6. when i think about you, i touch myself

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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader

summary: you & eddie have been friends forever. when he arrives early to your house one day to hang out, he encounters something unexpected. part 1 of 2.

warnings: smut, obviously. basically reader touches herself and eddie watches, unbeknownst to her.

Hanging out with y/n had always been a major highlight for Eddie

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Hanging out with y/n had always been a major highlight for Eddie. The two had been friends since her arrival in Hawkins during Eddie's second senior year, when she herself had entered her first & only senior cycle. She chose to remain in Hawkins after she graduated, a fact that left Eddie completely baffled. She was smart, she was driven, she could grab the world by the ass if she wanted, so why stay in a shitty town like Hawkins? In any case, though, Eddie was glad that she was still there; it gave him something to look forward to, aside from Hellfire Club and shows with his band.

Weekends belonged mostly to them, unless they had other obligations. She also never missed one of his Tuesday shows, and they always hung out together afterward. They would go to one of their homes-usually hers-where they listened to music, smoked weed, drank beer, and just enjoyed each other's company. Not only did they have fun every time they were together, but they were each other's rock. Eddie didn't have a best friend-hell, he barely had a handful of real friends-but y/n was as close as it got for him. When something good happened, she was the first he went to so they could celebrate together. When he needed to vent, or was angry, or frustrated, she was the first he came to so that she could calm him down; it was something she was damn good at doing. They knew everything about each other-or at least, almost everything. Eddie had a secret, one that he would never dare speak aloud.

He was in love with her.

He could even pinpoint the exact moment it happened. It was close to the end of the 1984-85 school year, and that particular day had been terribly rainy. Neither of them had an umbrella or raincoat, and by the time Eddie had driven them to her place, it was coming down like a damn waterfall. Both had become soaked in the short distance from Eddie's van to her front door, and they had to change into drier clothes right away. She'd put on a long shirt with shorts beneath, and she gave him some oversized clothes that she believed would fit until his own were dry. Once they were toweled off and changed, they sat on the couch to watch a movie before her parents got home. Eddie didn't even know what the film was, nor could he tell anyone if he tried to remember. y/n had taken to lying against him, cuddling close as he held her in turn. The warmth of her body, the sound of her laughter at the film, feeling her just existing against him as her focus remained on the television...it had been the most beautifully simple thing in the world. It had opened an absolute Pandora's box of emotions for him, and he fell fucking hard for her.

He could never tell her, though. He knew that someone as beautiful as y/n would never love him in return, nor would she ever want to. How could she, when she was a goddess and he was Eddie Munson? He was a freak, an outcast who drank too much, did too many drugs and dealt even more, was a high school senior at the age of twenty, and played D&D with a group of teenagers. Not only that, but she was always dating someone-in school and out-or gushed over this person or that person, so the feelings were likely unreciprocated. Eddie felt as if he deserved an award for not losing his shit and revealing his true feelings in the process, every damn time someone new entered her picture.

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