2. Teach Me[Part 1]

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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

Summary: Eddie notices you watching him in class and asks you for your help.

TW/CW: Smut, 18+ only, minors DNI. Thigh riding, grinding, fingering, PIV, ring-kink, mutual pining, idiots in love, possessive!eddie toward the end

 Thigh riding, grinding, fingering, PIV, ring-kink, mutual pining, idiots in love, possessive!eddie toward the end

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Ms. O'Donnel's class was kind of a bitch. Even you had to admit it, and you did pretty well for yourself in school.

You had been stealing glances at Eddie Munson all year-- the older, charming, slightly dangerous but all-too-fluffy dungeon master with the best damn hair you'd ever seen.

You came from different worlds and two obviously opposite ends of the social spectrum. Eddie was loud and loved to make a scene, putting his humor on display for any and everyone with no regrets. Whereas you tried to stay to yourself and avoid human interaction to the best of your ability.

That didn't stop what was once your little spark of interest with Eddie from turning into a full on wildfire; vibrant flames that were fanned every time you saw that devilish grin of his.

You had to work hard to avert your eyes as he drummed on his notebook with his pencil, twirling the ends of his hair with his free hand. You'd look away successfully, just to feel your eyes slowly drifting back to him moments later.

His rings caught your eye this time as he played with his hair, the different silver bands catching the sunlight as his fingers bent and twirled around the strands of hair. You had to swallow back the audible gasp that rose in your throat when he suddenly turned his head and caught you staring.

You quickly looked down at your desk, scribbling nonsense in your notebook as if you'd been working away the whole class period - not daydreaming about his ring-clad fingers being wrapped around your throat.

You could feel your heart ramming against your ribcage as you willed the bell to ring, granting you a sweet escape into the sea of people that would flood the hallways, hiding you from the piercing doe eyes that were burning into you now.

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