned up at him, "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Ron."


"Honeydukes's Sweet Shop is absolutely brilliant," (Y/N)'s redheaded friend exclaimed as the Golden Group ascended the stairs of to go to the Gryffindor Common Room. "But, nothing candles Zonko's Joke Shop! We never got the chance to visit the Shrieking Shack, though. Heard it's the most -"

"Haunting building in Britain, I know." Harry then noticed something that thew him off as he looked around him, a bunch of students were crowded at the entrance of the Gryffindor Dorms, "What's going on?" He frowned. Next to him, (Y/N) shrugged, just as confused. "Neville's probably forgotten the password again..." Ron breathed in disappointment behind her. 

"Hey!" She heard the squeaky voice of above mentioned boy exclaim. (Y/N) turned and let out a little giggle; Neville's bambi-like eyes had gone wide and his thin lips were parted in shock as he stared Ron down in offence. Ron gasped loudly, in both realisation and embarrassment, "Oh! You're there." (Y/N) shook her head in amusement as she met the Weasley's eyes. He flushed as red as the colour of his hair.

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